Department of Pathology
News and Publication
NAMS member Prof Kafil Akhtar
1. Viva Voce On Gross Specimens (For undergraduates)/ISBN 9789383374502, Alisha Publications Pvt. Ltd., Aligarh (UP).2013.
2 .Textbook of Transfusion Medicine- Basic Principles and Newer Concepts, Paras Medical Publications, New Delhi, India, 2010.ISBN:978-81-8191-282-4.
3 .Textbook on Radiation Therapy changes on Cancer Cervix, VDM Publications,Germany,2010:ISBN:978-3-639-29418-7.
4 .ER, PR and EGFR2 Status in Variants of Breast-Duct Carcinoma. LAP LAMBERT GERMANY,2013.
5 .Introduction to Clinical Pathology (Introduction & Urine Analysis), Academic Book, Aligarh.
6 .A Handbook of Haematology, Simnan international, 105 New Horizon Apartment, Tuglaqaabad Extension, New Delhi
Total =303
2017 (upto May) - 10
2016 -42
2015 -69
2014 - 32
2013 - 28
2012 - 22
2011 - 37
2010 - 33
2009 - 30
List of Publications-
1. Spectrum of Granulomatous Skin Lesions- A Dermato-Pathological Perspective. British J of Medical and Health Research 4(3):1-9, 2017. IF:0.36
2. Ewing?s Sarcoma of Femur with metastasis to the Breast-A rare case report. Advances in Cytology and Pathology 2(2):18-21, 2017. IF:0.36
3. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Eyelid- A Rare Presentation. HSOA J of Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases 3(1):15-17, 2017. IF:0.66
4. Giant Cell Tumor of Dorsal Vertebrae- A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature. Advances in Cytology and Pathology 2(2):19-21, 2017. IF:0.36
5. Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis of Knee- A Cytologic Impression. J of Medical and Health Research 1(1):10-15, 2017. IF:0.26
6. A Rare Presentation of Infiltrating Angiolipoma. International J of Current Research 9(2):36-38, 2017. IF:0.86
7. Neuroregenerative effects of d-α-tocopherol on the crushed sciatic nerve of diabetic rats innovare journal of health sciences, 5( 2): 2017, 1-6
8. Therapeutic potential of d-δ-tocotrienol rich fraction on excisional skin wounds in diabetic rats. Our Dermatol Online. 2017;8(4):1-9
9. A lesion on lip- Hemangioma with chronic granuloma. Annals of International Medical and dental research. 2017; 3: 1-3.
10. Spectrum of Granulomatous Skin Lesions- A Dermato-pathological
Perspective. Akhtar K, Alam F, Sharma K, Hasan M. Br J Med Health Res 2017;4(3): 1-9.
1. 1. A Rare Case of a Dermoid Cyst Of Parotid Gland . International Archives Of BioMedical and clinical Research , April � June 2016. Vol 2 , Issue 2. P � 83- 86
2. A Rare Case Of Colon Perforation By Self Inflicted Transanal Insertion Of A Lead Pencil. Journal of South India Medicolegal Association2016; 8: 44-46.(Index Copernicus)
3. A Rare Case of Primary Peritoneal Psammocarcinoma Presenting as Acute Intestinal Obstruction and Ascites. Int Arch BioMed Clin Res. 2016;2(1):32-35. (Index Copernicus, Google Scholar)
4. A rare form of major self-mutilation in a patient with delusional disorder. J Forensic Sci Med 2016; 2:119-21. (Google Scholar; Index Copernicus, Open J Gate)
5. A Study of Mesh repair in emergency inguinal hernia surgery. SurgChron 2016;21(1): 17-20. (EMBASE/ExcerptaMedica, Scopus)
6. Bilateral Occult Breast Carcinoma Presenting As Bilateral Axillary Mass: An Unusual Presentation. Journal of Cellular Immunotherapy 2(4):1-3, 2016. IF:1.24
7. CNS metastasis of sacrococxygeal teratoma: A cytologic presentation. British J of Medical Health Research 3(6):100-108, 2016. IF:0.36
8. Comparative evaluation of Robinson�s cytological grading with Scarff Bloom Richardson�s histologic grading for Carcinoma breast. British J of Medical Health Research 3(6):100-108, 2016. IF:0.36
9. Complete Resolution of Bilateral Pulmonary Hydatid Cysts with Prolonged Administration of Albendazole: A Rare Occurrence. Int Arch BioMedClin Res. 2016;2:36-39. (Index Copernicus, Google Scholar)
10. Cytodiagnosis of Chondromyxoid fibroma of the metatarsal head: A Case Report. Iranian Journal of Pathology 2016; 11: 272 � 275. (Pubmed)
11. Cytodiagnosis of Schwannoma of parotid gland: a rare entity in a child. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 3 (5), C246-249 2016 .
12. Cytokine Attenuation and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of a New Flavanone7,40-Dihydroxy-3@,3@-Dimethyl -(5,6-Pyrano-2@-One)- 8- (3‴,3‴-Dimethyl Allyl)- Isolated from Mallotus philippensis: Possible Mechanism for Its Anti-Inflammatory Activity. PLOS-One 11(12), 1-12, 2016.
13. Detrimental effect of mandibular mucormycosis burlesquing as osteosarcoma. Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research 2016; 7 (1): 79.
14. Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of E-Cadherin and Vimentin in Oral Cancer Metastasis. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2(4):9-13, 2016. IF:1.89
15. Diagnostic Approach to thyroid nodules. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research 2016; 2: 1-5.
16. Disseminated cryptococcosis in an immunocompetent child. BMJ Case Reports. 2016;doi.10.1136/bcr-2016-217195
17. Effects of d α- Tocopherol on Progression of Reepithelialization, Matrix remodeling and Appearance of Epidermal Appendages in secondary Skin Wounds of diabetic rats. J Dermatolog Clic Res 4(4): 1081, 2016.
18. Epithelioid sarcoma: A Diagnostic Challenge!! A Rare Presentation. Archives of International Surgery 6(1):57-59, 2016. IF:0.32
19. Evaluation of hematological parameters and bone marrow in Indian patients suffering from pancytopenia. Br J Med Health Res. 2016;3(4) (Original Article).
20. Evaluation of Laboratory markers of sepsis screen in the diagnosis of early onset neonatal septicemia. International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics 3 (4):19-22, 2016.
21. Fibrosarcoma of the Gingiva- An Unusual Presentation. Oman Medical Journal 31(4):217-219, 2016. IF:0.28
22. Giant cell tumor of acromion process with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst. Clin Cancer Investig J 2016; 5:342-4. (Index Copernicus, DOAJ)
23. Granulomatous response with breast cancer in a developing country: A Case Report. Iranian Journal of Pathology 2016; 11: 171 � 175.(Pubmed)
24. Laryngeal histoplasmosis. BMJ case reports 2016. Doi: 10.1136/bcr-2016-216423
25. Malignant Melanoma of Anal Canal � A Diagnostic Dilemma. International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research. 2016; 2 (2): 79-82. (Index Copernicus, Google Scholar)
26. Malignant Peripheral Nerve sheath Tumor of Index Finger: A Rare presentation. International J of Innovative Medicine and Health Sciences 8:27-29, 2016. IF:0.36
27. Ovarian yolk sac tumour with granulomatous reaction resembling tuberculosis � a unique presentation. Turkish Journal of Pathology 2016; 32: 126-9.
28. Papillary microcarcinoma in clinically benign thyroidology. Thyroid Research and Practice. 2016; 13:15-18.
29. Port site tuberculosis after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: A rare complication with review of literature. Int J Health Allied Sci 2016; 5:123-5.(CNKI, Google Scholar, Hinari, National Science Library, OpenJGate)
30. Primary synovial chondromatosis of the first tarso-metatarsal joint: a rare case report. Egypt Rheumatol Rehabil journal 43:196-198, 2016. IF:0.36
31. Protective role of nigella sativa oil in isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity in rats. ejpmr, 2016,3(10), 307-312
32. Recurrent Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberance and its Management with Radical Excision and Interval Skin Grafting: A Case J Plastic Surgery. 2016 Vol.5/No.1 January 67-71.
33. Role of septoplasty in reducing the incidence of comorbidities associated with elevated levels of mean platelet volume. The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology; 2016, 32:156�160
34. Spindle Cell Sarcoma of the Tongue: An unusual presentation. Asian J of Medical and Health Research 3(6):100-108, 2016. IF:0.36
35. Study of Hemolysis During Storage of Blood in the Blood Bank of a Tertiary Health Care Centre. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. DOI 10.1007/s12288-016-0769-5, Published online 24th Dec. 2016.
36. Transition of immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and vimentin from premalignant to malignant lesions of oral cavity and oropharynx. Oman Medical Journal 2(1):101-106, 2016. IF: 0.28
37. Trends in Molecular Classification of Breast Carcinoma in a Tertiary Health Care Centre: A 5 year Retrospective Study. Int Arch BioMedClin Res. 2016; 2:69-72. (Index Copernicus)
38. Trends in Molecular Classification of Breast Carcinoma in a Tertiary Health Care Centre ;A 5year Retrospective Study . International Archives of Biomedical And Clinical Research , April � June 2016 , Vol.2 , Issue 2, P 89- 92.
39. Tubercular Dactylitis In A 9 Year Old Male Child: A Rare Case Report.. Br J Med Health Res 2016;4(5): 89-93.
40. Tuberculosis of the Lip: An Interesting Case Presentation. MOJ Clin Med Case Rep 2016, 5(4): 00141
41. Unusual Case of Coexisting Renal Malignancies: Mucinous Tubular and Spindle Cell Carcinoma Kidney with Sarcomatoid Dedifferentiation. Journal of Kidney Cancer and VHL 3(2):8-13, 2016. IF:0.43
42. Vascular hamartoma of broad ligament: A rare case report. Indian J Gynecol Oncol, 2016
1. A large Proliferating Trichelemmal cyst masquerading squamous cell carcinoma .. Indian J. Dermatol 2015 : 60 : 104
2. A case of coexisting carcinoma and tuberculosis in one breast. J Transl Intern Med 2015; 3:32-4.(J-Gate, Google Scholar, ResearchGate).
3. A case of urticaria pigmentosa. Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists. 2015;25 (1):70-72. (embase, index medicus)
4. A critical re-appraisal of diagnostic pitfalls in salivary gland lesions and analysis of cytokeratin 7/cytokeratin 20 as an adjunct in differential diagnosis. Clinical Cancer Investigation journal 2015 Volume : 4 Issue : 3 Page : 354-361.
5. A large Proliferating Trichelemmal cyst masquerading squamous cell carcinoma .. Indian J. Dermatol 2015 : 60 : 104
6. A rare coexistence of adenocarcinoma colon with mesenteric lymphnode tuberculosis: A case report. Surgery 2015 29, 34:9-11.
7. A survey of intestinal lesions with special reference to intestinal tuberculosis in and around Uttar Pradesh, India. International J current microbiology and applied sciences 2015; Special issue 1:118-126.
8. An interesting case of duodenal Carcinoid. Surgery 2015; 34: 36-39.
9. Association of Sociodemographic Factors with Seroprevalance of HIV, HCV and HBV Infections among Blood Donors. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 2015;1: 223-229. (index Copernicus)
10. Associations of Age and Chemotherapy with Late Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Toxicity in a Hypofractionated Adjuvant Radiation Therapy Schedule in Post-mastectomy Breast Cancer Patients. Cancer Transl Med 2015;1:35-8. (DOAJ)
11. Atypical Dermoid Presentations-Histopathological Diagnosis and Surgical Management. J of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research, 6(2): 1-5, 2015. IF:1.41
12. Basaloid cloacogenic carcinoma of anal region: A rare case with review of literature. Surgery 2015; 34: 40-43.
13. Cervical Cancer Metastasis: Significance of E-cadherin and Vimentin. Clinical Research 1(2):1-5, 2015. IF:0.41
14. Challenges In The Diagnosis And Management Of Spontaneous Bile Duct Perforation� A Case Report And Review Of Literature. Journal of Indian association of Pediatric surgeons 2015;20:143-5. (Pubmed)
15. Chronic jejunojejunal intussusception in an adult male due to multiple tubulovillous adenomas: A case report and review of literature. Surgical Chronicles2015; 20: 155-157.(EMBASE/ExcerptaMedica, Scopus)
16. Clear cell basal cell carcinoma- an unusual entity in an Indian male. Indian journal of medical case reports 2015: 4, 66-70. (Google Scholar; Index Copernicus, Open J Gate)
17. CNS Metastases of Lung Tumours - An Immunohistochemical Approach to Diagnosis .International Journal of Research in Medical & Applied Sciences 2015; 1: 7-12
18. Comparision of the efficacy of palpation versus ultrasonography-guided fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of salivary gland lesions. Clin Cancer Investig J 2015; 4: 134-9.
19. Correlation of age and gender with different histological subtypes of primary lung cancer. Med J DY Patil Univ 2015;8:447-51. (index Copernicus)
20. Correlation of clinic-pathologiacl parameters with EGFR and HER-2 Neu status in oral cancer patient in tertiary care centre. International journal biomed research 2015;6(11:897-902).
21. Cutaneous Myeloid Sarcoma of the Penile Foreskin. Turk Patoloji Derg. 2015;31(2):131-135. (pubmed)
22. Cytokeratin positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma: Difficulty in differentiation from metastatic carcinoma.Clin Cancer Investig J 2015 Volume : 4 Issue : 6 Page : 734-736.
23. Cytological evaluation of enlarged lymph nodes in metastatic disease � A hospital � based assessment. Clin Cancer Investig J 2015; 4: 152-7.
24. Diagnostic Value of Cytokeratin 5 and Cytokeratin 6 in Benign and Malignant Lesions of Breast. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2(4):101-106, 2015. IF:1.89
25. Embryonal Carcinoma in Cryptorchid Abdominal Testis of an Infant. Case Reports in Oncological Medicine, 1-3, 2015. ID 383241,
26. Enterolithiasis secondary to tubercular stricture: A report of two cases. Surgical Chronicles2015; 20: 238-241. (EMBASE/ExcerptaMedica, Scopus)
27. Fibrosarcoma developing in Parotid Gland: An unusual presentation. International journal of Head and Neck Surgery.2015,6(2):99-102.
28. Filarial abscess: Aspiration of adult gravid female worm from submandibular region , an unusual presentation, Journal of cytology (under issue preparation). (pubmed)
29. Focal hematopoietic hyperplasia of rib, mimicking to fibrous dysplasia. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2015;2: 107-110.
30. Giant Cell Angiofibroma Scalp: A Rare Neoplasm.International Journal of Head and Neck Surgery.January-March 2015;6(1):10-13. Myopericytoma of lip : a rare lesion in an unusual location. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology.2015; 58 (2)211-13.
31. GranuIomatous Response with Breast Cancer: A case Report. Iranian Journal of Pathology, Spring 2016, 11: (2). 171-175.
32. Granular cell ameloblastoma of Maxilla: masquerading as Pyogenic Granuloma.Oral maxillofacial pathology Journal 2015; 6(1)568-71.
33. In vivo induction of antioxidant response and oxidative stress associated with genotoxicity and histopathological alteration in two commercial fish species due to heavy metals exposure in northern India (Kali) river. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 176(177):17-30, 2015.
