इल्मुल अदबिया (औषध विज्ञान) का विभाग

समाचार और प्रकाशन

Dept. data last updated on :18/02/2025

Dr. Aisha Razi, M.D. (Ilmul Advia) (Batch 2022), received the Best Presentation Award in the National Seminar on Good Agricultural Practices of Selected Medicinal Plants, organized by the Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, held from 16-18 November 2024


Dr. Fazlurrehman, M.D. (Ilmul Advia) (Batch 2021) student, secured third position in the competitive event for resident doctors, showcasing his knowledge and skills in the field, at the two-day conference on “Vaccination 2023: Vaccine and Safety Concerns.” The event was organized by the Department of Pharmacology, J.N. Medical College, A.M.U., Aligarh, on 12-13 July 2023.


Celebration of World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week 2024 from 18th to 24th November, 2024

The Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), marked World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week 2024 from 18th to 24th November, 2024 with the theme “Educate. Advocate. Act Now.” The initiative aimed to raise awareness about the global AMR threat and explore strategies for its effective mitigation.

The week-long event featured a series of enlightening lectures by distinguished speakers. On 18th November, Prof. Asad U. Khan from the Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, A.M.U., Aligarh spoke on “Antimicrobial Resistance Silent Pandemic: One Health Approach to Tackle”, emphasizing the interconnected roles of human, animal, and environmental health in addressing AMR. A Poster Making Competition was held on 19th November, among undergraduate and postgraduate students to creatively express their understanding of AMR, inspiring proactive engagement in which 14 students participated in the event.

On 21st November, Prof. Fatima Khan from the Department of Microbiology, J.N. Medical College, delivered a lecture on “Antimicrobial Stewardship: Our Role in Combating Resistance and Shaping the Future,” highlighting the importance of responsible antibiotic use. On 22nd November, Prof. Abdul Latif, Former Chairman of the Department of Ilmul Advia, discussed “Unani Herbal Antibiotic/ Antimicrobial: A Need of the Day,” focusing on the sustainable solutions offered by Unani medicine in combating AMR. The last lecture was delivered on 23rd November by Prof. Mohammad Owais from the Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, addressed the “Role of Immunostimulants in Combating AMR,” showcasing how boosting immunity can reduce dependency on antibiotics.

A prize distribution ceremony on 23rd November recognized winners of the Poster Making Competition. Ms. Asiya Masoom (BUMS student) secured the first prize, followed by Dr. Abdullah Faizul Hasan and Ms. Karima Anees, who won second and third prizes, respectively, while Ms. Sara Aijaz received the consolation prize. Prizes were distributed by Prof. Badrudduja Khan, Principal of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, and Guest Speaker Prof. Mohammad Owais.

Throughout the week, Dr. Abdur Rauf, Chairman of the Department of Ilmul Advia, warmly welcomed and introduced the speakers daily and provided insights into the challenges of AMR and the contributions of Unani Medicine in combating it. The inaugural lecture was presided over by Prof. Ubaidullah Khan, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine, and attended by senior faculty members, including Prof. Ashhar Qadeer, Dr. Nazish Siddiqui, Dr. Mughees Ahmad Ansari, Dr. Sumbul Rehman, Dr. Shamshad Alam, Dr. Mohd. Bilal Tafseer, Dr. Hammad, and Dr. Md. Quamrul Hassan along with P.G. students of the department.

The program saw vibrant participation from students and faculty, fostering awareness and encouraging action against AMR. This initiative underscored the vital role of academic institutions in addressing this global health challenge.

Extension Lecture by Dr. Raman Mohan Singh, Director, PCIM&H, Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India

Aligarh, October 26, 2024 – The Department of Ilmul Advia, Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, hosted an insightful extension lecture on "Quality Standards of ASU Drugs and Role of PCIM&H". The event featured Dr. Raman Mohan Singh, Director of the Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, as the keynote speaker. Faculty members, students, and notable alumni attended the session, which took place at A.K.T.C. Auditorium at 11:30 A.M.


Certification of Appreciation of Dr. Sumbul Rehman for e-contents development


Book - Treasure Trove of Indian Medicine: Combating Lymphatic Filariasis Through An Ancient Herbal Drug Streblus asper Lour by V.K. Singh, Ghufran Ahmad, Sumbul Rehman


Book - Animal House And Laboratory Experimentation by Prof. Abdul Latif, Dr. Abdur Rauf and Dr. Sumbul Rehman


Book - Tafseer Al-Saidla by Hakim Mohd. Bilal Tafseer


Book - Al-Murakkabat by Prof. (Dr.) Ghulam Qutub Chishti and Dr. Sumbul Rehman


Book - Nufhatul Advia by Sayeedur Rehman, Abdur Rauf, Sheikh Aziz Ahmad Maqbool


Text Book of Pharmacognosy by S.H. Afaq and Dr. Abdur Rauf


A Guest Lecture was organized on “Naturally occurring Immunomodulators: Potential in Immunotherapy” delivered by Prof. Mohammad Owais, Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on 12.08.2023 (Saturday) at Conference Room, Department of Ilmul Advia Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh

One Day Hands on Training Workshop On Demonstration of Instruments Used for Research in Unani Medicine [ELISA Reader, Automated Analyser & HPLC] organized by the Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Under the auspices of DRS-II (SAP-II) of UGC On 28th January, 2023 (Saturday)

Third National Seminar on Classical Unani Research Methodology and Adaptation of Modern Research Techniques held on 25th February, 2023 (Saturday) organized by the Department of Ilmul Advia, A.M.U., Aligarh under the auspices of DRS-II (SAP-II) of UGC

Continuing Medical Education (C.M.E.) Programme for Teachers of Ilmul Advia (05 December, 2022 – 10 December, 2022)


National Seminar (Virtual) on Integrative Approach for Research in Unani Medicine

The Department of Ilmul Advia is going to organize a National Seminar (Virtual) on Integrative Approach for Research in Unani Medicine scheduled on 2nd-3rd March 2022 (Wednesday-Thursday).

