Ph.D., M.Tech., B.Tech.
Computer Architecture, Parallel and Distributed Computing, High Performance Data Mining, Web Mining and Searching, Fuzzy Logic and Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Question Answering Systems, Natural Language Processing
Department of Computer Engineering, F/o Engineering and Technology, A.M.U. Aligarh - 202002 (India)
Prof. Beg has published a book, 29 book chapters and over 165 research papers on a wide range of topics in Web Mining and Soft Computing. He has also been an invited lecturer at many places in U.S.A., U.K., K.S.A., Pakistan and India.
Prof. Beg was awarded the University Gold Medal for standing First at B.Sc. (Engg.) Examinations (all branches combined). He has also bagged twice the Best Paper Awards and the High-Quality Presentation Awards each.
Prof. Beg has served as a reviewer and has been on the board of many journals and conferences of repute. His current research interests are in the areas of Parallel and Distributed Processing, Soft Computing, Question Answering Systems, Natural Language Processing, Web Mining and Searching.
- COC2070 Lecture-25 Up-Down Counter
- COC2070 Lecture-18 Parity bit generator & checker
- COC2070 Lecture-1 Number System
- COC2070 Lecture-2 Binary Number System
- COC2070 Lecture-3 Complements of Numbers
- COC2070 Lecture-4 Subtraction by Complementation
- COC2070 Lecture-5 Binary Codes and Binary Logic
- COC2070 Lecture-6 Boolean Algebra
- COC2070 Lecture-7 Boolean Functions
- COC2070 Lecture-8 Simplification of Boolean Functions
- COC2070 Lecture-9 Karnaugh Maps
- COC2070 Lecture-10 Two Level Implementations
- COC2070 Lecture-11 Tabulation Method
- COC2070 Lecture-12 Combinational Circuits
- COC2070 Lecture-13 Adders and Magnitude Comparators
- COC2070 Lecture-14 Decoder and Demultiplexer
- COC2070 Lecture-15 Encoder and Multiplexer
- COC2070 Lecture-16 ROM
- COC2070 Lecture-17 ROM and PLA
- COC2070 Lecture-19 Sequential Systems
- COC2070 Lecture-20 JK and T Flip-Flops
- COC2070 Lecture-21 Excitation Tables
- COC2070 Lecture-22 Design of Sequential Circuits
- COC2070 Lecture-23 Counters and Registers
- COC2070 Lecture-24 Shift Registers
- COC2070 Lecture-26 RAM
- COC2070 Lecture-27 Register Transfer Logic
- COC2070 Lecture-28 Continuing with Register Transfer Logic
- COC2070 Lecture-29 A Simple Computer
- COC2070 Lecture-30 Arithmatic Circuit Design
- COC2070 Lecture-31 ALU Design
- COC2070 Lecture-32 ALU Design continued
- COC2070 Lecture-33 Control Signals for the Processor
- COC2070 Lecture-34 Accumulator Design