34. Incidental detection of Hemoglobin C trait in a 7 year male child. The Journal for Haematology. Photon 104 (2015) 147-150
35. Incidental finding of mucinous adenocarcinoma of appendix in a patient operated for cholecystectomy: A rare case report. International Journal of scientific research, 2015; 4: 33-4.
36. Intravenous Cannula Site Infection Presenting as Endocarditis :A Preventable Complication.Int.J.Curr.Microbiol. App.Sciences. 2015 Special Issue-1:75-80.
37. Isolated appendicular tuberculosis: A rare cause of acute appendicitis. Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine. DOI:10. 5455/ 2015Vol 5 Issue 2:114-15
38. Lipoma arborescens: is it the cause or effect? Egypt Rheumatol Rehabil 2015;42:45�48.(DOAJ)
39. Localized Amyloidosis of the neck: a rare case and literature review. Genes Review, 3(2):635-640, 2015.
40. MegaloblasticAnaemia: A common but often neglected cause of Pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO). Journal of Translational Internal Medicine2015; 3 (2): 64-67. (J-Gate, Google Scholar, ResearchGate)
41. Micropapillary Carcinoma in Benign Thyroid Nodule- An Incidental Rare Finding. International J of Advances in Case Reports, 3(2):635-640, 2015.
42. Mixed medullary and papillary carcinoma thyroid in a young female-a rare case report. Int Arch BioMedClin Res. 2015;1:26-28.(Index Copernicus)
43. Multifocal Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma involving maxilla and mandible: A Rare Entity. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 35(4): 321-323, 2015. IF:0.49
44. Multinodular bilateral breast lesions diagnosed as primary breast lymphoma in a young lactating woman. The Egyptian Society of Internal Medicine 2015, Egypt J Intern Med 27:69�71.(DOAJ)
45. Myopericytoma of the lip: a rare lesion in an unusual location. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2015; 58: 145-277. Impact factor � 0.522
46. Nosocomial Pneumonia in Patients with Prolonged Ryles Tube Insertion. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci(2015) Special Issue-1: 65-70.(Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, OAJI)
47. Papillary microcarcinoma in clinically benign thyroidology. Thyroid Res Pract, Dec 2015.
48. Papular skin lesions: Clue to a recurrence of breast cancer on fine needle nonaspiration cytology (FNNAC). J Cytol 2015;32:68-70. (pubmed)
49. Pathological and Therapeutic Association between Enterobiasis and Certain Perianal Problems. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 5(11): 396-400, 2016. IF:0.48
50. Peripheral Ameloblastoma in an adolescent male mimicking pyogenic granuloma : an unusual finding.Journal of medical science and clinical research.2015 vol3 issue 8 page 6983-86.
51. Primary chondrosarcoma of the breast : a rare case presentation.Annals of Pathology and laboratory medicine. 2015 vol2 no.3page 163- 66.
52. Primary Hydatid disease of the Breast clinically masquerading as a Galactocele: A case report. Journal of Translational Internal Medicine 2015; 3: 82-84.
53. Psoas abscess: a rare metastatic presentation of asymptomatic carcinoma of the cervix. South Afr J Gynaecol Oncol 2015;7(1):37-39.
54. Recurrent angio-fibroma of breast masquerading as phyllodes tumor. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics 2015;11 (3): 650.
55. Restarting thalidomide dexamethasone regimen in a post abortive female with multiple myeloma: effective clinical response possible. 351-339-1-SM.DOC 2015-10-12 (in press in International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research)
56. Retroperitoneal pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma metastasizing to inguinal lymph node.. Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal 2015;4: 404-407.
57. Role of serum carcinoembryonic (CEA) as a tumor marker in breast cancer. International journal of advanced medical and Health Research . Jul-Dec 2014,1:(2) .57-60.
