अनुप्रयुक्त गणित का विभाग


Dept. data last updated on :15/02/2025

SoPs for Equipment

1. Details of faulty Equipment have to be entered in the assigned repairing register of the Department. 

2. In-charge/Departmental committee takes the estimate for Instrument that needs to be repaired. 

3. As per requirement and availability of funds, In-charge/Departmental committee will take permission for the repair of Instruments from the University. 

4. After approval, an order is placed as per University rules applicable at the time. 5. If faculty is satisfied with the working of repaired Equipment, then bills has to be submitted to Accounts Section of University through proper channel for making payment to the vendor.

SoPs for Teaching

1) Make student feel safe and be friendly.

2) Initiate conversational activities in the classroom.

3) Acknowledge the change and offer help.

4) prepare the teaching plan for the subject.

5) Observe every student in the class and maintain attendance record.

6) Use Text book, Study materials and Teaching aids

7) Encourage the students to ask questions or clear doubts.

8) Arrange remedial classes for slow learners.

9) Motivate the students and develop interest in the subject.

10) Be regular and punctual in the class.

SoPs for Office

  1. A faculty member is appointed as an office In-Charge by the Chairperson of the Department to look after the smooth running of the office.
  2.  Be regular and punctual in the office.
  3.  Avoid personal conversation at your desk
  4.  Maintain office records and complete the assigned work in time.
  5.  Switch off the fans, lights and electronic equipments before leaving the office.

SoPs for Computer Laboratory

1. Department of Applied Mathematics has a computer lab. It has computers with required software(s) and internet facility to fulfill the requirement of the students.

2. The Lab is used to promote research in cutting-edge topics in scientific research.

3. Students may visit the Lab according to their working hours. They need to enter their details in the Computer Lab Register at the time of entry.

4. Lab computers can be accessed through the unique login id provided to all students of the Department.

5. Before leaving the Lab, he/she needs to enter leaving time in the Computer Lab Register.

6. Software(s) installed in the computers are licensed. Department follows a standard procedure of procurement and usage in line with the Central Purchase Policy of the University whenever new required Software(s) are needed.

7. Computer Lab runs under the surveillance of authorized person (Lab in-charge) assigned by the Chairperson of the Department. It has a programmer and a lab attendant to maintain smooth functionality of the lab.

SoPs for Seminar Library

Department of Applied Mathematics has Seminar Library equipped with about 2,500 books on different topics of Mathematics. Apart from steadily acquiring recent books on Advanced Mathematics, it has more than 5 periodicals through subscription and mutual exchange. It facilitates both Faculty and Students, as well as Visiting Faculty. Faculties and Research Scholars of the Department are allowed to access books as per the Seminar Library rules during working hours only.

Books in the Seminar Library are Cataloged with Accession numbers in line with the procedure followed by the Maulana Azad Library of the University.

Students can access, in addition to all the books of the Seminar Library, a section of books and materials especially for NET/JRF preparation which facilitate them in studying and preparing for competitive examinations. These books can be accessed/borrowed by producing valid identity cards of the University after making entries in the issue/return register.

NOTE: In case of loss/damage, the concerned has to bear the cost of the book OR has to submit the latest edition of the book.

Chairman and Professor