Assistant Professor
Skilled in multi-modality management of cancer patients by Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Hormonal & Targeted therapy. Work experience on Simulators (CT and PET/CT Simulator), Planning Systems (Eclipse, Mimvista, Prowess), EBRT Units (Siemens ARTISTE CT-ON-RAIL, Siemens ARTISTE IN-LINE KV, ACCURAY CYBERKNIFE), and Brachytherapy Unit (Microselectron HDR). External Beam Radiation Treatment Planning (2D, 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT, TSET SBRT, SRS, Cyberknife Treatment). Special interest in Head & Neck, Cervix and Breast Cancer management. Also interested in preventive aspect and early detection of cancer. Trained in Supportive and Palliative management. Resource Person and Member of “Biomedical Waste Management (BMW) & Hospital Infection Society India (HISI) Aligarh Chapter Programmes”, organized by JNMCH, AMU.
Curriculum Vitae at a Glance
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh, U.P, India.
(General Secretary, AROI-UP Chapter)
v 17 years of experience in the field of Oncology and cancer management.
v Total Work Experience as Assistant Professor in AMU, Aligarh –
8 Years.
v Current Designation – Working as Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh since June 2015.
v Last Designation - Worked as Consultant Radiation Oncologist, Mahavir Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Patna, from 06.08.2014 – 10.05.2015.
v Worked as Senior Registrar, Radiation Oncology Department, HCG Hospital (Specialized In Cyber Knife), Bangalore, with work experience in Conventional and Conformal Radiation (IGRT, IMRT, 3DCRT, Cyberknife Treatment). Period – 22.01.2014 – 27.07.2014.
v Senior Registrar, Department of Radiotherapy, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh. Period – 11.01.2010 – 10.01.2013.
Educational Qualifications |
MBBS (2003) DNB RT (2009) |
Teaching Experience |
v (Total = 15 Years & 1 Month) Ø Assistant Professor & Consultant (8 Years 10 Month) Ø Resident (Junior & Senior) (7 Years) |
Publications |
v Research Articles – Nineteen (19) v Chapter in Book – Three (3) v Thesis Supervision – Seven (7) v Project – Two (2)
Conferences / Seminars / CME / Workshop / Training Programmes |
v Resource Person / Member Organizing Committee – Eighteen (18) v Attended – Sixty Six (66) v Chairperson – Four (4) v Quiz Convener – One (1) v Panelist – Three (3) v Judge of Scientific Session – One (1) |
Awards / Invited Lectures |
v Awards – Seven (7) v Invited Lectures – Six (6) |
Membership |
v Scientific Societies – Four (4) v Organizing Committee – Fourteen (14) v Academic Bodies – Nine (9) |
Thrust Areas & Expertise |
v Skilled in multi-modality management of cancer patients by Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Hormonal & Targeted therapy. v Work experience on Simulators (CT and PET/CT Simulator), Planning Systems (Eclipse, Mimvista, Prowess), EBRT Units (Siemens ARTISTE CT-ON-RAIL, Siemens ARTISTE IN-LINE KV, ACCURAY CYBERKNIFE), and Brachytherapy Unit (Microselectron HDR). v External Beam Radiation Treatment Planning (2D, 3DCRT, IMRT, IGRT, TSET SBRT, SRS, Cyberknife Treatment). v Special interest in Head & Neck, Cervix and Breast Cancer management. v Also interested in preventive aspect and early detection of cancer. v Trained in Supportive and Palliative management.
v Resource Person and Member of “Biomedical Waste Management (BMW) & Hospital Infection Society India (HISI) Aligarh Chapter Programmes”, organized by JNMCH, AMU.
Served the National Cause |
v Participated in “Health Check-up &/or, Cancer Awareness Camp” – Twelve (12) |
- Publication Details
v Publications (Total Nineteen = 19)
v Published in Peer Reviewed Journals (Total Fourteen = 14)
1) Alam MS, Perween R, Siddiqui SA. Comparison of two different radiation fractionation schedules with concurrent chemotherapy in head and neck malignancy. Indian J Cancer 2016;53:265-9.
2) Alam MS, Perween R, Siddiqui SA. Retrospective study comparing primary debulking surgery (PDS) and adjuvant chemotherapy vs. neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) followed by interval debulking surgery (IDS) and adjuvant chemotherapy in advanced carcinoma ovary. Intl J Contemp Med Res 2016;3(1):265-70.