58. Seropositivity Rates for Hepatitis B and C Viruses in Indoor Patients of a Tertiary Care Centre of Northern India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 2015;1: 243-247. (index Copernicus)
59. Spindle cell ameloblastic carcinoma of the maxilla with adenoid cystic carcinoma-like areas: A new variant?. Indian J Pathol Miicrobiol. 2015; 58: 421-575. Impact factor � 0.522
60. Splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes; a case report with review of literature in Annals of pathology and laboratory medicine 2015;2(3):200-203. (index Copernicus)
61. Synchronous transitional cell carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma presenting with hydronephrosis : a rare case report.International journal of current research 2015;7(8),19124-26.
62. Teratocarcinoma in a young boy- An unusual presentation. International Journal Of Science and Research Methodology 2015; 2 (1): 17-21.
63. Trabecular variant of juvenile aggressive ossifying fibroma. Rare tumours 2015. 7: 5890. doi: 10.4081/rt.2015.5890
64. TRENDS IN PEDIATRIC NEOPLASMS AROUND WESTERN UTTAR PRADESH- A STUDY� International Journal Of Medical Science And Clinical Inventions Volume 2 issue 04 2015 page no. 872-878
65. Trends in Seroprevalence of Malaria among Blood Donors in a North IndianTertiary Health Care Centre: Importance of Prevention of Transfusion-Transmissible Malaria. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) Special Issue-1: xx-xx
66. Trichogranuloma of the external auditory canal mimicking an aural polyp:P a rare case report. Archives of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences 2015; 3: 320-22.
67. Tumor Associated Tissue Eosinophilia - A Prognostic Marker in Malignant Tumors. International J of Current Research, 3(2):635-640, 2015. IF:0.22
68. Unique roles of nanotechnology in medicine and cancer- II. Indian journal of cancer 2015; 52 (1):1-9.
69. Xanthogranulomatous salpingo-oophoritis with actinomycosis mimicking tubo ovarian tumor: a case report with review of literature. Global Journal for Research Analysis. 2015; 04(06): 1-2.
1. A case of primary cervicofacial hydatidosis .. J.Global Infectious Dis 2014 Vol 6: issue 1, 43-44
2. Amyand�s Hernia Masquerading as a Strangulated Inguinal Hernia: A Case Report and Literature Review. J Med Sci 2014; 34(6):260-262. (Scopus, CNKI, Google Scholar, HinariOpenJGate)
3. Blood substitutes-Possibilities with Nanotechnology. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus 2014; 30:155�162.
4. Calcifying Fibrous Tumor of Peritoneum in a Case of Ulcerative Colitis: An Unusual Coexistence.INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH 2014 4(8) : 489-10.
5. Cavernous Hemangioma of the penis mimicking malignancy. Asian J Med Clin Sci. 2014 ;3(2) :40-41.. Incidentally discovered giant mucocele of the appendix. JCPSP 11/ 2014; 24:196-197.
CEREBRAL TUBERCULOMA� BMJ Case Reports 2014, doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-206832
6. Coexistence of giant cell fibroblastoma and encephalocele - BMJ case reports, 2014. bcr2013203420 .
7. Cystic glioblastoma multiforme masquerading as a cerebral tuberculoma. BMJ Case Rep Oct 2014.(Pubmed)
8. Cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma � a rare entity. J Pharm Biomed Sci 2014; 04 ( 01) ; 58 � 60.
9. Cytomorphological tissue reaction patterns in lymph node tuberculosis and their correlation with bacterial density. Ann Trop Med Public Health 2014;7:255-62. (scopus & Embase)
10. Giant unilocular hydatid cyst of spleen. Elective Medicine Journal 2014, 2:3. (Index Copernicus, DOAJ)
11. Granular Cell Epulis of a Newborn Male Child. Indian Medical Gazette 2014 120-122.
12. Hydatid cyst: unusual presentation as �breast lump�.- BMJ case reports, 2014 bcr2014204273.
13. Incidentally discovered goblet cell carcinoid clinically presenting as acute intestinal obstruction: A case report with review of literature.Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology.2014,57(1): 120.