Innovation and Research are the backbone for the development of any subject concerned with scientific field and research activities are required to be redesigned to have meaningful contributions. The present Seminar will discuss and evaluate the integrated research approach for Standardization, Pharmacognostical, Pharmacological and other Molecular Biotechnological Studies for the promotion of Unani Medicine.publication

To register click on the following link:

List of Research Papers Published by the Faculty Members of the Department of Ilmul Advia during the Assessment Year 2014-2019

Title of Paper

Name of the author/s

Department of the teacher

Name of Journal

Year of publication

ISSN number

Physico-chemical Standardization of NPCF (Non-Pharmacopoeial Compound Formulation) Use in Diabetes Mellitus

Reesha Ahmed, Naeem Ahmad Khan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics

January 2019

Evaluation of In-vivo Antioxidant Activity of Hydro Alcoholic Extract of Linum usitatissimum l. (Tukhm-e-Katan) Against High Fat Diet Induced Rats

Khan Z.J. *, Khan N.A. *, Naseem I. and Nami S.A.A.

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Indian Drugs

February 2019

A Mini Review, Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Brahmi Booti (Centella asiatica)

Reesha Ahmed* & Naeem Ahmad Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews

Jan.-March 2019


A Short Review and Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Unani Drug-Ushba (Smila ornata)

Reesha Ahmed, Naeem Ahmad Khan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics



Exploration of Physicochemical and Phytochemical Potential of Linum Usitatissmum Linn (Tukhm-e-Katan)

Zafar Javed Khan*, Naeem Ahmad Khan*, Imrana Naseem, Shahab A.A. Nami

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology



Exploration of Antioxidant Potential of Moringa oleifera L. (Sehjana) Fruits/Pods on High Fat Diet Induced Rats

Zafar Javed Khan*, Naeem Ahmad Khan*, Imrana Naseem, Shahab A.A. Nami

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Indian Journal of Novel Drug Delivery (IJNDD)



Safety study of Arand leaves (Ricinus communis Linn)

Tarannum Khanam*, Mohd. Yasir, Nazish Siddiqui* and Ghufran Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education



Green Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Copper

Oxide Nanoparticles (CuONPs) from Momordica charantia Against Multidrug-resistance

Ms. Hina Qamar , Sumbul Rehman, Dushyant Chauhan , Ashok Kumar Tiwari , Vikramaditya


* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Scientific Reports. Nature Research [Submitted]




Isolation of bacteriophages

from untreated sewage water against multi-drug resistant E.coli - An initiative to fight against

drug resistance

Hina Qamar, Mohd Owais, D.K. Chauhan, Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

BMC Microbiology


Current Status and Future

Perspective for Research on Medicinal Plants with Anticancerous Activity and Minimum

Cytotoxic Value

Hina Qamar, Sumbul Rehman and D.K. Chauhan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Current Drug Targets. Bentham Science


Copper oxide nanomaterials derived from

Zanthoxylum armatum DC and Berberis lyceum Royle plant species: Characterization,

assessment of free radical scavenging and antibacterial activity

Azar Ullah Mirza, Mohd Shoeb Khanb, Shahab A.A. Nami, Abdul Kareema, Sumbul Rehman, Shahnawaz Ahmad Bhat and Nahid Nishat

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Chem. Biodiversity


Biofabrication of Silver Nanoparticles from Diospyros montana, Their Characterization

and Activity Against Some Clinical Isolates

Khwaja Salahuddin Siddiqi & M. Rashid & Tajuddin & Azamal Husen & Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia



Physicochemical Standardization

and Safety Evaluation of Khar-e-Khasak Khurd (Fruits ofTribulus terrestris): A Unani Drug.

Abdur Rauf, Mohd Waseem and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia


Pharmacovig Drug Safety


Safety study of

a single Unani drug: Saad Kufi (Cyperus scariosus)

Sana Nafees, Huda Nafees, Sumbul Rehman, SZ Rahman and KMY Amin

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Pharmacognosy and




load, pesticides residue, aflatoxin estimation and heavy metals analysis of a single Unani drug

Badranjboya (Melissa officinalis)

Sana Nafees, Huda Nafees, Sumbul Rehman, SZ Rahman and KMY Amin

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia



Physicochemical standardization and Safety study of Kanocha (Phyllanthus maderaspatensis):

A less investigated Unani drug.

Sada Akhtar, Abdur Rauf, Sumbul Rehman and Mohammad Zakir Siddiqui

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews


Standardization and safety study of an important diuretic Unani drug Abhal (Juniper communis)”.

Sada Akhtar, Abdur Rauf, Sumbul Rehman and Mohammad Zakir Siddiqui

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Emerging technology and Innovative Research



Physicochemical standardization and safety evaluation of Mocharas (Gum of Bombax malabaricum): A unani drug.

Sada Akhtar, Abdur Rauf, Sumbul Rehman and Mohammad Zakir Siddiqui

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

The Pharma Innovation International Journal


In-vitro study of Antimicrobial activity of Kanocha extracts against some Gram positive and Gram negative Bacterial Strains

Sada Akhtar, Abdur Rauf, Sumbul Rehman and Mohammad Zakir Siddiqui

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge


Biogenic synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles using Agrewia optiva and Prunus persica phyto species:

Characterization, antibacterial and antioxidant activity

Azar Ullah Mirza, Abdul Kareem, Shahab A.A. Nami, Mohd Shoeb Khan, Sumbul Rehman, Shahnawaz Ahmad Bhat, Abdul Rahman Mohammad, Nahid Nishat

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Photochemistry and

Photobiology B: Biology. Elsevier Publication


Exploration of physicochemical and phytochemical potential of Moringa oleifera Lam (Sehjana) fruits/pods

Khan Zafar Javed*, Khan Naeem Ahmad*, Naseem Imrana, Nami Shahab A.A.

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics


A Study of Analgesic and Antiinflammatory Activity of Litsea glutinosa( Lour) C.B. Rob.) in Albino Rats

Abdur Rauf, Arshad Ali and M. Aftab Ahmad

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

Gastric Ulcer (Qarah-E-Meda) In Unani System Of Medicine

Reesha Ahmed*, Naeem Ahmed Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, (U.S.A.)

May, 2018

Physicochemical and Phytochemical Studies of Unani Drug Ushba (Smilax ornata Hook.)

Reesha Ahmed*, Naeem Ahmad Khan* and Mohammad Waseem

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hamdard Medicus

January-March 2018

Physico-Chemical and Phytochemical Study of Unani Drug Ushba (Smilax ornata)

Reesha Ahmed*, Naeem Ahmed Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Indian Journal of Unani Medicine

January-June, 2018

Pharmaceutical analysis of Gulnar farsi (Punica granatum Linn.)

Tarannum Khanam*, Nazish Siddiqui*, Mohd. Yasir

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)

October 2018


A review on Ricinus communis Linn

Tarannum Khanam*, Nazish Siddiqui*, Mohd. Yasir

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)

October 2018


Biogenic fabrication and characterization of silver nanoparticles using aqueous-ethanolic extract of lichen (Usnea longissima) and their antimicrobial activity

Khwaja Salahuddin Siddiqi, M. Rashid, Azizur Rahman, Tajuddin, Azamal Husen and Sumbul


* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Biomater Res


Safety Study of Apium graveolens Linn. (Tukhm-e-Karafs),

Mohd. Waseem, Abdur Rauf, Sumbul Rehman and Reesha Ahmad

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed Kulliyat


Pharmacognostical and

Pharmacological Review of Cucumis Melo L. Including Unani Medicine Perspective

Mohd. Waseem, Abdur Rauf, Sumbul Rehman and Reesha Ahmad

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine


Safety study of Single Unani

Drug Tukhm-e-Kharpaza (Curcumis melo Linn.)

Mohd. Waseem, Abdur Rauf, Sumbul Rehman and Reesha Ahmad

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Advanced Research in Biochemistry

And Pharmacology


Antihyperglycaemic Activity of Extracts of Khulanjan ( Alpinia galanga-Rhizome) in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats

Abdur Rauf, Abdur Rahim and Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

April-June 2018

Therapeutics, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Tukhm-e-Katan (Linum usitatissimum L.)

Zafar Javed Khan*, Naeem Ahmad Khan*, Imran Naseem, Shahab A.A. Nami

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Medicine And BioAllied Sciences

March 2017

Phyicochemical and Phytochemical Standardization of Khulanjan (Rhizome of Alpinia galanga L. Wild)- An Important Unani Drug,

Abdur Rauf, Abdur Rahim and Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hamdard Medicus, Pakistan


Irsal-e- Alaq (Leech Therapy): A Scientific Approach in the light of Bioactive Substances

Abdul Khalique, M.Y.Siddiqui and Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Indian Journal Unani Medicine



Hepatoprotective effect of a Unani drug Hanqooqa (Boerhaavia diffusa) against CCl4 Induced Hepatic Damage in Albino Rats

Fakhre Alam, K.M.Y. Amin*, N.A. Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unani Medicus: An International Journal

Jan-June 2017

Safety Profiling of Tukhm-e-Katan (Linum usitatissimum L.) with Reference to Quality Control

Zafar Javed Khan*, Naeem Ahmad Khan*, Imrana Naseem and Shahab A. Nami

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unani Medicus: An International Journal

Jan-June 2017

Determination of Heavy Metals, Aflatoxins, Microbial Loads and Pesticides Residue in Sehjana (Moringa oleifera Lam) Fruits/Pods

Zafar Javed Khan*, Naeem Ahmad Khan*, Imrana Naseem and Shahab A. Nami

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Research Journal of Pharmacy


Role of Some Unani Single Drugs in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Type-2: A Review

Reesha Ahmed*, Naeem Ahmed Khan*, B. D. Khan and Mohd Waseem

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research


Phytochemistry and Medicinal Importance of Honey - A Review

Reesha Ahmed*, Naeem Ahmad Khan*, Mohd Waseem

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

J Integ Comm Health


Phytochemical, Medicinal Properties and Pharmacological Studies on Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia): A Review

Reesha Ahmed*, Naeem Ahmed Khan*, Mohd. Waseem, Zafar Javed Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Medicine and Bioallied Sciences


Spectrophotometric determination of the total phenolic content, spectral and fluorescence study of the herbal Unani drug Gul-e-Zoofa (Nepeta bracteata Benth)

Nazish Siddiqui*,  Abdur Rauf*Abdul Latif*,  Zeenat Mahmood*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences (Elsevier)

August 2017


Pharmacognostical, Phyto-Chemical and Antibacterial Studies of Some Unani Drugs used in Infectious Diseases

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of

Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine


Physico-chemical and phyto-chemical analysis of market sample of Banafshah (Viola odorata Linn.),

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Safety study of Single Unani Drug Khare Khasak Khurd (Tribulus terrestris Linn.)

Mohd. Waseem, Abdul Latif, Sumbul Rehman, Reesha Ahmad and Zafar Javed Khan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Organoleptic and Physicochemical Characterization of Suranjan Shirin (Colchicum autumnale)-an Anti-Arthritic Unani Drug.

Mohammad Zakir Siddiqui, Ghufran Ahmad, Kr. M. Yusuf Amin and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Pharmacognostical, Phyto-Chemical and

Antibacterial Studies of Some Unani Drugs used in Infectious Diseases

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of

Pharmacognosy and Chinese Medicine


Physico-chemical and phyto-chemical analysis of

market sample of Banafshah (Viola odorata Linn.),

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Safety study of Single Unani Drug Khare Khasak Khurd (Tribulus terrestris Linn.)

