Ph. D
Creative writing, Translation Studies and Comparative literature
Behind Qadri Masjid,4/80 N 111/256Anoopshahar RoadKabir ColonyAligarh
Sami Rafiq had her education from St. Mary's Convent Naini Tal and Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior. She did her graduation and post graduation from Aligarh Muslim University. She earned her doctoral degree on Tennessee Williams the American playwright and her topic is "The Use of the technique of Impressionistic Painting in the select plays of Tennessee Williams". She has created a course on Climate Change and Literature on the Swayam Portal NPTEL (2025) comprising of 60 lectures.She was invited as Visiting Professor to Chanakya National Law University, Patna, to deliver 16 lectures on Climate Change and Literature (07.01.2025-16.01.2025).She was invited as a Keynote Speaker to a seminar on Voices of the Earth:Global Perspectives on Climate Fiction and Environmental Narratives hosted by the Department of English at Calicut University (Feb 5-6, 2025).The topic of her lecture was Spiritual and Psychic Connections with Mother Nature:Thoughts about Healing the Earth. She was invited as a resource person to deliver a lecture on Translation: Crossing Labyrinths and Losses at the Online Short-Term Programme on Multilingualism and Translation(4th to 10th March 2025) organised by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur.She was invited as a resource person to deliver a talk on Climate Consciousness Through Literature:A Call for Climate Activism to an online conference hosted by Kumaraguru College of Liberal Arts and Science in Coimbatore on Narratives of change:Storytelling for Inclusive Futures (3-7 Feb,2025). She was invited as a resource person in Round Table Symposium on Aligarh on Climate Change: Biodiversity, Sustainability,Technology and Culture held on December 28, 2024, at Kennedy Hall, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.She was convener of the 19th International Biennial Symposium on Literature and Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region on Literature and the Non-Human:Abrogating the Anthropocene Nov 27-2022 in the Department of English,Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh, India.She has also made significant contributions in the field of Women’s Studies. She contributed four lecture modules to the swayam portal in January 2021 on the following areas: 1 Indian science fiction 2. Sufi poetry. She has also delivered online lectures on creative writing and comparative literature: 1. 22nd to 23rd August 2020 department of Arabic JNU comparing fiction in a feminist framework the case of translated Urdu novels and English novels. 2. Writing Horror Fiction. A Lecture on Creative Wring At Dibrugarh University, Assam.She has contributed a module to E Pathshala MHRD on Ismat Chughtai.She has also translated Urdu writings by women writers into English and has also published and presented papers in International conferences in this area. She presented a paper on English Translations of Urdu Writings by Women at the American Translation Association Conference in San Antonio, TX in November 2013. Her other areas of specialization are creative writing, comparative literature, translation studies and Indian Writing in English. She has been teaching both literature and ELT classes for 26 years. She is a prolific writer and has published features, articles, short stories, plays and translations in national newspapers and magazines which are around 150 in number. Her first e novel titled The Small Town Woman which is about women in a small town can be read on the net.Her recent published works are Songs of Aligarh: poems on Nature and Culture, Hawakal Publishers (22 November 2024), “Potpourri” Women’s Era March 2024 and The Crow’s Gift Children’s World February 2024.Karbala a play by Premchand recently translated into English by Haris Qadeer and Sami Rafiq Sahitya Akademi 2023.Her upcoming novel Adiva too is about Muslim women. She conducted a workshop on creative writing at Hansraj Mahila Mahavidyalaya Jalandhar in November 2010 titled "Imagine, Write, Create." She presented a paper on "Translations of Urdu Poetry and Digital Publishing" in the 14th Biennial Symposium on Culture and Society in the Asia- Pacific Region held at the Westerly Centre, University of Western Australia, Perth in December 2011. She presented a paper on Sufi literature in the 16th Biennial Symposium on Literature and Culture in the Asia Pacific in the University of Philippines in Manila in 2015. She gave an address on Cosmic Love:Invisibilty and Loss in the 21st Century at the Ninth Annual Reflective Conference on Education to Globalize the Human Mind:Cultivation the Spirit of Love Sept 29-30, 2018, at the Unversity of Waterloo, Ontario She has published around 130 articles which include short stories, features, plays, translations and poems in newspapers and magazines. She has been writing regularly for the Hindustan Times Innervoice column. She has also published academic papers on comparative literature and Indian Writing in English. She is the founding and chief editor of Cloverleaf a journal of Spiritual Heritage Education Network,Kitchener, Canada.”
- Coverleaf (ISSN 2561-6986) Journal of Education in Evolvement and All Encompassing Spiritualit Download PDF
Prof. Sami Rafiq is founding Editor and Editor in Chief
Four issues 2016-2019
- Raghupati Sahai Firaq Download PDF
A translation of representative Urdu poems by Firaq Gorakhpuri into English
- The Glory of India Download PDF
A translation of Urdu poems on nationalism and patriotism into English
- The Second Exile Download PDF
A translation of select poems of Kaifi Azmi from Urdu into English
- Sahir Ludhianvi: Selected Poems Download PDF
- Doggerels for Every Mind Download PDF
A collection of poems
- Picture Books for Children: Percy and Vanessa Our Magic Peepal Tree Monkeying With Granny's Glasses A House For Cotton Tuft Bunny Download PDF
A picture book for children
- Publication
Personal Details: Sami Rafiq Qualifications: Ph. D Designation: Professor
Thrust Areas:
Women’s Studies,Creative writing, Translation Studies and Comparative literature Address:
Behind Qadri Masjid,
4/80 N 111/256
Anoopshahar Road
Kabir Colony
Profile :
Sami Rafiq had her education from St. Mary's Convent Naini Tal and Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior. She did her graduation and post graduation from Aligarh Muslim University. She earned her doctoral degree on Tennessee Williams the American playwright and her topic is
"The Use of the technique of Impressionistic Painting in the select plays of Tennessee Williams" She has also made significant contributions in the field of Women's Studies.
She has contributed a module to E Pathshala MHRD on Ismat Chughtai.She has also translated Urdu writings by women writers into English and has also published and presented papers in International conferences in this area.
=>She presented a paper on English Translations of Urdu Writings by Women at the American Translation Association Conference in San Antonio, TX in November 2013.
=>Her other areas of specialisation are creative writing, comparative literature, translation studies and Indian Writing in English. She has been teaching both literature and ELT classes. She is a prolific writer and has published features, articles, short stories, plays and translations in national newspapers and magazines which are around 150 in number.
=>Her first e novel titled The Small Town Woman which is about women in a small town can be read on the net.Her upcoming novel Adiva too is about Muslim women.
=>She conducted a workshop on creative writing at Hansraj Mahila Mahavidyalaya Jalandhar in November 2010 titled "Imagine, Write, Create."
=>She presented a paper on "Translations of Urdu Poetry and Digital Publishing" in the 14th Biennial Symposium on Culture and Society in the Asia- Pacific Region held at the Westerly Centre, University of Western Australia, Perth in December 2011.
=> She presented a 60 minute paper at the American Translators Conference in San Antonio, TX in 2013 on Women’s Writing in Urdu.
=> She presented a paper titled “Risk and Redressal in Sufi Literary Texts” in the 15th Biennial Symposium on Literature and Culture in the Asia- Pacific at the Hong Kong University in 2013.
=>She presented a paper on the Occult and its Impact on Literature and Culture in the 16th Biennial Symposium on Literature and Culture in the Asia Pa0cific in the University of Philippines in Manila in 2015.
=> She gave an address on Cosmic Love: Invisibility and Loss in the 21st Century in the Ninth Annual Reflective Conference on Education to Globalize the Human Mind:Cultivating the Spirit of Love,Sept 29-30, 2018, at the University of Waterloo, Ontario.
She has been delivering lectures at The Academic Staff College, A.M.U., Aligarh for the last ten years on a variety of topics.
Two lectures on Gender Sensitivity at The Academic Staff College, AMU, December 2018.
Two lectures in the Social Sciences Orientation Programme.
- Climate Change and Literature December 22, 2018.
- Secularism and Nationalism in Urdu Poetry December 24, 2018.
=> She has been writing regularly for the Hindustan Times Innervoice column. She has also published academic papers on comparative literature and Indian Writing in English.
Academic Qualifications :
=> Ph. D (1997) =>M. Phil (1989) =>M.A (1986)
=>B.A (Hons) (1984) => PUC (1981)
=> PG Certificate in Teaching of English(PGCTE) Hyderabad
Total teaching experience:
Approx. 20 years AMU, Aligarh, India.
Research Guided:
=>Ph. D. awarded: Three
=>P. G. Dissertation Projects: Seven (Approximately) =>Supervising Research scholars for the award of Ph. D.: Six
=>Books: Two
=>Creative Works: Three
=>Poems: Twelve
=>Research Papers: Twenty one
=>Translations from Urdu into English: Thirteen
=>Articles in National Dailies and Magazines: One hundred four =>Online write ups: four
Conferences/ Seminars
=>International: nine
=>National: Six
Publications => Books
=> Impressionistic Painting and Tennessee Williams's Plastic Theatre, New Delhi: Authorspress, 2014.
=> Aahung, A Collection of Poems by Asrarul Haq Majaz translated into English by Sami Rafiq, New Delhi: Authorspress, 2014.
=> Raghupati Sahai Firaq Poems, Translated into English by Sami Rafiq and Rafiq Pilibhiti, New Delhi: Authorspress:2015.
=> Sahir Ludhianvi, Selected Poems Translated by Rafiq Pilibhit and Sami Rafiq, Kindle Publishing.
Chief Editor and Contributor
Journal of Education and Evolvement in All Encompassing Spirituality, Spiritual Heritage Education Network, Kitchener, Ontario
Co-editor and Translator
The Glory of India An Anthology of Urdu Poetry in Translation New Delhi:Viva Books, 2016
Creative Works:
=> The Small Town Woman, An E Novel, Aadya Publishers, Aligarh.
=> Autumn Leaves: A Collection of Poems Educational Book house, Aligarh: 1987.
=> Cheeku's Butterfly (Picture Book for Children which won a prize in the All Indian Competition for Writers of Childrens' Books) New Delhi: Childrens' Book Trust, 1995.
=> Doggerels For Every Mind: A Collection of Poems
=> “Kitchen Calender 2014”, Poem. Indian Literature Sahitya
Akademi, LVII.4 New Delhi, 2014.
=> “Suburban Galaxy”, Poem. Indian Literature Sahitya Akademi, LVII.4 New Delhi, 2014. => Prayer at Dusk”, Poem. Indian Literature Sahitya Akademi, LVII.4 New Delhi, 2014.
=> Ì?Walls”. Poem. Indian Literature Sahitya Akademi, LVII.4 New Delhi, 2014.
=> “Lessons for a Muslim Woman”; Westerly, A Journal of University of western Australia. Nov. 2013.
=> Small Town Millionaire (Poem) Hindustan Times; 14March, 2009 => Hate Campaign (poem) The Telegraph Calcutta 4 April, 2009
=> For Shoe throwers (poem) Hindustan Times 9 May, 2009 => Unusual Unity (poem) Hindustan Times 2 August, 2009.
=> All that went wrong (Poem) Hindustan Times 18 April, 2010. => What is the meaning of absurd? Hindustan Times.
=> The Ultimate Truth Hindustan Times 3.7.2009. => Maidservant. Femina; Jan 8, 1997.
Research Papers:
=> “Authentic And Primary Identities of Women: A Comparative Study of Wuthering Heights, Gone with the Wind, and Ziddi” in Journal of the Faculty of Arts Vol.3 Numbers1-2(2004) pp. 176—189.
=> “Representation of Muslim Women in Qurratulain Hyder’s Agle Janam Mohe Bitia Na Kijo and Ruskin Bond’s The Flight of Pigeons: A Comparative Study” in Behind the Veil: Representation of Muslim Women in Indian Writing in English 1950-2000. edited by A.R. Kidwai A P H, New Delhi,2007,pp104-112.
=> “Experiencing The Feminine: A Comparative Study of Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar and Kamala Das’s My Story” in Aligarh Journal of English StudiesVol.27 (2005) Numbers1-2 pp73-87.
=> “Sea Symbolism in Sylvia Plath and Kamala Das: A Comparative Study of some selected Poem” in The Journal of the Faculty of Arts in Vol.4 Numbers1-2(2005-6)
=> “A Comparison of the Islamic and Western Worlds in Alex Haley’s Roots”. Blessing in Disguise:Islam and Western Creative Literature edited by Syed Mashkoor Ali Surabhi Publications, Jaipur, 2009.
=> “Scarred Landscapes of Love: A Comparative study of the selected poems of Sylvia Plath and Kamala Das” in The Journal of English Language and Literature, in Vol.1 (2007).
