Department of Business Administration - Malappuram


Dept. data last updated on :15/03/2025

SOP of Training and Placement Cell

SOP for Training and Placement

       Students should register themselves for placement with Placement Team in the beginning of the 3rd Semester

       Training and Placement Team will collate the data collected and submit to the Placement Officer

       Assessment Test will be conducted to all the registered students to assess the skills and aptitude of the student.

       Based on the assessment result, training will be organized for all the students, it is mandatory to undergo training if students wants to appear for the selection process.

       On completion of training, students will be reassessed for their improvement in the aptitude and skills.

       Students data base will be shared to the prospective companies after obtaining willingness from students.

       Campus recruitment dates will be confirmed on the mutual convenient days.

       Students will be informed about the company visit atleast one day in advance.

       Results will be announced to the students at the end of the recruitment process.

       Once the students receive the offer letter, they will be asked to submit a copy of the same to the Placement Officer.

SOP and Guideline for Electives


The SOP for choosing Electives in MBA Programme by the students of Aligarh Muslim University Centre Malappuram only is as follows

All electives available at the Aligarh Muslim University is limited in the AMUMC by considering the availability of number of faculties at the Department of Business Administration

1. Apart from the compulsory papers, every student has to earn total 36 [28 (from any two specialization areas) + 8 (open electives)] credits.

2. The functional areas available are Marketing. Human Resources Management, Finance and Operations & IT management

3. A student can specialize in any two functional areas (specialization area) by opting functional electives to earn 28 credits. However, in any area of specialization the required minimum and maximum credits are 12 (minor) and 16 (major) respectively. Another 8 credits are to be earned from Open Electives.

4. Students are informed that they can choose either Operations Management or Human Resource Management.

5. The above restriction will be revised once the guidelines of electives change

6. Google form asking for the choices of students for electives is shared among the students.

7. Response is collected in a time bounded manner and no editing is possible after the finalization of optional

8. The final response is shared to coordinator/head of the department

9. Time table is preparing accordingly

SOP of Student Grievances


SOP of Coordinators office