Mohd. Waseem, Abdul Latif, Sumbul Rehman, Reesha Ahmad and Zafar Javed Khan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Organoleptic and Physicochemical Characterization of Suranjan Shirin (Colchicum autumnale)-an Anti-Arthritic Unani Drug.

Mohammad Zakir Siddiqui, Ghufran Ahmad, Kr. M. Yusuf Amin and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Manshiyat ki mamaniat ke ahkaam aur uske muhlik asarat irshadaate Nabawi (S.A.W) ke hawale se

Shamshad Alam

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Mahnama Tahzeebul Akhlaq, Idaarae Tahzeebul Akhlaq wa nashaant, A.M.U., Aligarh

December, 2017


An overview of depression and its management in Unani Medicine,

Abdul Khalique and Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed, Department of Kulliyat



Soo-e-Mizaj ka Tabiyati aur Mualejaati mutala

Shamshad Alam*, Iqbal Ahmad* and Khalid Zaman Khan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed Kulliyat

April-2016-March, 2017


Ethnobotanical Study of Amaltas (Cassia fistula Linn): A drug of Importance in Unani System of Medicine,

Mohd Bilal Tafseer, Abdul Latif and Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences


Leemu (Citrus lemon Linn) : A Review,

Mohd Bilal Tafseer, Abdul Latif and Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences


Global Prevalence of Ziabetus Shakri (Diabetes Mellitus) and its Management with Unani Medicine

Abdur Rahim, Abdur Rauf and Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Research in Unani Medicine


Evaluation of Anti inflammatory and Analgesic effect of Moghas (Stem Bark of Litsea glutinosa) in albino rats

Abdur Rauf, Arshad Ali and M Aftab Ahmad

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


An Overview of Jamun (Eugenia jambolana Linn): A Traditional Multipotential Drug,

Abdul Khalique and Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Indian Journal Unani Medicine


Safety Study of ‘Majoon-e-Gul’-A Unani Pharmacopoieal Compound Formulation

Fozia Yaqub and Naeem Ahmad Khan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January-March 2016

Luk (Laccifer Lacca) An Important But Less Investigated Unani Drug: Overview

Fozia Yaqub*, Naeem Ahmad Khan* and Mohammad Yunus Siddiqui

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia



Study of Tukhm-eKasni (Cichorium intybus L. seed) for Steroidal and Metabolic Effect in Albino Rats

Wasim Ahmad*, Ghufran Ahmad*, Khan N.A.* & Shamshad Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge

July 2016


Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial and anticancer studies of new steroidal  pyrazolines

Shamsuzzaman, Hena Khanam, Ayaz Mahmood Dar, Nazish Siddiqui*, Sumbul Rehman*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Saudi chemical society (Elsevier)



Standardization and Safety Profile of Seeds of Sisymbrium irio Linn (Khaksi)

Abdul Haleem*, Abdur  Rauf*, Abdul Latif*, Nazish Siddiqui*, Sumbul Rehman*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Medical Erudite



Organoleptic and physichochemical characterization of Suranjan Talkh (Colchicum luteum): an Anti arthritic Unani drug

Mohammad Zakir Siddiqui*, Ghufran Ahmad* and KMY Amin*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Antidepressant Activity of a Unani formulation Majoon Najah in Animal Models

Md. Imran Khan, Najeeb Jahan, KMY Amin*, Ghufran Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unani Medicus-an International Journal


Safety study of Habbe- Gule Aak-A Unani pharmacopoeia compound formulation

Asma Abid*, Najmuddin A Siddiqui* and Ghufran Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unani Medicus-an International Journal


Antibacterial potential of Bisehri booti (Areva lanata Linn. Juss.)

Najmuddin Ahmad, Siddiqui*, Ghufran Ahmad*, Sumbul, Rehman* and Asma, Abid*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia



Pathophysiology and Treatment of Urolithiasis in Unani Medicine

IM Tabarak Husain, Ghufran Ahmad*, Nasreen Jahan, Mehar Adiba

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Indian Journal of History of Science

June 2016

Acute toxicity study of Aqer Qerha (Anacyclus pyrethrum DC.) Roots in Swiss Albino Mice

M.A. Kalam, G. Sofi, Ghufran Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Exploration of Unani concept of ghayr tabi‘i dam (Morbid blood)

Mushir Ansari, Nasreen Jahan, Ghulamuddin Sofi, Abdul Wadud, Ghufran Ahmad*, Mohammed Yasir

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Review of Gul-e-Ghafis (Agrimoniaeupatoria Linn.) Flower with the Reference of Phytochemical & Pharmacological Study

Shamshad Alam* and Naeem A. Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed Kulliyat: A Journal of Unani Medicine

April 2015 – March 2016

Potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: Synthesis, biological assay and docking study of nitro acridone


Mehtab Parveen, Afroz Aslam, Shahab A.A. Nami, Ali Mohammed Malla, Mahboob Alam, Dong-

Ung Lee, Sumbul Rehman, P.S. Pereira Silva, M. Ramos Silva

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology



Phytochemical and antibacterial screening of Piper cubeba Linn.f. (Kababchini)

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Standardization and Safety Profile of Seeds of Sisymbrium irio Linn (Khaksi)

Abdul Haleem, Abdur Rauf, Abdul Latif, Nazish Siddiqui and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of

Medical Erudite



Antibacterial potential of Bisehri booti (Areva lanata Linn. Juss.)

