इल्मुल अदबिया (औषध विज्ञान) का विभाग

पदक और पुरस्कार

Dept. data last updated on :18/02/2025
Best Presentation Award in the National Seminar on Good Agricultural Practices of Selected Medicinal Plants, organized by the Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, held from 16-18 November 2024

Dr. Aisha Razi, M.D. (Ilmul Advia) (Batch 2022), received the Best Presentation Award in the National Seminar on Good Agricultural Practices of Selected Medicinal Plants, organized by the Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, held from 16-18 November 2024.

Third position in the competitive event for resident doctors, showcasing his knowledge and skills in the field, at the two-day conference on “Vaccination 2023: Vaccine and Safety Concerns.” The event was organized by the Department of Pharmacology, J.N. Medical College, A.M.U., Aligarh, on 12-13 July 2023

Dr. Fazlurrehman, M.D. (Ilmul Advia) (Batch 2021) student, secured third position in the competitive event for resident doctors, showcasing his knowledge and skills in the field, at the two-day conference on “Vaccination 2023: Vaccine and Safety Concerns.” The event was organized by the Department of Pharmacology, J.N. Medical College, A.M.U., Aligarh, on 12-13 July 2023.

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD-HAKIM ABDUL AZIZ NATIONAL AWARD 2021 in the field of research in Unani medicine on 7th February 2021

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD-HAKIM ABDUL AZIZ NATIONAL AWARD 2021 in the field of research in Unani medicine on 7th February 2021 the occasion of World Unani Medicine day -2021 by Hamara Unani Research and Training center, Saharanpur in association with Haziq Remedies.

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received STAR OF UNANI WORLD Award-2020 for outstanding individual achievements & distinguished services in the field of Unani Medicine

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received STAR OF UNANI WORLD Award for outstanding individual achievements & distinguished services in the field of Unani Medicine on 12 February 2020 by All India Unani Tibbi Congress, New Delhi.

Dr. Abdur Rauf received Hakim Ahmed Ashraf Memorial National Award -2019

Dr. Abdur Rauf received Hakim Ahmed Ashraf Memorial National Award (2019) presented by Hakim Ahmed Ashraf Memorial Society on the 30th Day of November 2019, Hyderabad.

Dr. Sana Nafees, M.D. Student of the department received CC Kartha Award on 02.03.2019

Dr. Sana Nafees, M.D. Student of the department received CC Kartha Award on 02.03.2019 at the International Conference on Transnational Research in Cardiovascular Sciences organized by Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, NIMHANS Convention Center, Bengaluru.

Prof. Kunwar Mohammad Yusuf Amin received Mohammad Ilyas Dehlvi Nishan-e-Tibb Award 2017 in 1st World Unani Congress held at Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi on 06 to 07.03.2017.

Prof. Kunwar Mohammad Yusuf Amin received Mohammad Ilyas Dehlvi Nishan-e-Tibb Award 2017 in 1st World Unani Congress held at Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi on 06 to 07.03.2017.

Prof. Abdul Latif received Mohammad Ilyas Dehlvi Nishan-e-Tibb Award 2017 in 1st World Unani Congress held at Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi on 06 to 07.03.2017.

Prof. Abdul Latif received Mohammad Ilyas Dehlvi Nishan-e-Tibb Award 2017 in 1st World Unani Congress held at Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi on 06 to 07.03.2017.

Prof. Abdul Latif received Ibn Sina Public Health Award for the Lifetime Outstanding Contribution in Significant Research & Advances in 2015

Prof. Abdul Latif received Ibn Sina Public Health Award for the Lifetime Outstanding Contribution in Significant Research & Advances in 2015.

Prof. Kunwar Mohammad Yusuf Amin received Life Time Achievement Award in Unani System of Medicine by ICMHAIIMS-2014 on 9 to 14.01.2014

Prof. Kunwar Mohammad Yusuf Amin received Life Time Achievement Award in Unani System of Medicine by ICMHAIIMS-2014 on 9 to 14.01.2014.

Dr. Mohd. Bilal Tafseer received First ACN Excellence Award given by the ACN Group of Institutions on 13.10.2018

Dr. Mohd. Bilal Tafseer received First ACN Excellence Award given by the ACN Group of Institutions for his Stupendous Efforts in the Academic Development of the Institution on the Occasion of 1st National Conference on Future Prospects of Unani Medicine in the Management of Life Style Disorders & Pre-Conference Workshop on Diagnostic Tools of Dermatology held on 13.10.2018.

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received Outstanding Woman in Health and Medical Science Award given by the Venus International Foundation, Chennai on 31.03.2018.

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received Outstanding Woman in Health and Medical Science Award given by the Venus International Foundation, Chennai on the Occasion of Venus International Women Awards-VIWA 2018 held on 31.03.2018.

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received Bharat Excellence Award given by Friendship Forum, New Delhi on 28.07.2019

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received Bharat Excellence Award given by Friendship Forum, New Delhi for her outstanding and extra-ordinary Achievements in her Chosen Fields of Activity and Services Rendered to promote greater Friendship and India-International Co-operation on 28.07.2019.

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received Certificate of Felicitation for her Outstanding Contribution and Praiseworthy Achievements in the Chosen Field for the year 2019 by Friendship Forum on 28.07.2019

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received Certificate of Felicitation for her Outstanding Contribution and Praiseworthy Achievements in the Chosen Field for the year 2019 by Friendship Forum on 28.07.2019.

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received Leading Educationist of India Award given by Friendship Forum, New Delhi on 28.07.2019

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received Leading Educationist of India Award for outstanding Individual Achievements & Distinguished Services to the Nation given by Friendship Forum, New Delhi on 28.07.2019.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received IHF Global Award-2016 as Best Unani Scholar on 19.02.2016.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received IHF Global Award-2016 as Best Unani Scholar by Islahi Healthcare Foundation, New Delhi on 19.02.2016.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received Institutional Award on 14.01.2014.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received Modern / India / Alternative System of Medicine (ICMHAIIMS-2014) Institutional Award on the occasion of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Healthcare at AIIMS, New Delhi on 14.01.2014.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received Best Teacher Award for Drug Research on 11.02.2017.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received Best Teacher Award for Drug Research given by Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India on the occasion of National Unani Day (Birthday of Hakeem Ajmal Khan) on 11.02.2017.

Prof. Abdul Latif received Teacher's Excellence Award for outstanding contribution in the field of education on 04.09.2015

Prof. Abdul Latif received Teacher's Excellence Award for outstanding contribution in the field of education given by Confederation of Education Excellence (CEE), New Delhi on 04.09.2015.

Prof. (Hm.) Naeem Ahmad Khan received Pentagon Excellence Award-2018 for his contribution in medicine on 14.01.2018

Prof. (Hm.) Naeem Ahmad Khan received Pentagon Excellence Award-2018 for his contribution in medicine on 14.01.2018 by Zakir Hussain Foundation (ZHF), Aligarh in its 14th Annual Function and National Seminar on Sir Syed Vision and Efforts for Women Education to observe Sir Syed's vision and Efforts for Women Education to observe Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's bicentenary birth anniversary celebrations at the University Polytechnic Auditorium, A.M.U., Aligarh.

Prof. (Hm.) Naeem Ahmad Khan received Lifetime Achievement Award In Unani Medicine in the Best Academician Category on 11.02.2019

Prof. (Hm.) Naeem Ahmad Khan received Lifetime Achievement Award in Unani Medicine in the Best Academician Category by Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India on Unani Day held on 11.02.2019 (



Chairman and Associate Professor