Dr. Mohd. Imran



    Guest Faculty


    Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Physics of Neutron Stars, Nuclear Astrophysics


    C1, Azra Tower, Behind Jamia Urdu Aligarh-202002





    Session 2024-2025 (Even Semester)



I did  B.Sc. (Hons) Physics and M.Sc. Physics from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and also obtained PhD in Theoretical Nuclear Physics from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh under the supervision of Prof. Anisul Ain Usmani. My research interests are centered around strangeness nuclear physics, study of structural and decay properties of super heavy nuclei, and nuclear astrophysics. Currently, I am working on nuclear astrophysics mainly focusing on the neutron stars equation of state (EoS). Using the Relativistic Mean Field theory (RMF), we are trying to constrain the neutron star EoS  and also studying the possible presence of exotic phases like quarks, kaons, and hyperons in neutron stars.





  1. Charge-changing cross section and interaction cross section for 4 \geq z \leq 9 isotopes

    M. Imran, Z. Hasan, A. A. Usmani and Z. A. Khan

  2. Rotating neutron stars with quark cores

    Ishfaq A. Rather, Usuf Rahaman , M. Imran, H. C. Das, A. A. Usmani, and S. K. Patra

  3. Fully correlated variational Monte Carlo study of H-4(Lambda) and H-4(Lambda)* hypernuclei
    M Imran, A A Usmani, M Ikram, Z Hasan and F C Khanna 

  4. Selient features of charge-changing cross section and interaction cross

    Z. Hasan, M. Imran, A. A. Usmani, Z. A. Khan

  5. Constraining Bag constant for Hybrid Neutron stars
    Ishfaq A. Rather,  Ankit Kumar,  H. C. Das,  M. Imran,  A. A. Usmani and S. K. Patra
  6. A study of nuclear radii and neutron skin thickness of neutron-rich nuclei near the neutron drip line
    Usuf Rahaman, M. Ikram, M. Imran and A. A. Usmani
  7. Theoretical studies on structural properties and decay modes of (284 - 375) 119 isotopes

    Asloob A Rather,  M. Ikram, Ishfaq A Rather, M. Imran, A. A. Usmani, Bharat Kumar, K. P.  Santhosh and S. K Patra

  1. Theoretical Investigation of Probable Decay Modes in Superheavy Nuclei from Z = 121-126

    M. Imran, A. Jain and G. Saxena

  2. Matter radii of Be isotopes using 2pF density distribution
  3. Relativistic mean-field study of neutron skin thickness and charge radii of $^{118-134}Sn$ isotopes

    M. Imran, Z. Hasan, M. Ikram, Jeet Amrit Pattnaik

  4. Charge symmetry breaking in (lambda) He4 - (lambda) H4 hypernuclei
  5. GW190814 secondary component as massively rotating hybrid star

    M. Imran, Ishfaq A. Rather, Usuf Rahaman, A. A. Usmani

  6. Ground State Properties and Shape Evolution of Hg Isotopes within Covariant Density Functional Theory

    Usuf Rahaman, M. Ikram, M. Imran, A. A. Usmani

  7. Role of Hyperons in Neutron stars

    Ishfaq A. Rather,   M. Ikram and M. Imran

  8. Behaviour of the Potentials due to Strangeness degree of freedom in $_{\Lambda}^{4}$H and. . $_{\Lambda}^{4}$H$^${*} Hypernuclei

    M. Imran,  M. Ikram and Z. Hasan

  9. Role of Space-Exchange Correlation in Light Hypernuclei

    M. Imran, M. Ikram, Asloob A. Rather, Z. Hasan and A. A. Usmani

  10. Spin-Orbit Interaction Potential in Nuclei and Hypernuclei

    M. Imran, Asloob A. Rathar and Z. Hasan

Electric flux
Applied Physics - II, Study material Unit - I and Unit II