सतत तथा प्रौढ़ शिक्षा एवं विस्तार केंद्र
Thrust Area
Centre carries out various programmes of diverse nature.
Keeping in view the needs of prioritized groups like non-literate adults from the weaker sections of society, the activities of the Centre are focused on the following thrust areas in accordance with the UGC Guidelines such as:
- Continuing Education
- Integration of Formal & Non-formal Education
- Skill Development and Vocational Training
- Developing a positive attitude of teachers and students towards community needs by devising different strategies in the field of Extension Education
- Spreading
awareness about and attending to major developmental issues such as
Literacy, Education, Health & Hygiene, Gender Equity, Family Life Education, Population Education, ,Human Rights Education, Child Labour, Income Generation, Communal Harmony, and Use of Technology and Digital Literacy.

Director and Associate Professor