Najmuddin Ahmad Siddiqui, Ghufran Ahmad, Sumbul Rehman* and Asma Abid

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia


(An International Research Journal



Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial and Anticancer studies of New Steroidal


Shams Uzzaman, Hena Khanam, Ayaz Mahmood Dar, Nazish Siddiqui, Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Netherlands Elsevier Pub


Antibacterial potential of fruits of ‘Bakayin’ (Melia aedarach Linn.) – A Unani Drug of repute

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Historical Perspective of Diabetes Mellitus (Ziabetus Shakri) from its occurrence to the discovery of Insulin: A Review,

Abdul Khalique, M.Y. Siddiqui, Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed, Department of Kulliyat,


Standardization and Safety Evaluation of A Polyherbal Formulation“Kabideen (Syrup)

Mahim Zameer, Abdur Rauf and Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Advanced Research



Hepatoprotective activity of a unani polyherbal formulation “Kabideen” in paracetamol induced liver toxicity in rats,

Mahim Zameer, Abdur Rauf and Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Hematological Evaluation of Sharbat Unsul Murakkab in Sual-e-Muzmin (Chronic Bronchitis),

Zaidi. SAR.,Ahmad. M.A., Aslam. M.A., Zehra Zaidi, Rauf. A., Mukherjee. A.E

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences



Ethnobotanical Study of Amaltas (Cassia fistula Linn): A drug of Importance in Unani System of Medicine

Mohd Bilal Tafseer, Abdul Latif and Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences



Historical Perspective of Diabetes Mellitus (Ziabetus Shakri) from its occurrence to the discovery of Insulin: A Review

Abdul Khalique, M.Y. Siddiqui, Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed, Department of Kulliyat



Diocorides- Roomi Ahd ka ek Azeem Mahir-e- Advia,

Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Tarjuman-e- Tib,



Hepatoprotective activity of a Unani polyherbal formulation “Kabideen” in CCL4 induced liver toxicity in rats

Mahim Zameer, Abdur Rauf and Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology

Jan-March 2015


Ilm Tashreeh mein Ali Bin Abbas Majoosi Ka Taaun

Abdur Rauf and Ubaidullah

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed, Department of Kulliyat, A.M.U.



Standardization and Safety Evaluation of A Polyherbal Formulation“Kabideen (Syrup)”

Mahim Zameer, Abdur Rauf and Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Advanced Research



Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Screening of Gul-e-tesu [Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.]

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Physico-chemical and Phytochemical standardization of a Unani Drug –Banafshah (Viola odorata Linn.),

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Antibacterial Screening of Karanjwa (Caesalpinia bonducella) – An effective drug of choice in Unani Medicine for Infectious Diseases

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Nanotization, Characterization and in-vitro Activity of Kushta-e-Qalai (Tin Calx): A traditional

Unani Medicine of India

Syed Mohd. Umair, Sumbul Rehman, Tajuddin, K.S. Siddiqui and Shahab A.A. Nami

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta


Standardization of Khubazi- a fruit of Malva sylvestris Linn.–A Unani Drug

Abdul Haleem, Sumbul Rehman, Abdul Latif, Abdur Rauf and Nazish Siddiqui

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal

of Advanced Research



Development of Standards of Sapistan (Cordia dichotomy Forst.)

Abdul Haleem, Sumbul Rehman, Abdul Latif, Abdur Rauf and Nazish Siddiqui

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Physicochemical and Phytochemical Standardization of Irsa (Iris ensata Thunb.)

Abdul Haleem, Abdul Latif, Abdur Rauf, Nazish Siddiqui and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia


Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy and Life Sciences


Phytochemical Screening and Spectrophotometric estimation of total phenolic content in

Unani herbal drug Asl-us-soos (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)

Nazish Siddiqui, Zeenat Mahmood, Abdul Latif, Adur Rauf and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal Of Advances In

Pharmacy Medicine And Bio allied Sciences


Ilm Tashreeh mein Ali Bin Abbas Majoosi Ka Taaun

Abdur Rauf and Ubaidullah

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed, Department of Kulliyat , AMU Aligarh



Standardization and Safety Evaluation of A Polyherbal Formulation“Kabideen (Syrup)”,

Mahim Zameer, Abdur Rauf and Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Advanced Research



Physicochemical And Phytochemical Standardization of Irsa (Iris ensata Thunb.)

Abdul Haleem, Abdul Latif, Abdur Rauf, Nazish Siddiqui and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy and Life Sciences



Standardization of a Unani Drug Bisehri Booti (Aerva lanata)

Najmuddin A.S.*, Asma A.*, Anisur Rahman*, Ghufran Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Aqer Qerha (Anacyclus pyrethrum DC) A nobel drug of Unani system of medicine- A review

M A Kalam, M S Karim, M A Anzar, G Sofi, G Ahmad*, A Shahzad

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharmacognosy



Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of Aqer Qerha (Anacyclus pyrethrum DC.) root in experimental animals

Kalam, MA, Karim, MS, Sofi, G., Ahmad G.*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Evaluation of Curative potential of Qurs-e-Rewand (a Unani Formulation) against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in Rats

Shamshad Alam*, Naeem A. Khan* and M. Nasiruddin

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Basic Medicine and Clinical Research

January, 2015


Exploration of Mechanism of Antiinflammatory Action of Habbe-Gule-Aakh

Musarrat Nafees, N.A. Khan*, K.M.Y. Amin* and Ghufran Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

January-March, 2015

Effect of Qurs-e-Rewand (A Hepatoprotective Unani Formulation) on Pentobarbitone induced Sleeping in Mice

Shamshad Alam*, and Naeem A. Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research

March 2015

Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity in rats: Curative role of Dawa-ul-Qust (A Unani compound formulation)

Shamshad Alam*, and Naeem A. Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Medicine and Bioallied Sciences

Jan-April, 2015

Standardisation of a Non Pharmacopoeal Majoon used in Unani Medicine

Bushra Iqbal* and Naeem Ahmad Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Medicine and Bioallied Sciences

Jan-April, 2015

Evaluation of Steroidal and Metabolic Effect of Tukhm-e-Qurtum (Carthamus tinctorius, Linn Seeds)

Wasim Ahmad, Ghufran Ahmad*, NA Khan*, and Shamshad Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Medicine and Bioallied Sciences

Jan-April, 2015


Study of Protective Effect of Dawa-ul-Qust (a Unani Compound Formulation) Against CCl4 Induced Acute Hepatic Injury in Rats

Shamshad Alam*, and Naeem A. Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Development Research

April, 2015

Therapeutics, Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of an Important Unani Drug Qurtum (Catharanthus tintorius L.): A Review