3) Alam Md S, Perween R, Siddiqui AS. Accelerated Hypofractionated Radiation in Carcinoma Breast. Arch Cancer Res. 2016;4:1-8.
4) Alam MS, Perween R, Siddiqui SA. Epidemiological profile of head and neck cancer patients in Western Utter Pradesh and analysis of distributions of risk factors in relation to site of tumor. Intl J Contemp Med Res 2016;3(1):260-4.
5) Alam MS, Perween R, Siddiqui SA. Accelerated versus Conventional Radiation Fractionation in Early Stage Carcinoma Larynx. Indian J Cancer 2016;53:402-7.
6) Alam MS, Perween R, Siddiqui SA. Triple malignancy involving breast, ovary and uterine vault: A case report and literature review. Intl J Contemp Med Res 2016;3(1):308-11.
7) Alam MS, Perween R, Siddiqui SA. Epidemiological profile of Head and Neck Cancer patients in Western Uttar Pradesh and analysis of distribution of risk factors in relation to site of tumor. J Can Res Ther 2017;13:430-5.
8) Usmani S, Perween R, Alam MS. Study of obstetric patients admitted to Intensive Care Unit at Tertiary Care Centre in Western Uttar Pradesh: One Year Review. Intl J Contemp Med Res 2016;3(2):613-5.
9) Alam MS, Perween R, Siddiqui SA. Triple malignancy involving breast, ovary and uterine vault: A case report and literature review. J Can Res Ther 2017;13:1059-61.
10) Alam MS, Perween R, Karimi MA, Siddiqui SA. Comparison of different fractionation schedules in post mastectomy chest wall irradiation (PMRT) of carcinoma breast. Intl J Contemp Med Res. 2016;3(3):886-91.
11) Alam MS, Karimi MA, Siddiqui SA. Comparison of two different radiation fractionation schedules in early stage carcinoma larynx. Intl J Contemp Med Res. 2016;3(3):895-900.
12) Alam MS, Karimi MA, Siddiqui SA. Conventional versus accelerated radiation with concurrent chemotherapy in locoregionally advanced head and neck malignancy. Intl J Contemp Med Res 2016;3(3):915-9.
13) Perween R, Alam MS, Karimi MA, Siddiqui SA. A Clinicopathological Study of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding In Peri and Post Menopausal Age Group, With Special Emphasis on Early Diagnosis of Uterine Malignancy. Intl J Contemp Med Res. 2016;3(3):867-72.
14) Khan M, Siddiqui SA, Akram M, Alam MS. Can zinc supplementation widen the gap between control and complications in head and neck cancer patients treated with concurrent chemo-radiotherapy. J Med Sci 2019;39:267-71.
v Published in Conference Proceedings - Two (2)
Md Shadab Alam, R Kumaraswamy. Comparative Analysis of 3DCRT versus IMRT in Prostate Cancer. 29th Annual Conference (AROI, UP Chapter – 14th – 15th October 2017, Royal Cancer Institute & Research Centre, Kanpur).
Md Shadab Alam, R Kumaraswamy. Comparative Analysis of Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) / Hypofractionated Radiotherapy (SRT) using Cyberknife versus Conventional Fractionated Radiotherapy of Newly diagnosed Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM). 31st Annual Conference (AROI, UP Chapter – 5th – 6th October 2019, SGPGI, Lucknow).
v Chapter in Book – Three (3)
1. Dr. R.K. Shukla, Dr. S.K. Singh, Dr. D.K. Yadav (Editors). Recent Research Trends in Medical and Biological Sciences Volume-2. Roshan Perween, Seema Hakim, Md Shadab Alam. Cervical Cancer Screening: Problem based recommendations. MKSES Publisher, Lucknow India. July 2021.
2. Dr. R.K. Shukla, Dr. S.K. Singh, Dr. D.K. Yadav (Editors). Recent Research Trends in Medical and Biological Sciences Volume-2. Roshan Perween, Nishat Akhtar, Md Shadab Alam. Lymphadenectomy for primary ovarian cancer: An Unanswered Question. MKSES Publisher, Lucknow India. July 2021.
3. Dr. R.K. Shukla, Dr. S.K. Singh, Dr. D.K. Yadav (Editors). Advance Research Trends in Medical and Biological Sciences. Md Shadab Alam. Changing Paradigm In Precision Radiation Technology. MKSES Publisher, Lucknow India. January 2021. Page 8 – 17.