Department of Microbiology

Important Laboratories

Dept. data last updated on :30/09/2024

The Department of Microbiology has Following Laboratories

1- Bacteriology  &  Automation Laboratory

2- Parasitology Laboratory

3- Mycology Laboratory

4- Enteric & Anaerobic Laboratory

5- Immunology Laboratory

6- Tuberculosis Laboratory

7- HIV Laboratory  (NABL accredited)

8- Virology Laboratory 

9- Molecular Laboratory

10- Emergency Laboratory

11- Undergraduate Laboratory

1) Bacteriology Laboratory & Automation Laboratory: List of investigations offered

a) Bacterial Culture for Isolation, identification and Antimicrobial susceptibility profile (from following Specimens) Pus, CSF, Sputum , Urine, Throat swab, BAL, Lung aspirate, conjunctival swabs, Joint aspirate, Ascitic fluid, cervical swabs, Bile, Semen and Implants

b) MRSA screening of clinical isolates

c) ESBL screening of clinical isolates

d) BacTALERT System: Culture of Blood and fluids

e) VITEK- 60 System: Automated Microbial identification and Antibiotic susceptibility testing

2) Parasitology Laboratory

a) Malaria :

                   -Quantitative Buffy Coat Examination (QBC)

                   -Peripheral blood smear examination

                    -Malarial antigen detection by immunochromatography

b) Detection of Microfilaria by thick peripheral blood smear Examination

c) IgM ELISA for Toxoplasma infection

d) Aldehyde test for Leishmaniasis

3) Mycology Laboratory

a) Microscopy : Direct examination

    -KOH ( 10%, 20% Potassium hydroxide)

    -India Ink preparation




               ....Ziehl Neelsen stain (ZN)

b) Culture isolation of fungi from clinical specimens: BacTALERT System: and conventional

c) Species identification and sensitivity profile  of clinical fungal isolates: VITEK- 60 System and conventional

d) Cryptococcal antigen detection in CSF by Latex Agglutination

e) Antifungal susceptibility testing of Candida and Cryptococcus.

f) Diagnosis of Mucormycosis

4) Enteric & Anaerobic Laboratory

a) Blood Culture

b) Stool culture for Detection of Enteric pathogens (Vibrio cholerae, S.Typhi, Shigella spp. etc)

c) Serotyping for V. cholerae, Salmonella species and Shigella species

d) Modified acid fast staining for cryptosporidium, isospora, cyclospora in feces

e) Bacteriological testing of water

5) Immunology Laboratory

a) Enteric fever- Widal test, Typhidot

b) Syphilis - VDRL, RPR, TPHA, FTA-ABS, Syphilis ECLIA (Syphilis Immunoassay)

c) Rheumatoid Arthritis -RA factor (Quantitative)

d) CRP (Quantitative)

e) ASO  (Quantitative)

f) TORCH Panel

      -Toxoplasma, IgG/IgM

       -Rubella, IgG/IgM

       -CMV, IgG/IgM

       -HSV-1/HSV-2, IgG/IgM

g) Anti-CCP

h) IL‑6 (Interleukin-6)

i) PCT (Procalcitonin)




ANA (Antinuclear Antibody)

6) Tuberculosis Laboratory (NTEP accredited)

a) ZN staining for Acid-fast bacilli in Sputum, Gastric Aspirate, Urine, etc.

b) Culture on Lowenstein Jensen medium

c) Drug susceptibility testing for First and Second Line Antitubercular Antibiotics

d) Rapid Molecular Detection of M. tuberculosis and its Resistance to Isoniazid and Rifampicin and Second Line Drugs by PCR-based Line Probe Assay (LPA)

c) MTB Gene Xpert RIF: CBNAAT

7) HIV Testing Laboratory (NABL accredited)

Detection of HIV Infection as per NACO protocol.

[NABL -National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories accredited Laboratory ]

8) Virology Laboratory

a) COVID-19 Testing by RT-PCR

b) Zika virus Testing by Real-time PCR

c) Hepatitis B Viral Load (HBV DNA QUANTIFICATION)

d) Hepatitis C Viral Load (HCV RNA QUANTIFICATION)

e) Detection of HBsAg by ECLIA, ELISA, and Rapid card test

f) Detection of Anti-HCV Antibody by ECLIA, ELISA, and rapid card test

g) Detection of Anti-HAV Antibody by ELISA

h) Detection of Anti-HEV Antibody by ELISA

i) Detection of Anti-Dengue IgG and IgM by ELISA

j) Detection of Anti-chikungunya Antibody by ELISA

k) Detection of Anti HSV Antibody by ELISA

l) Detection of Anti-Rota Antibody by ELISA

m) Detection of Anti-HBcore IgM Antibody by ECLIA

n) HUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUS (HPV) TESTING (Total 14 Genotypes including HPV 16 & 18 detection)

o) ANTI-HBs ANTIBODY TITER  (HEPATITIS B Surface Antibody Titer)

p) ANTI-HBcore IGM-ANTIBODY  (HEPATITIS B Anticore Antibody)

(HEPATITIS B envelope Antigen)

9) Molecular Laboratory

PCR for detection of pathogens and drug resistance genes

10) Emergency Laboratory

a) Blood culture

b) Albert staining for C. diphtheriae

c) Peripheral blood smear examination for Malarial Parasite

d) Pus Culture for Pyogenic Organisms

11) Undergraduate Laboratory

Practical classes of MBBS, BDS and DMLT