
SC/ST Cell

SC/ST Cell

SC/ST Cell


The SC/ST Cell was established in the University in the year 1983-84 in pursuance of the UGCs guidelines exclusively for the welfare of SC/ST candidates. The Cell has been assigned the responsibility of dealing with

matters regarding the implementation of Govt. of India's

reservation policy for SC/ST candidates in admissions and appointments at the University. Presently, the SC/ST cell is working under the office of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). The SC/ST Cell has been accomplishing the tasks as summarized below:

 1.      Processing matters and corresponding with the MHRD and UGC regarding the reservation of SC/STs

2.      Collecting and compilation of annual data in respect of strength of students and staff belonging                            to SC/ST category.

3.      Maintains a Register for cases of caste discrimination.

4.      Disposing off RTI applications relating to the section.

5.      With reference to the letter No.F.1-7/2011(SCT) dated 15th May, 2015, you are requested to 

       write/lodge your complaint on any of the following email id:
