Prof. Salman Khalil {Professor (Statistics)}
M. Phil, PGDCP, Ph.D.
"URDU BAGH" Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh-202002 (U.P.), India
Dr. Salman Khalil has been working in the
Department of Community Medicine, J.N.M.C Aligarh, since 2001, in 2023 he has been promoted to
Professor (Statistics).
has been teaching undergraduate and post-graduate students for
more than 24 years. The thrust area of teaching is Bio-Statistics and
Research Methodology. He has attended 34 Conferences and
Workshops, presented 10 papers and 40 papers have been published
in National and International Journals. He has been Co-Supervisor for
15 MD Thesis and 12 M.Sc. Projects (Home Science). He has worked
as Bio-statistician under the Polio Eradication Programme of UNICEF for
12 years. He was also nominated as an expert for an interview for UPSC.
He has also worked as a member of the Institutional Ethics Committee. He
was appointed as External Examiner to Master of Occupational
Therapy, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi. He was a Faculty member for two
years for the Faculty of Medicine, JNMC. He has remained a member of the educational board of the India Journal of Life Science (I J L S) Varanasi. He
is a Life Member of the India Journal of Preventive & Social Medicine, BHU,
Social Medicine Association Punjab, and India Journal of Community
Best Researcher Award has been awarded in the 10th
International Scientist awards on Engineering, Science Medicine
organized on 26th & 27th September.2020 by VDGOOD Professional
Association, Hyderabad, India, (year 2020), he also received the International education excellence Award 2021 in appreciation to the teaching & research excellence in Bio-Statistics by Centre for professional advancement continues education (CPACE) (year 2021).- Publication
Sample Allocation Problem In Multi-Objective Multivariate Stratified Sample Surveys Under Two Stage Randomized Response Model, Yashpal Singh Raghav, M. Faisal Khan and S. KHALIL, Journal of Mathmatical Computatuonal Science, UK, London, 7 (2017), No. 6, 1074-1089, ISSN: 1927-5307.