=> “Interrrogating Female Sexuality in Qurratulain Hyder’s River of Fire and Doris Lessings The Golden Notebook” Journal of the Faculty of Arts Vol.5 Nos 1-2
=> “Redefining the Feminine through Anger and Rebellion: A Comparative Study of The Selected Poems of Sylvia Plath and Kamala Das”. Third Frame Literature, Culture and Society. p.169- 180ISSN 0974-1542 (A Quarterly Journal Volume 2, No.4OctoberDecember2009)
=> “Representation of the Female Psyche: The Champa of Aag Ka Darya in Qurratulain Hyder & The River of Fire”. Aakar Books, New Delhi, 2011.
=> “The Image of a Tree in the poems of Robert Frost, Gulzar and Javed Akhtar: An Ecocritical Perspective.” The Journal of English Language and Literature, in Vol.4. No.1 June 2010.
=> “Quest for the Self in Ruskin Bond’s two novellas The Room on the Roof and Vagrants in the Valley” in Tradition and Modernity: Essays on Indian Writing in English edited by Farhatullah Khan and Mohd Asim Siddiqui Aligarh 2003
=> “Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace: A Fanonian Reading” in The Aligarh Journal of English Studies Vol. 24 (2002) Numbers1-2 pp.124---140
=> “She follows her heart; A study of the women characters in the select novels and short stories of Somerset Maugham in relation to the Idea of Sin, Suffering and Salvation ” in Sin, Suffering and Salvation in Literature edited by Hemant Gehlot, Radha Publications, New Delhi,2004 pp.156-151
=> “Children’s Writing in India” Journal of Children’s’ Literature August 2008.
=> Interview with Qaisra Shaharaz in The Holy and the Unholy: Critical Essays on Qaisra Shahraz's Fiction => Grace Under Pressure: An Exploration of Female Worlds in Qaisra Shahraz's Short Stories pp. 249-259.
=> Animal Symbolism in Sufi Literature with Special Reference to the stories of Idries Shah, Jodhpur Studies in English Literature, Vol. XI, 2013, pp. 103-107
=> Asrarul Haq Majaz: An Introduction, Indian Literature: Sahitya Akademi's Bimonthly Journal, Sept/October 2012, Vol LVI No.5, pp. 38-42.
=> The Glass Menagerie: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Criticism and Counter Criticism ed., Mohd. Asim Siddiqui with Abdur Raheem Kidwai, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd, pp. 162-174.
=> “Implications for the Western World: A Study of the Translation and Adaptation of Rumi’s Poems”. Institute of Persian Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. 2013.
=> Book Review: Dr. Rasheed Jahan: Selected Short Stories and Plays in Studies on ISLAM, Vol. 3, No 2, July 2005, pp.116-118
=> A module contributed to E Patshala, MHRD on Ismat Chughtai in the area of Women's Writing
Translations from Urdu into English
=> “The Dead Ocean” (Murda Samandar) a story by Krishan Chander
(The Sunday Observer March 14, 1993).
=> “On the Mahatma’s Death” (Saniha) by Asrarul Haq Majaz in HindustanTimes Jan 31, 2006.
=> “She who went looking for Butterflies” (Titlian dhoondne wali)a story published in Neither Night Nor Day, Harper Collins Publishers India 2007.
=> “Syed’s Tombstone” (Syed Ki Lauhe Turbat) by Allama Iqbal in The University Gazette.
=> Green Wounds (Hare Zakhm) translation of a collection of poems by Rafiq Pilibhiti e-published by Aadyaa publishers.
=> Farozan , a collection of poems by Moin Ahsan Jazbi translated into English.(Ready for Publication).
=> “The Ogress” (Chudail) by Shakeela Akhtar Maulana Azad Journal of English Language and Literature. Vol I, Issue II, 2009. P 1- 13
=> Did the Pink Pigions with? New Urdu Writings from India and Pakistan ed. Rakhshanda Jalil New Delhi; Tranquebar, 2013.
=> Translation of an essay by Hamida Salim Majaz My Brother (Maja Mera Bhai) Indian Literature; Sahitya Akademi Vol. LVI, No., 5 Sept. /Oct. 2012.
=> I’m One of Them too” Poem by Shahryar (urdu) Translated into English. Women’s College Magazine, 2011-12, pp 17.
