Ph.D. (IIT Delhi), M.Tech.(Thermal Engg.), B.E. (Mech.), Dip.Engg.(Mech.)
Associate Professor
Ref. & A/C, Heat Transfer and Solar Thermal Energy
House No.: A/B-48, Medical College Colony, A.M.U., Aligarh
- Publication
1. S.Y. Khan, 2018, “Wind Induced Heat Loss Coefficient in Outdoor Thermal Performance Testing of Solar Box Cookers”, International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research, vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 75-85.
2. S.Y. Khan, 2017, “Wind Heat Transfer Coefficient for Glass Cover of Solar Collectors in Indoor Testing”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, vol. 6, issue 8, pp. 88-98.
3. Mullick S.C., Khan S.Y., Chourasia B.K., 2005, “Semi-Log Plot to Determine Second Figure. of Merit of Box-Type Solar Cookers”, Journal of the Solar Energy Society of India (SESI), 15(2), pp 43-48.
4. S.Y. Khan and S.C. Mullick, 2002, “Effect of Season of Testing and Type of Glass on the Figures of Merit F1 and F2 of a Box Solar Cooker.”Journal of the Solar Energy Society of India (SESI), 12(1), pp. 37 – 43.
5. S.Y. Khan, N. Akhtar and S.C. Mullick, 2001, “Indoor Experimental Validation of Glass Cover Temperatures and Upward Heat Flow Coefficients of a Single-Glazed Flat Plate Solar Collector.” Journal of the Solar Energy Society of India (SESI), 11(2), pp. 65-71.
6. F.A. Ansari and S.Y. Khan, 1999, “Application Concept of Variable Effective Surface Film Conductance for Simultaneously Heat and Mass Transfer analysis during Air Blast Cooling of Food.” International Journal Energy Conversion and Management, 40, pp. 567-574.
7. S.Y. Khan, 2010, “Uncertainty in the Estimation of Glass Cover Temperatures and Top Heat Loss Factor of Flat Plate Solar Collectors”, Proc. 16th ISME Conference on Mechanical Engineering for sustainable development, I. I. T. Delhi, New Delhi, India, Session 6 : Thermal Engineering-III (5).
8. Md. Anas Khan and S.Y. Khan, 2005, “Heat Transfer Based Method for Predicting Fatigue Life in Notched Geometries”, Proc. AIME, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, pp. 894-898.
9. S.C. Mullick, S.Y. Khan and B.K. Chourasia, 2004, “Semi Log plot for the second figure of merit of box type solar cooker”, Proc. of World Renewable Energy Congress VIII, Denver, Colorado USA, pp. 475.
10. S.C. Mullick, S.Y. Khan and B.K. Chourasia, 2004, “An Approximate Expression for the second figure of merit of box type solar cooker”, Proc. of ISES Conference- Asia-Pacific 2004, Gwanju City, Korea,
pp. 664-668.
- Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Energy power Reactorshttps://www.digimat.in/nptel/courses/video/112103243/L01.html
- Video Lecture on Tidal energyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2YsrxpQPwE&feature=emb_logo