Wasim Ahmad, Ghufran Ahmad*, N.A. Khan*, and Shamshad Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Zoaf-e-Jigar ba sababe Zoaf-e-Quwa-eArba-Juzee Ilaj aur Muzirrate Jigar

Naeem Ahmad Khan* and Shamshad Alam*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Tarjumaan-e-Tib, A peer reviewed bi-annual Urdu Journal of Unani Medicine, National Institute of Unani Medicine, Bengaluru

January-June, 2015

Analysis of Heavy Metals, Aflatoxin, Pesticidal Residue and Microbial Load in Qurs-e-Ghafis: A Unani Poly Herbal Hepatoprotective Formulation

Muhammad Anas*, Naeem Ahmad Khan*, K.M.Y. Amin* and Aijaz Ahmad

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Research in Unani Medicine


Rhubarb (Rewand)-A Review

Shamshad Alam*, and Naeem A. Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hamdard Medicus, Pakistan

January-March 2015


Pharmacognostical and Spectral studies of whole plant of Kanghi booti ( Abutilon indicum Linn)

Abdullah, Abdul Latif*, Nazish Siddiqui*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Integrated Community Health

Jan-Dec 2015


Standardization of Khubazi- a fruit of Malva sylvestris Linn. – A Unani Drug

Abdul Haleem*, Sumbul Rehman*, Abdul Latif*, Abdur Rauf* and Nazish Siddiqui*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Int. J. of Adv. Res.



Standardization of Unani Drug Post-e-Anar (fruit rind of Punica granatum L.)

Nazish Siddiqui*, M. Masihuzzaman Ansari*, Alvia Khan*, Mohd. Bilal Tafseer*, Saba Viquar* and Abdul Haleem*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Development of standards os Sapistan (Cordia dichotoma Forst. F.)

Abdul Haleem*, Abdul Latif*, Abdur Rauf*, Nazish Siddiqui* Sumbul Rehman*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine



Physicochemical and phytochemical standardization of Irsa (Iris ensata Thumb.)

Abdul Haleem*, Abdul Latif*, Abdur Rauf*, Nazish Siddiqui* and Sumbul Rehman*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Int. J. Res. Dev. Pharm. L. Sci

April - May



Phytochemical screening and spectrophotometric estimation of total phenolic content in unani herbal drug Asl-us-soos (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)

Nazish Siddiqui*, Abdul Latif*, Abdur Rauf*, Sumbul Rehman* and Zeenat Mahmood*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Int J Adv Pharmacy Med Bioallied Sci.



Structural elucidation, density functional calculations and contribution of intermolecular interactions in cholest-4-en-3-one crystals: Insights from X-ray and Hirshfeld surface analysis

Hena Khanam, Ashraf Mashrai, Nazish Siddiqui*, Musheer Ahmad, Mohammad Jane Alam, Shabbir Ahmad, Shamsuzzaman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Molecular Structure (Elsevier Ltd.)

March 2015


Alam-e-piri aur Tadaabeer-e-Mashaaikh Unani Tib ki Roshni mein

Shamshad Alam*, Iqbal Ahmad Qasmi*, M. Taqiur Rahman and Khalid Zaman Khan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Unimed Kulliyat

Oct-2013-March, 2014


Nephroprotection: Meaning and scope in Unani system of medicine

Qazi Zaid Ahmad, Nasreen Jahan, Ghufran Ahmad* and Tajuddin

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


Study of anti-ulcer activity of Coriandrum sativum in Aspirin induced gastric ulcer in albino rats

Sagufta Nikhat, Ghufran Ahmad* and Nasreen Jahan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine


An Appraisal of Nephroprotection and the Scope of Natural Products in Combating Renal Disorders

Qazi Zaid Ahmad, Nasreen Jahan, Ghufran Ahmad* and Tajuddin

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Nephrology and Therapeutics

May 2014


Historical Perspective of Comparative Evaluation of Calcination

Shamim Irshad, Abdul wadud, I Ahmad*, G. Ahmad*, J Najeeb, G sofi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia


Oct 2014

“Standardization of A Herbal Medicine-Swertia Chirayita Linn.

Sumbul Rehman and Abdul Latif

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Pharmacophore (An International Research Journal)


“In-vitro Experimental study to determine Antimutagenic activity of Banafshah (Viola odorata Linn.)

Sumbul Rehman, Abdul Latif, Abdul Malik, Farhana and Ikram

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharmacognosy


Scientifically validate Advia-e- Qalbia using Langendorff Perfused Heart Model

Siddique Ahmad , Sumbul Rehman, K.M.Y. Amin, Abdul Latif and Nazish Siddiqui

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharmacognosy


Standardization of an Unani drug “Bisehri Booti” (Aerva lanata Linn.)”,

Najmuddin Ahmad, Sumbul Rehman, Ghufran Ahmad

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy and Life Science


Quality Assurance of Saffron (Crocus sativus Linn.)”,

Fozia Yaqub, Sumbul Rehman and Naeem Ahmad Khan

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharmacognosy


Comparative Analysis of Alkaloids of Datura Leaves Using Cold and Hot Methods of Extractions

Abdur Raheem, Sumbul Rehman, Abdur Rauf and Iqbal A. Qasmi

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy and Life Science


Use of HPLC in Conclusively Distinguishing Between Two Important Unani Drugs Confounded With Each

Other Namely Suranjan Shirin And Suranjan Talkh

Mohd Zakir Siddiqui, K. M. Y Amin, Sumbul Rehman and Azizur Rahman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharmacognosy


Phytochemical Screening and Spectrophotometric Estimation of Total Phenolic Content in Unani Herbal Drug Asl-us-soos (Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.”)

Nazish Siddiqui, Abdul Latif, Abdur Rauf, Sumbul Rehman and Zeenat Mahmood

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy and Life Science


Microbial Load Determination in Some Market Samples of Unani Drugs

Zeenat Mahmood, Abdul Latif, Nazish Siddiqui, Abdur Rauf and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharmacognosy


Standardization and Antimicrobial Study of Irsa (Iris ensata Thumb.)”

