Modern Drama,Theatre Studies and Women Writings
B-1 , Naz Residency,M.B.Khan MargNew Sir Syed NagarAligarh,202002 (U.P)India
TIME TABLE MA II SEM 2020-21-convertedTIME TABLE I & IV SEM, PhD 2020-21-converted (1)TIME TABLE MA III SEM & PhD Course Work 2021-2022
Dr. Shaheena Tarannum is a professor in the Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. She received her M.Phil. Degree on critical study on John Donne and completed her doctoral thesis on O’Casey’s "Art of Characterization with Special Reference to his Application of the Brechtian Technique". Her research areas/interests are Modern Drama, Theatre Studies and Women Writings. Since joining the Department of English she has been teaching postgraduate, undergraduate classes, PhD coursework, supervising research and guiding projects in English and English Language Teaching. She has participated in several national and international conferences. She has several publications in her name in the form of articles and books. Apart from teaching assignments, she has held administrative positions such as Officer on Special Duty, Girls High School, AMU (2005-2006), Editor, Journal of the Faculty of Arts (2019-2020), Aligarh Muslim University and Presiding Officer of the Internal Complaints Committee (2017-20) Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. As Presiding Officer she created awareness and sensitized the Campus on sexual harassment through multiple programs such as “Nukkad Natak”, installation of Information Banner on The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 in offices and at different important locations. She has delivered lectures and has been invited as speaker and resource person in Foundation Course for MBBS, Student Induction Programs, Refreshers Courses and Orientation Programs.
- Making a Language One's Own That is Not One's Own Mahesh Dattani's Tryst with English
International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities. Vol II, Issue IX, January 2015
ISSN 2327-7065
- Reading Khalid Hosseini's "A Thousand Splendid Suns: Understanding Gender Inequities" ( 2015)
Lapis Lazuli, An International Literary Journal, vol.2.No.1
ISSN No: 2249 4529
- "Foregrounding Fragility of Women in Global Cinema" ( 2016)
- " Mapping Odisha's Indigeneous Theatre"
Dialogue: A Journal Devoted to Literary Appreciation,Vol.XII No.1 June 2016
- " Theatre of Conscientization: Reclaiming Oriya Theatre in Transition" ( 2016) Download PDF
Indian Ethos, Vol.6.No.1, Summer 2016
ISSN: 2249 4324