Department of Paediatrics
Eminent Speakers
Dept. data last updated on :15/03/2025
One Day Programme on “Role of Early Intervention in Child Development”
Dr. Arun Kumarendu Singh Naitonal Advisor RBSK under Ministry of Health Government of India Professor & Ex-Head Department of Nenotology (IPGMER) & SSKM Hospital
Lecture Deliver on Minor Procedures and their pain Management in Pediatrics 29th February 2020
Dr Syed Amir Ahmad Assistant Professor Emergency, King Saud University,
Medical City Riyadh, KSA
Lecture Deliver on Approach to case of Chronic Liver Disease, Portal Hypertension and Neonatal Cholestasis
Dr. Rajeev Khanna Associate Professor, Dept. of Pediatric Hepatology,
Inst. of Liver and Biliary Sciences. New Delhi
Lecture deliver on Approach to case of Chronic Liver Disease, Portal Hypertension and Neonatal Cholestasis on 23rd February 2020
Dr. Rajeev Khanna Associate Professor, Dept. of Pediatric Hepatology,
Inst. of Liver and Biliary Sciences. New Delhi
Lecture deliver on" Autism and Child Development" on 1st December 2019
Dr.Jyotsana Nath NairMedical Director, Burrel Behavioral Health, University of Missouri, USA
Lecture Deliver on "Critical Appraisal of a Research Paper" 10th May 2019
Dr Dheeraj Shah
Chief Editor, Indian Journal Pediatrics,Professor
Department Of Pediatrics UCMS& GTB Hospital, Delhi
Lecture deliver on "Scope of Gastroendoscopy" on 12th March 2019
Dr Shirish Bhatnagar
Senior Consultant
Sparsh Child care and Gastro Centre, Lucknow
1. Prof. S.K. Kabra Professor & Head Pediatric Pulmonology Division, Department of Pediatrics,All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
2. Prof. Girish Gupta Head &
Professor Dept. of Neonatology Sanjay Gandhi PG Institute of Medical Science, Lucknow
3. Prof. Dheeraj Shah Professor
Chief Editor
Indian Journal Pediatrics, Professor
Department Of Pediatrics
Ucms & GTB Hospital, Delhi

Chairman and Professor