M. Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Condensed Matter Physics/Nanotechnology, Radiation Physics
Mohlla Mansoor, Near Jama Masjid, Ganjdundwara, District Kasganj (U.P.)
Dr. S. Asad Ali earned his M.Phil. (2005) and Ph.D. (2009), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He is credited with four best paper awards in the conferences/symposia. He was also awarded JRF, SRF fellowships from Inter University, Accelerator Centre (IUAC). He has published more than 28 research papers in National/International reputed journals and presented more than 45 papers in the conferences/workshops. He has been awarded Young Scientist award from Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi under fast track Scheme with research grant of Rs 18,60,000/-. Dr. Ali has expertise in field of SHI effects on polymers and also characterization techniques like XRD, AFM, UV-Vis., FTIR and Positron Annihilation Life Time measurements (PALS). His areas of research interests include the investigating and perfecting the properties of Polymeric materials, nanomaterial for device applications. Particularly, He is working in the field of Swift Heavy Ion induced effects on polymeric material and polymer nanocomposites. He has published research papers in international journals of repute like; Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, Journal of Radiation Measurements, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Applied Physics, Journal of Physica Status Solidi C and Journal of Radiation Physics and Chemistry and Applied Physics A Materials Science & Processing.