Dr. Syed Tahseen Raza
Assistant Professor
Strategic Security and Peace Studies, International Relations, Geopolitics,Gender, Security and Peace-building, Issues of Marginality, Minorities and Migration
Deptt of Strategic and Security Studies, ( Tipu Sultan Block), Hali Road, Near Teaching Staff Club, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, 202002
Dr. Syed Tahseen Raza is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategic and Security Studies, faculty of International Studies, since its very inception.
A keen student of international politics and security, he has had his educational grounding primarily in Political Science along with added emphasis on peace studies of late. Having been educated mainly at Aligarh Muslim University but also at the University of Oslo, Norway, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Faculty of Law, Social and Political Sciences, University of Innsbruck, Austria, & trained at Peace Research Institute of Oslo, Norway, EURAC Research Centre, Bozen, Bolzano, Italy and Institute of Federalism, Switzerland, Dr Raza?s current research interests lie broadly at the intersection of security and peace by effectively exploring the hitherto less explored and the marginalized both in terms of the explicitly manifest and in view of the underlying deeper episteme. Basing his work on the theoretical approaches of Constructivism, Critical Theory, Post-colonial Discourse, Critical Security Studies and the likes, Raza is mainly interested in questioning the ?established?, exploring the alternatives and highlighting the less-observed ? how certain issues and areas gravitate from the ?political? to the ?securitised? and acquire the ?strategic gaze??, what is it that makes an issue become ?securitised?? etc. In terms of concepts, his current focus broadly revolves around issues of Identity, Religiosity, Marginalisation, Gender, Migration, Localisation and Indigenous Conflict Resolution, Security and Peace etc., and the region he is focusing upon currently is South Asia and the Middle-east (though wary of semantics nevertheless using for the sake of clarity) and Europe.
He has earlier taught as an Assistant Professor at Miranda House, University of Delhi, New Delhi, Centre for Women?s Studies, AMU, Aligarh and the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, AMU, Aligarh apart from delivering lectures/presentation at EURAC Research, Bozen, Bolzano, Italy, NUPS, Budapest, Hungary, Centre for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies, Doha etc. Besides being member of editorial board and reviewer of different journals and publication House respectively, Mr. Raza is keenly involved in the development of Strategic, Security and Peace studies in the subcontinent.
On personal front, the reason he chose academia as a profession is mainly to utilize its potential to create a certain kind of hope in the next generation, create, instil and popularise the narrative of peace and the idea that ?another world, more peaceful, humane and secure is possible?. He believes in collaborative and interdisciplinary work and thus would love to welcome and possibly collaborate with researchers interested in the field.