=> On the Mahatma’s Death , A Translation of Majaz’s Poem “Saniha” Hindustan Times 31 Jan, 2006
=> Nature in the eyes of a poor man (translation from Farozan Fitrat Ek Muflis ki Aankho mein) Contemporary Vibes. April-June 2010
Articles in National Dailies and Magazines: =>Hindustan Times
=> Religion of Love and Tolerance. Hindustan Times; October 28, 2005 => Love in the Ghazal. Hindustan Times; Feb 14, 2006
=> Indianness before Religion. Hindustan Times; Feb 21, 2006
=> Udta Hai Abeer Gulal. Hindustan Times; March 14, 2006
=> A Rakhi for Love and Unity. Hindustan Times; August 8, 2006
=> Sufi Saint’s Life Demonstrates Love of Divine. Hindustan Times; September 12, 2006.
=> Sir Syed’s Legacy of Light. Hindustan Times; October 17, 2006.
=> Shash Eid:Fasting after Feasting. Hindustan Times; October 30, 2006.
=> Bahadur Shah Zafar’s Legacy. Hindustan Times; November 9, 2006. => The Spirituality of Gardens. Hindustan Times; November 16, 2006. => Sufism and Vegetarianism. Hindustan Times; November 22, 2006. => The Passion of Hallaj. Hindustan Times. December 7, 2006.
=> The Spirituality of Conservation. Hindustan Times; December 19, 2006
=> Ghalib and His Wistful View of God. Hindustan Times; December 29, 2006.
=> The Housewife and the Chickpea. Hindustan Times; Jan. 15, 2007. => Karbala in Urdu Poetry. Hindustan Times; Jan. 30, 2007.
=> Faith that Protects. Hindustan Times; Feb. 7, 2007.
=> How Beshr found God. Hindustan Times; March 12, 2007.
=> Ala Bi and Muslim Women. Hindustan Times; March 26, 2006.
=> All Belong to God. Hindustan Times; March 25, 2007.
=> My Old Parents. Hindustan Times; Feb. 14, 2008.
=> More on the Maulana. Hindustan Times; Feb. 28, 2008.
=> Women in the World of Urdu Ghazal. Hindustan Times; March 11, 2008.
=> Imam Ghazali’s Islam. Hindustan Times; Feb. 21, 2008.
=> Golden Keys for Life. Hindustan Times; June 20,
=> Inspired by Women’s Words. Hindustan Times; June 20, 2008
=> Food as a Source of Divine Inspiration. Hindustan Times; July 11, 2008.
=> The Humanism of Hakim Sanai. Hindustan Times; July 25, 2008. => The New Face of Muslim Women in India. Hindustan Times; July 15-31 2008.
=> Prayer or Work? Hindustan Times; July 31, 2008.
=> Night of Forgiveness Night of Prayer. Hindustan Times; August 18,
=> The Fisherman and the Pearl. Hindustan Times; August 25, 2008.
=> Waiting in Queues the great leveler. Hindustan Times; Sep. 8, 2008.
=> The Man who found Fate. Hindustan Times; Sep 18, 2008.
=> The Journey of Muslim Women. Hindustan Times; Oct 22, 2008.
=> How Urdu Celebrates Diwali. Hindustan Times; Oct 30, 2008.
=> Hinduism and Islam: Some Common Threads. Hindustan Times;
Nov 6, 2008.
=> Ganga: Her Harmony in Urdu poetry. Hindustan Times; Nov 21,
=> Gandhiji in Urdu Ghazal. Hindustan Times; Jan 28, 2009.
=> Yoga and Namaz. Hindustan Times; Jan 30, 2009.
=> The Importance of giving Food. Hindustan Times; Feb 26, 2009.
=> Poll Lessons From Rumi. Hindustan Times; April 3, 2009.
=> God’s Miracle. Hindustan Times; March 17, 2010.
=> Godly Mother. Hindustan Times; May 11, 2010.
=> The Awesome Power of a good Deed. Hindustan Times; June 9, 2010.
=> True Happiness Lies in Giving. Hindustan Times; August 3, 2010.
=> Importance of Ramzan. Hindustan Times; August 17, 2010.
=> Break your Fast. Hindustan Times; Sep 5, 2010.
=> Call of the Mountains. Hindustan Times; July, 2012.
=> The Spirit of Ramzan. Hindustan Times; August, 2012.