14. Low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm with pseudomyxoma peritonei : An enigma fo pathologists. Euroasian Jof Hepato Gastropenterology .July-December 2014 : 4 (2) : 113-116
15. Myxofibrosarcoma of the male breast- an infrequent neoplasm: A case report and comprehensive review. Int.J of Allied Med Sci and Clin Research 2014;2:410-414.
16. Nanotechnology based artificial platelets. Egyptian J of Hematology 2014; 39: 1-5.
17. Pituitary adenoma � A case report with emphasis on approach to diagnosis. Clin Cancer Investig J 2014; 3: 264-7.
18. Potential Applications of Quantum Dots in Mapping Sentinel Lymp node and Detection of Micrometastases in Breast Carcinoma. J Breast Cancer 2013; 16(1): 1-11
19. Primary fallopian tube carcinoma- A cytoradiological diagnosis . Int J Clinical Surgery Adv 2014 : 2(2) : 29-34
20. Primary low-grade diffuse small lymphocytic lymphoma of Central nervous system. BMJ Case reports 2014.
21. Primary Mediastinal T-Cell Non-Hodgkin�s Lymphoma Presenting as Cardiac Temponade: a Diagnostic Dilemma. - International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2014 4(9) 342-346 .
22. Psoas abscess: a rare metastatic presentation of a symptomatic carcinoma of the cervix South Afr J Gynaecol Oncol3 ,2014 Vol 6 No 2
24. Reticular schwannoma mimicking myxoid sarcoma - BMJ case reports,2014 . bcr2013202963
25. Retinal tissue in mature cystic teratoma of ovary presenting with full � term pregnancy. BMJ Case reports 2014. Doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-202914
26. Role of serum carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) as a tumor marker in breast cancer. Int J Adv Med Health Res 2014; 1:57-60.(National Science Library, Google Scholar)
27. Sclerosing stromal tumor of the ovary presenting as precocious puberty: Unusual presentation of the rare neoplasm.International Journal of Medicine and Public Health.2014 4(3), 307.
28. Suspected hydatid cyst of liver harbouring an aggressive desmoplastic small round cell tumour. BMJ Case Rep 2014. doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-204232.
29. Thumb Polydactyly associated with secondary chondrosarcoma arising from a solitary enchondroma : A rare case report. Clinical Investigation Journal, Jan- Feb 2014 Vol3 Issue 1
30. Tubercular epididymo-orchitis mimicking a testicular tumor. Unusual presentation of the rare disease. International Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2014;2:17-20.
31. Unique roles of nanotechnology in medicine and cancer- Indian journal of cancer 2014; 51 (4): 506-510.
32. Vitamin B12 supplement alleviates N'-nitrosodimethylamine-induced hepatic fibrosis in rats. Pharmaceutical biology. 2014 52(4) 516-513.
2. Expression of Ki 67 in breast carcinoma & its co-relation with clinical staging & grading of the tumor. Surgery 25:32-39, 2013.
3. Apoptotic Index and Mib Antibody Expression in Premalignant and Malignant Lesions of Uterine Cervix . Gynecol Obstet 2013;3(5):173doi10.4172/2161-0932.1000173
4. Atypical clear cell adenofibroma of the ovary � A case report. Middle east Journal of Cancer,2013; 4: 87-90.
5. Benign mediastinal teratoma with intrapulmonary and bronchial rupture presenting with recurrent hemoptysis.Iranian Journal of Radiology.2013 10(2):86.
6. Expression of ki-67 in carcinoma breast and its correlation with clinical staging and grading of the tumor. Surgery 2013. Vol -25, 30.
7. Cholesterol granuloma of the breast mimicking malignancy.BMJ Case Rep.2013.
8. Clinico-radiological and pathological evaluation of extra testicular scrotal lesions. J of Cytology 2013; 30 (1): 27-32.
