Department of Paediatrics
World Tuberculosis Day-2021 (Wednesday, March 24)
At the Department of Paediatrics, a week long awareness programme was organized to mark the World TB Day. A poster and quiz competition was held for undergraduate students, which was followed by an interactive session with the students of Blossoms’ School, Aligarh.
Prof Farzana K. Beig, Head of the Pulmonology and ID Clinic said that the day is observed in the memory of Robert Koch who discovered the TB bacteria in 1882. She said this year’s theme, "Clock is Ticking" reflects the need to work together to eliminate TB by adopting a Sustainable Development Goal to end this deadly epidemic by 2030.
Prof Beg said that with the COVID pandemic overshadowing other illnesses, TB continues to spread.
"We urge you to do your part to stop the chain of transmission of this lethal but preventable and treatable disease. Get tested for COVID and TB whenever in doubt", she said.
Dr Akansha Mittal, Dr Swarna Singh, Dr Nida Khan, Dr Rajkumar, Dr Paroma and Dr Sameen took active part in organizing the awareness programmes.
World Kidney Day - 2021 (Thursday, 11 March)
The Department of Peadiatrics, JN Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University celebrated the World Kidney Day to raise awareness about kidney ailments and its proper treatment.
The World Kidney Day-2021 being celebrated as "Living Well with Kidney Disease seeks to ensure patients’ empowerment and efforts for more effective, integrated and holistic symptom management for all patients with kidney disease beyond traditional kidney therapies in order to offer a better health-related quality of life", said Prof Kamran Afzal, (Chairman, Department of Pediatrics).
Quiz and poster-making competitions were held during the three-day event (10-13 March), for undergraduate and nursing students of the JN Medical College. The prize distribution ceremony was attended by the faculty members, resident doctors and participants.
A health awareness camp in collaboration with the Urban Health Training Centre, Department of Community Medicine was also organised, which was well attended by the people from nearby residential areas.
Dr Suboohi Afzal, Chief Medical Officer in the Department of Community Medicine was present on the occasion along with junior residents, from the Departments of Peadiatrics and Community Medicine, JN Medical College.
The events were organised by Dr Sonali, Dr Zulquarnain, Dr Shriyans, Dr Priyanka, Dr Ishani and Dr Neha, Junior Residents of the Department of Peadiatrics under the supervision of Prof Kamran Afzal.
Out-reach activities & Extra-curricular activities
Well Baby showMarch 2019
World TB Day 24th March2019
World Asthma Day May2019
Breast feeding week 1 – 7 August2019
Kidney day 12th March2019
Health campswas organized at Amroha, Uttar Pradesh
Vice-Chancellor deputed four Resident Doctors to participate in Polio program in Western districts of Uttar Pradesh from 11 – 20th June2019
Out-reach activities & Extra-curricular activities 2020
Well Baby show February 2020
Health checkup camp at Aligarh Modern School Junior wing 27th Feb. 2020
Health checkup camp at Aligarh Modern School Senior wing 29th Feb. 2020
Kidney day 12th March 2020
On-line 33rd IAP Pediatric Quiz competition 30th July 2020 for undergraduate students
On-line IAP Pediatric Quiz competition held on 21-22 November 2020 for the students of Post-graduate.
Disability week
Breast feeding week
Free health checks up of children of Aligarh Modern
School (both Junior and Senior wings) was conducted
by Senior Residents and Junior Residents of
our Department. Students were assessed
for their growth development and nutritional Status. Health Education was imparted to students and
Workshop on Early Detection of Congenital Heart Defects for Nursing Staff of District