Department of Tashreehul Badan
Eminent Speakers
Dept. data last updated on :20/03/2025
Prof. Hkm. Syed Zillur-Rahman Ilm-e-Tashreeh Ki Ahmiyat - Tareekh Ki Roushni Main
Prof. M. Mobarak Hussain - Curriculum for P.G. Education
Dr. Nafasat Ali Ansari - P.G. Education in Tashreehul-Badan-Issues & Challenges Ahead
Dr. Mohd. Arshad - Estimation of Gestational Age by Measurements of Hand-A Morphometric Study in human foetus
Dr. Merajuddin - Role of Imaging in Health & Disease
Prof. Anis Ismail - Importance of Applied Anatomy in Clinical Medicine
Prof. Anis A. Ansari - Proposed Areas of P.G. Education in M.S. Tashreehul-Badan
Prof. K.M.Y. Amin Teaching Methodology for P.G. Education

Chairman and Professor