=> Spirituality to the Rescue. Hindustan Times; Sep 11, 2014. => Search of Happiness. Hindustan Times; Sep 19, 2014.
=> Charming Hong Kong. Hindustan Times; July 18, 2013. => Our Skinheads. Hindustan Times; Jan 25, 2007.
=> A Father’s Gift of Freedom. Hindustan Times; June 9, 2006. => The Coolest One. Hindustan Times; May 16, 2006.
=> The Mother in Each of Us. Hindustan Times; May 16, 2006. => Homage to Granny. Hindustan Times; August 22, 1994.
=> Nine Fairies, (a play). Hindustan Times; Sep 11, 1993.
=>Going back to your Childhood with Pokemon Go. July 23, 2016.
Hindustan Times
To live well, we must let go of anger and focus on love and kindness, Hindustan Times, October 13, 2018.
=> Instrument Of Change. The Hindu, Friday Review; March 6, 2009.
=> Collage of Images. The Hindu, Friday Review; April 17, 2009.
=> Healthy Iftar Spread. The Hindu, Sunday Magazine; Sep. 20, 2009
=> The Rhythm called Woman. The Hindu Friday Review; May 28,
=> The Founders Of Modern Art. The Hind; April 22, 1995. => A Poet With a Difference. The Hindu; August 10, 1996. => Science in Impressionism. The Hindu; August 5, 1995.
=> A Cat’s Gift. The Hindu; Jan 7, 1995.
=> Bushy Tail. The Hindu; Nov. 19, 1994.
=> Farewell my friends. The Hindu; Dec. 28, 1996.
=> Queen of Hearts. The Hindu; September 20, 1997.
=> The Lone Victor. The Hindu; May 2002
=> Celebrating Forest Sports’ Day. The Hindu; May 12, 2006 => Two Fat Hens. The Hindu; August 2, 2011.
Interview with Dennis Haskell. Asiatic:IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature: June, 2017.
Review=> A Kaleidoscopic Picture of A Bygone Century. The Book Review; June 05, 2017.
Review=> Fixing the Broken Nightingale. Plumwood Mountain, An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoets
Review=> Earthenware by Anisur Rehman. Indian LIterature, 2017.
The Milli Gazette
=> A Bibliography of Quran. The Milli Gazette;1-15 April 2009.
=> Prof. Zahida Zaidi felicitated. Milli Gazette; 16-30 June 2010.
=> Fragments of a Lost Past. Milli Gazette; July 2006.
=> Remembering Naushad. Milli Gazette; 16-31.Jan 2007.
=> A Lost Islam. Milli Gazette; 1-15 Jan 2007.
=> A Voice in Obscurity: The Poetry of Rafiq Pilibhiti. Milli Gazette; March, 2007.
The Sunday Observer
=> Indians: the Plain Truth Feb. The Sunday Observer; 18-March 06
=> Ever Heard of Mr. Potato Head. The Sunday Observer; Dec. 4, 1994.
=> Tasty Fillings. The Sunday Observer; April 30, 1995.
=> The Dead Ocean. The Sunday Observer; March 14, 1993.
=> Ritu’s Mango Tree. The Sunday Observer; March 21, 1993.
Indian Express
=> Goodness of Corn. Indian Express; August 28, 1994.
=> Glorious Guavas. Indian Express; Oct. 23, 1994.
=> The Colour Purple. Indian Express; July 24, 1994.
Woman’s Era
=> The Truth Uncovered. Woman’s Era; June, 1995.
=> Breaking Free; Woman’s Era; Dec. 1995
=> Recipe for Success. Woman’s Era; Feb, 1996
=> The Imported Mixie. Woman’s Era; Feb, 1997.
=> A Question of Family Honour. Woman’s Era; October 1996. => An Id Gift. Woman’s Era; April 1998. => Saahil’s Saali. Woman’s Era; June 1998.
=> The Silk Tablecloth. Woman’s Era; Jan 2001 => The Honeymoon. Woman’s Era; July 2001. => Others
=> Punished. Children’s World Feb 1997.
The Times of India
=> Leaves for Winter. Jan 27,1996
=> This Nut Packs a Protein Punch. The Times of India; Jan 21, 1995.
=> A Prayer for my Country. Contemporary Vibes; April-June 2009.
