अनुप्रयुक्त गणित का विभाग
About the Department
The department of Applied Sciences was established in 1958 in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology which was later split into three sections namely, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. In January 1988, the Mathematics section was upgraded to a full fledged Department of Applied Mathematics. Department imparts teaching of mathematics courses to B Tech, M Tech and B E (Evening) students of all branches. Currently, the department has 3 Professors, 3 Associate Professors and 7 Assistant Professors.
The department started M Phil and PhD programs in various specializations in 1988 and since then 60 students have obtained M Phil and 70 PhD degrees from the department. At the moment 18 are enrolled for Ph.D. program. Faculty members of the department have published more than 550 research papers in National and International journals of repute. (Research Paper up to 31-12-2022).
Department has digital data based Seminar Library with around 2500 books and enriched with 2 Journals namely, Journal of Calcutta Mathematical Society and Asian-European Journal of Mathematics. Department also maintains a Computer Research Laboratory for Research Scholars.