Mr. Mohd. Imran
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Networking, Multimedia technology
New friends Colony, Sir syed nagar Aligarh
Mohd Imran is Assistant Professor(C) in Department of Computer Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University, India. He has received his M. Tech degree from Aligarh Muslim University in 2015 with Honors. His area of expertise are Network Protocols, Computer security and, Multimedia Technologies.
- Publication
Published Book Chapters:
- Imran, M., & Qadeer, M. A. (2018). Wearable U-HRM Device for Rural Application. In U-Healthcare Monitoring Systems (1st ed., Vol. 1, Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare, pp. 1-14). Elsevier Academic Press. doi:
- Imran M., Shadab M., Islam M.M., Haque M. (2018) Skin Detection Based Intelligent Alarm Clock Using YCbCr Model. In: Satapathy S., Joshi A. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS 2017) - Volume 2. ICTIS 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 84. Springer, Cham, DOI:, Online ISBN 978-3-319-63645-0
- Haque M., Imran M. (2018) Review of Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Hu YC., Tiwari S., Mishra K., Trivedi M. (eds) Intelligent Communication and Computational Technologies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 19. Springer, Singapore, DOI, Online ISBN 978-981-10-5523-2
- Mohd Imran, Misbahul Haque, Mohd Vasim Ahamad, Mohd Shoaib (2018) Big Data Analytics Tools and Platform in Big Data Landscape. In: Tiwari, V., Thakur, R. S., Tiwari, B., & Gupta, S. (eds). Handbook of Research on Pattern Engineering System Development for Big Data Analytics (pp. 1-500). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3870-7.ch006, pp. 80-89
- Misbahul Haque, Mohd Vasim Ahamad, Mohd Imran, Mohd Shoaib (2018) Big Data and Analytics: Application to Healthcare Industry. In: Tiwari, V., Thakur, R. S., Tiwari, B., & Gupta, S. (eds). Handbook of Research on Pattern Engineering System Development for Big Data Analytics. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3870-7.ch004, pp. 55-66
- Mohd Vasim Ahamad, Misbahul Haque, Mohd Imran (2018) Insight into Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Recent Trends and Future Prospects. In: Tiwari, V., Thakur, R. S., Tiwari, B., & Gupta, S. (eds) Handbook of Research on Pattern Engineering System Development for Big Data Analytics. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3870-7.ch005, pp. 67-79
Published International Conferences:
- Anurag Garg, Viyangu Saini, M. Imran, and M.A.Qadeer, “Performance Analysis of Software defined networks”, 9th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, CICN-2017, International FINAL University, Girne, Cyprus, Turkey, September 16-17, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/CICN.2017.8319356
- M. Imran, T. Jamal and M. A. Qadeer, "Performance analysis of LTE networks in varying spectral bands," 2016 IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH), Coimbatore, 2016, pp. 50-55. doi: 10.1109/ICETECH.2016.7569190
- M. Imran and M. A. Qadeer, "Evaluation Study of Performance Comparison of Topology Based Routing Protocol, AODV and DSDV in MANET," 2016 International Conference on Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ICMETE), GHAZIABAD, India, 2016, pp. 207-211. doi: 10.1109/ICMETE.2016.100
- Misbahul Haque, M. Imran, “Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comparative Survey”, in Proceeding of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET 2017), 22-24 march, 2017, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India.
- T. Ali, and M. Imran, "UOCR: A ligature based approach for an Urdu OCR system," 2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), New Delhi, 16-18 March, 2016, pp. 388-394.
- Presented an International paper titled “Object based Graphical User Authentication Scheme” in International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT-2015), Springer, October 9-10 2015, Udaipur, India
Published Journals:
- Misbahul Haque, M. Imran, “Performance Evaluation of MOSPF, ODMRP, DVMRP and MAODV Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols”, International Journal of Control Theory And Applications, Vol. 10, Number 13, ISSN: 0974-5572, International Science Press 2017.(Impact Factor 0.52)
- M. Imran, Tasleem Jamal, M Haque and M. Shoaib, “Comparative Analysis of Lossless Image Compression techniques: SPHIT, JPEG-LS and Data Folding”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology(IJET), Vol.9, No. 3S(July 2017) pp. 375-379
- M. Haque, M. Imran, “Performance Analysis of Energy Routing Protocols in MANET”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), Vol.9, No. 3S (July 2017) pp. 387-393
- Qasim Khan, Furkan Ahmad, and Mohd Imran, “Congestion management in Indian power Transmission System”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), Vol. 9, No. 3S (July 2017) 26-31