9. Cystosarcoma phyllodes of the breast in adolescent patient: An unusual presentation.Surgery 2013; 26: 45-47
10. Dedifferentiated Acinic cell tumor : The harlequin of salivary gland neoplasms �An unusual variant . BMJ Case Reports 2013
11. Diagnostic And Prognostic Significance Of Serum CEA In Premalignant And Malignant Lesions Of Uterine Cervix. Asian Journal Of Medical and Clinical sciences.2(3):123-25,2013
12. Eyelid Plexiform Neurofibroma: Atypical Presentation and Management- Int J Ophthalmic Pathol 2, 2013 ,4: 2
13. Image �guided fine needle aspiration of retroperitoneal masses � The role of the cytopathologist. Journal of Cytology, 2013; 30: 36-41. (Original Article)
14. Late Post Traumatic Right-sided Diaphragmatic Hernia Presenting with Acute Intestinal Obstruction and Strangulation: A Rare Presentation. Oman Med J 2013; 28. (Pubmed, Scopus, EMBASE, Index Copernicus)
15. Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma of the mandible. J of Pakistan medical students 2013;3(2)
16. Metastasis to left scapula with unknown primary - Approach to pathological diagnosis. South asian journal of cancer, 2013; 2: 2.
17. Non-calcifying variant of calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor with clear cells-first case report of an extraosseous (Peripheral) presentation.European Journal of General Dentistry 2013 2(1):80.
18. Paraganglioma of the thyroid gland: cytologists�Enigma ; BMJ Case Rep 2013.doi:10.1136/bcr-2013-009518.
19. Potential Applications of Quantum Dots in Mapping Sentinel Lymp node and Detection of Micrometastases in Breast Carcinoma. J Breast Cancer 2013; 16(1): 1-11
20. Primary bone lymphomas- Clinical cases and review of literature. Journal of Bone Oncology 2013; 2 (3),132-136
21. Prognostic & predictive Impact of Ki 67 in Premalignant & malignant squamous cell lesions of oral cavity. International J of head & neck surgery,4(2):,2013.
22. Prolonged mechanical ventilation causing tracheoesophageal fistula. IMJ 2013; 5:4.
23. Pure invasive apocrine carcinoma of breast � A rare entity. Middle east Journal of Cancer,2013; 4:131-33.
24. Rapidly growing adenexal mass in an adolescent female � a diagnostic dilemma. Acta Obstet Ginecol Port 2013; 7(1):73-76.
25. Rhinosporidiosis: Intraoperative Cytological diagnosis in an unsuspected lesion. Case reports in PathologyVolme 2012Article ID101832 doi:10.1155/2012/101832
26. Role of fine needle aspiration, imprint and scrape cytology in the evaluation of oral lesions. Journal of cytology.2013; 30: 263-68.
27. Sebaceous carcinoma with apocrine differentiation: A rare entity with aggressive behavior.Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology.2013 56(4) :408-10.
28. Suprapubic Fecal Fistula Due To Richter�s Inguinal Hernia: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Iran J Med Sci. 2013; 38.(Pubmed, Scopus, EMBASE, Index Copernicus)
�Metabolic and Steroidal Effect of Physalisalkekengi, Linn.� Hippocratic Journal of UnaniMedicine, Jan-June 2012, Vol. 7 (1): 33-41.
2. �Physicochemical Standardization of Tukhm-e-Qurtum (Carthamustinctorius Linn)� Hamdard Medicus, Oct-Dec 2012, 55
3. A case of pure endophytic squamous cell carcinoma of gall bladder: a rare entity with aggressive behaviour. Turk Patoloji Dergisi. 2012; 28: 181-183.
4. A study on antioxidant and apoptotic effect of Azadirachta (Neem) in cases of cervical cancer. Archives of Gynecology and obstetrics. 2012 DOI 1007/s00404-012-2428-x.
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