Abdul Haleem, Abdul Latif, Abdur Rauf and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Research and Development in Pharmacy and Life Science


Antimicrobial activity & Microbial Load Determination of different Market Samples of Laooq Sapistan Khyaar


Abdul Latif, Mohd. Bilal Tafseer, Abdur Rauf and Sumbul Rehman

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharmacognosy


Hypoglycaemic effect of Qurs Tabasheer In Streptozocin induced Diabetes in wistar rats

Md. Nazamuddin, Abdul Wadud, Ghufran Ahmad, Najeeb Jahan, Ahmad Nadim Khan, Abdul Latif, Sumbul Rehman and Md. Tanwir Alam

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia


An Overview of Kitab Al- Tasreef by Abul Qasim Zahrawi and certain Drugs mentioned in thirtieth treatise

Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Research in Unani Medicine, National Institute of Unani medicine, Bangalore



An Overview of Kitab Al- Tasreef by Abul Qasim Zahrawi and certain Drugs mentioned in thirtieth treatise

Abdur Rauf

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Journal of Research in Unani Medicine



Development of Unani Pharmacy in Arab Period

Shamshad Alam*, Naeem A. Khan* and Ghufran Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia


October 2013-March 2014

Physico-Chemical Validation and Standardisation of a potent Unani drug-Rewand chini (Rheum emodi Wall)

Shamshad Alam*, and Naeem Ahmad Khan*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Basic Medicine and Clinical Research

July, 2014


Antinociceptive And Antipyretic Effect In Animal Models Treated With A Polyherbal Unani Medicine - Habb-E-Gul-E-Aakh

Musarrat Nafees, N. A. Khan*, K. M.Y. Amin*, G. Ahmad*

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Pharma Science Monitor, An International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Jul-Sep 2014

A Study of Hepatoprotective Effect of Unani Formulation (Qurs Rewand) in Rats

Alam S*, Khan N.A.* and Nasiruddin M

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

International Journal of Pharma Research and Health Sciences


The Effect of Qurs-eZarishk Sagheer (a Compound Unani Formulation) on Liver Enzymes in CCl4 Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats

Shamshad Alam*, Naeem A. Khan* and Mohammad Nasiruddin

* Deptt. of Ilmul Advia

Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine

October-December, 2014


Number of Citation Index – Range/Average

Prof. Naeem Ahmad Khan


Prof. Ghufran Ahmad


Prof. Abdul Latif


Dr. Nazish Siddiqui


Dr. Abdur Rauf


Dr. Sumbul Rehman


Dr. Mohd. Bilal Tafseer




Number of Impact Factor – Range/Average

Prof. Naeem Ahmad Khan


Prof. Ghufran Ahmad


Prof. Abdul Latif


Dr. Nazish Siddiqui


Dr. Abdur Rauf


Dr. Sumbul Rehman




Number of h-index

Prof. (Hm.) Naeem Ahmad Khan


Prof. Ghufran Ahmad


Dr. Abdur Rauf


Dr. Sumbul Rehman


Dr. Mohd. Bilal Tafseer




Dr Sumbul Rehman receives outstanding Woman award

Dr. Sumbul Rehman, Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia, A K Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University has been selected for the award of Outstanding Woman in Health and Medical Sciences in recognition of her inspirational work? in the field of Unani pharmacology. Dr. Rehman will be given the award in the 3rd Annual Women's Meet-AWM 2018 which will be held at Radha Regent, Chennai. Public Relations Office Aligarh Muslim University

Dr Sumbul Rehman appointed National president of AIUTC (women wing)

Aligarh, August 12: Dr. Sumbul Rehman, Assistant Professor, Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University has been nominated as the National President, All India Unani Tibbi Congress (women wing) for a period of 3 years by the EC committee of All India Unani Tibbi Congress (AIUTC), New Delhi.

In addition to this she has also been assigned the responsibility of forming the body of AIUTC (Women Wing) which carries the appointment of three Vice Presidents, one Genreal Secretary, three Secretaries and one Treasurer.

Public Relations Office

Aligarh Muslim University

Professor Ghufran Ahmad receives Best Teacher Award by Ministry of AYUSH

Aligarh, February 14: Taking Aligarh Muslim University?s teaching standards to new heights, Professor Ghufran Ahmad associated with the Department of Ilmul Advia, Hakim Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College was recently conferred the ?Best Teacher Award? by the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India at a function held in Hyderabad.

Prof Ahmad received the award in presence of Union Minister of AYUSH, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik; Minister of Labour and Employment, Shri Bandaru Dattatreya; Deputy Chief Minister of Telangana State, Mr Mohmood Ali and Mister of Health, Telangana state, Shri C Laxman Reddy. The award was conferred on the first ever Unani Day celebrations.

The award was given to Prof Ahmad in ?Drug Research? category. This award carries a certificate, memento and a cash prize of Rs 5 lacks.

Meanwhile, Professor Ahmad has also been felicitated for the achievement at a function at AMU?s Tibbiya College. The felicitation programme was organised by the Department of Ilmul Advia in which the Prof M M Wamiq Ameen, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine; Dr Saud Ali Khan, Principal, Tibbiya College; Prof Naeem Ahmad Khan, Former Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine; Prof Iqbal Ahmad, Chairperson, Department of Ilmul Advia and Professor Abdul Latif were also present.

The function was also attended by chairpersons of various Tibbya College Departments and other staff members.

Prof Ahmad has more that more than 80 research papers, two books, a chapter and a research project of Ministry of AYUSH on the standards of Pharmapoeal drugs to his credit.

He is associated with many Government bodies and is actively contributing in the policy programmes of research and higher education of Unani medicine.

