Telephone Department AMU
Telephone Department AMU
This department is providing internal telephone services through our main EPABX, using underground cables for analog telephone lines and underground optical fibre cables for VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Furthermore, all necessary actions related to payment of the telephone bills of the authorised personnels of the university are also carried out.
The first telephone communication network for internal communication over voice was installed in 1965. It was a GEC make system of 50 analog lines.
The Principal, Engineering College was appointed as its overall In-Charge and Mr. Anwar Ahmad Ansari was appointed as Officer In-Charge. In 1967, the GEC system was replaced by an automatic exchange (ITI make) of 100 lines. G. I. wire lines were used for distribution and connections.
The telephone facility was expanded to 150 lines in 1974. In 1993 new EPABX Electronics Exchange (Tata make) of 600 lines was installed. To overcome day to day breakage in the overhead drop wires used for distribution, underground cabling was initiated.
With the rapid progress in the communication world, the Tata make exchange soon went in to obsolescence and in 2002, Alcatel based Omni 4400 EPABX was installed.
Alcatel 4400 EPABX was last upgraded in 2011 to UNIX-based client/server Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise. It is an IP-powered, advanced enterprise platform for integrated voice and data, fixed and mobile communications.
In 2017, up-gradation of existing EPABX to IP Architecture Design and VoIP took place. By using VoIP, telephone network was extended to remote locations such as Ambedkar Hall, Faculty of Law, Ahmadi School for Visually Challenged, Directorate of School Education etc.
In 2021, the task of providing internal telephone lines to all the university teachers, wherever feasible, was completed.