=> A Few Pieces of Meat (Short Story). Contemporary Vibes; Jan-March 2010. => A Lesson in Love. The Telegraph; April 20, 2011
Online write ups:
=> “Dervish”. Poem, for Conversations Across Borders Project (CAB) Winter, 2012,
=> Online Blog Jottings
=> Translation work online for Coretext Group New York USA
=> Kaifi Azmi and the portrayal of women in his poetry 2016,
Conferences/ Seminars => International:
=> International Conference, Unveiling a Secret Agreement: Revisiting the Contours of English Studies, Department of English Literature, The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, 19- 21 Nov, 2012. Presented a paper, Unpacking the Gendering of Food in the Indian English Novel.
=> International Symposium Fourteenth Biennial Symposium on Literature and Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region, The University of Western Australia, December 4-7, Perth, 2011.Presented a paper, Translations of Urdu Poetry and Digital Publishing.
=> International Symposium Fifteenth Biennial Symposium on Literature and Culture in the Asia- Pacific Region, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 10-12, 2013. Presented a paper, Risk and Redressal in Sufi Literary Texts.
=> American Translators Association The Voice of Translators and Interpreters, 54 th Annual Conference, San Antonio, Nov 6-9, 2013. Presented a 60 minute paper, “Feminist Lexis in English Translations of Women's Writing in Urdu.”
=> International Conference on Myth, Orality & Folklore in World Literature with Special Reference to Rabindranath Tagore, School of Languages and Literature, Shri Mata Vaishnodevi University, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir, March 29-31, 2012. Presented a paper, Animal Symbolism in the Short Stories of Idries Shah.
=> International Three Day Seminar on Sadat Hasan Manto: Ek Sadi Ke Baad, Centre for Advanced Studies, Department of Urdu, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, September 10-12, 2012. Presented a paper, “The Study of Insanity in World Literature and short stories of Manto”.
=> International Two Day Seminar on Moin Ahsan Jazbi: Shaksh aur Shaksiat, Centre for Advanced Studies, Department of Urdu, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, March 28-29, 2013. Presented a paper, “A Study of the Style of Jazbi”.
=> International Seminar on Majaz Aur Unka Ahad, Department of Urdu, A.M.U., in collaboration with U.P. Urdu Academy, Lucknow, January 28-29, 2012. Presented paper in translations of Majaz's Poetry.
=> National Conference on Approaches to English Language Teaching, English Language Teaching Institute and Centre for Excellence in Global Skills, Bikaner, March 25-26, Bikaner. Presented a paper “Exploiting the Creativity of Learners.”
=> National Conference on The Experience of British Rule Reflected in Modern India as Reflected in Contemporary Life and Literature, Nov,3 & 4, 2012, Jaipur. Presented a paper A Fanonian Reading of Amitav Ghosh's Novels.
=> National Seminar on Indian Women's Autobiographies: A Critical Study,Saraswati Mahila Mahavidyalaya, March 7-8, Palwal, 2013. Presented a paper, “A Study of Hum Saath The by Hamida Salim”.
=> National Seminar on Spiritual Psychology: Recent Trends in Research, Theory, Practice and Training, Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, March 23-25, 2013. Presented a paper, “Tracing the Spiritual Symbols of Carl G. Jung in Hemingway and Maugham”.
=> Two Day Workshop: “Imagine, Write, Create”, Hansraj Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalandhar, Nov 2010, Jalandhar.
=> National Conference on Embracing Glocal English ELT I @ Rajasthan: Jaipur Chapter II Conference, Nov 4-5, 2011, Jaipur. Conducted a workshop, “Teaching English Language through Creative Writing”.
=> A one-day National seminar on "Krishan Chander, A Century Later: A Reassessment" organized by Progressive Writers" Association, Aligarh Unit at the Conference Hall, Faculty of Social Science, Aligarh Muslim University, 8 Nov. 2014.Presented a paper on Krishan Chander.
=>Five Day Short Story Workshop at The Choudhary Charan Singh university Meerut May 2015. Presented a short story.
Two Day National Seminar on “Gandhian Perspective on Alternative Dispute Resolution” October 30-31,2018, Department of Philosophy, AMU, Aligarh.Presented a Paper—Sufism as a resource for Alternative Dispute Resolution.
Contributed a Module to E Pathshala MHRD in Womens Studies on Ismat Chughtai