News Desk

Public Relations Office

Aligarh Muslim University

10-DEC-2019: AMU faculty presents research in Tehran

Aligarh, December 10: "Unani Medicine gives patients both hope and alternatives and is helping cure diseases without disturbing patient's immune system," said Dr Sumbul Rehman, Department of Ilmul Advia, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) during an oral presentation on 'Scientific Revalidation of the Concept of Infectious Diseases in Unani Medicine: Resurgence of Unani Herbal Antibiotics' at the School of Traditional Persian Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

She was presenting her research at the 2nd International Congress on History of Medicine in Iran and Islam.

Shedding light on the importance of herbal drugs in treatment of infections, Dr Sumbul pointed out: "Many studies report the use of herbal drugs but there only few studies concentrating on mechanism of their tolerance/ resistance in microbes."

She added that it is imperative to study and understand the mechanism of such tolerance/ resistance to herbal drugs among different isolates of bacteria as it will give the scientific community an opportunity to explore more about this area.

Dr Sumbul emphasised that herbal medicine is becoming more popular not only in developing countries but also in developed countries as many plants or herbs are scientifically proven to contain bioactive compounds and are alternatives to harmful synthetic drugs that cause side effects.

She was invited for the oral presentation by Dr Arman Zargaran, Scientific Secretary of the Congress and Vice Dean for International Affairs, School of Traditional Persian Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

Public Relations Office

Aligarh Muslim University

Aligarh Muslim University Teams Felicitated

Teams of Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Women’s Polytechnic and the NSS Unit of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) have been conferred with mementos, certificate and cash prizes by the Transport Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh for running online and offline awareness campaigns on transport rules and regulations.

Dr Sumbul Rehman (Department of Ilmul Advia, Tibbiya College); Dr Sheeba Kamal (Women’s polytechnic); BA second-year student, Zaid Anwar; Affan and Gurleen Kaur were felicitated at Mars Hall Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, Lucknow.

Dr. Siddique Ahmad, M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Student Completed Hands on Training Programme on Cyto-genotoxicity Assays and Use of Functional and Molecular Tools in Pharmacodynamics Studies on 08 to 17.02.2016

Dr. Siddique Ahmad M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Student Completed Hands on Training Programme on Cyto-genotoxicity Assays and Use of Functional and Molecular Tools in Pharmacodynamics Studies sponsored by ICAR NICHE AREA OF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME held on 08 to 17.02.2016. The training Programme was conducted by the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayay Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalay Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura under Niche Area of Excellence Project.

Dr. Asma Abid M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Student Completed Hands on Training Programme on Use of Data Acquisition System Based Physiograph in Pharmacodynamic Studies on 09 to 13.03.2015

Dr. Asma Abid M.D. (Ilmul Advia) Student Completed Hands on Training Programme on Use of Data Acquisition System Based Physiograph in Pharmacodynamic Studies sponsored by ICAR NICHE AREA OF EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME held on 09 to 13.03.2015. The training Programme was conducted by the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhayay Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalay Evam Go-Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU), Mathura.


Prof. (Hkm.) Naeem Ahmad Khan received the "Pentagon Excellence Award-2018" for their contributions in medicine on 14.01.2018.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received the "Lifetime Achievement Award (Best Researcher)" by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India on 11.02.2018.

Dr. Sumbul Rehman received the "Outstanding women in Health and Medical Sciences" by Venus International Foundation (VIWA-2018), Chennai in Pharmaceutical Science category on 3 March 2018.

Prof. K.M.Y. Amin received "Mohammad Ilyas Dehlvi Nishan-e-Tibb award 2017" (6-7 March 2017).

Prof. Abdul Latif received "Mohammad Ilyas Dehlvi Nishan-e-Tibb award 2017" (6-7 March 2017).

Prof. Abdul Latif received "Hakeem Ajmal Khan Award", 12 Feb. 2017 on the eve of birthday celebration of Maseehul Mulk Great Hakim Ajmal Khan.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received "Best Teacher Award" (2017) by Ministry of AYUSH, Hyderabad.

Prof. Ghufran Ahmad received "Best Unani Scholar Award", (2016) by IHF, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi.

Dr. Abdul Latif, Chairman Department of Ilmul Advia has been honored & awarded "Ibn Sina Public Health Award 2015" by the august hands of Honorable Vice-Chancellor Lt. General (Retd.) Zameeruddin Shah in the National Seminar on "Life and Contribution of Ibne-al-Haytham" on 14 October 2015 organized by Ibn Sina Academy, Aligarh.

Dr. Abdul Latif, Chairman, Department of Ilmul Advia of Aligarh Muslim University has been awarded Teacher's Excellence Award for the outstanding contribution in the field of education. He received this award by the renowned Cardiologist and Padam Vibhushan Dr. Purushottam Lal along with Prof. R.K. Khandal (former Vice-Chancellor, UP Technical University) President, India Glycol Pvt. Ltd. and Ms. Shruti Arora, President Confederation of Education Excellence (CEE), New Delhi at Piccadily 5 Star Hotel, New Delhi on 4th September 2015.

Dr. Abdul Latif has been appointed as the Faculty Member of the Faculty of Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine, Delhi University, New Delhi.

Dr. Abdul Latif has been appointed as the Faculty Member of the Doctor Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurvedic Vishwa Vidyala, Jodhpur Rajasthan.

Prof. K.M.Y. Amin has delivered Invited Lecture in National Seminar on Role of Unani Medicine in Non Communicable Diseases Organized by Central Council for Research In Unani Medicine 14-15 January 2015 New Delhi at Indo-Islamic Centre, New Delhi

Dr. Abdul Latif (Co-ordinator DRS-I, Department of Ilmul Advia) has successfully organized a Two Day Seminar on Relevance of Modern Methods of Studies in Unani Medicine on 27-28 November 2014.

Dr. Abdul Latif (Co-ordinator DRS-I, Department of Ilmul Advia) has successfully organized a Pre-Conference Workshop on Proficiency in Advanced Instrumental Methods of Analysis on 26 November 2014.

Chairman and Associate Professor