
प्रो। एम। एन। फ़ारूक़ी कंप्यूटर सेंटर


Central ICT Services offered from PMNFCC are shared facility, meant for legitimate, responsible and appropriate usage to strengthen academics, research and administrative functions of the University.

Users of ICT services are regular university Staff Members (Teaching Staff and Non-Teaching Staff), bonafide Students and University guests/visitors.

As a part of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for availing IT Services, a number of useful forms are being maintained as applicable from time to time.

Useful ICT Service Request Forms (For AMU Employees)

  • CC - 1     Password Reset Request Proforma for Employees

  • CC - 7     Proforma for Port Opening Request(POR)

  • CC - 9     Arc-GIS Installation Key(s) request Application Form

  • CC - 10
     ENVI Installation Key(s) request Application Form

  • CC - 11
     MATLAB Installation Key(s) request Application Form

  • CC - 12 SPSS Installation Key(s) request Application Form

  • CC - 13 Ubuntu Installation Key(s) request Application Form

  • CC - 14 Performa for Creating a New Webpage on AMU Website

  • CC - 16 Internet Account Request Proforma

  • CC - 18 Form for Institutional G-Suite Facility (Email, Google Classroom, Google Meet) 

  • CC - 19 Port Opening request Proforma (Network Switches)  

  • CC - 21 Mobile Number & Email Registration/Update Request Form

  • CC - 22 Institutional Email Request Proforma

  • CC-23 
    Proforma for Temporary Allocation/Extension of Wi-Fi Account for  Academic and Research Purposes: To be used by Staff Members/ Retirees/ Alumni/ Bonafide  Visitors

    • CC-24
       Proforma for deletion of webpage from AMU website

    • CC-25
       Proforma for rectification of PID in University Website (amu.ac.in)

    • CC-26
       Proforma for reactivation of Retired/Deactivated Employee Accounts in University Website (amu.ac.in)

    • CC-28
      ⇒  Proforma for Seeking Grant/Revoke of Access to Modules in PROD in AMU’s Samarth ERP Project

    • CC-29
      ⇒  Proforma for Permanent Deactivation of Non-Individual /Generic /Role Based Institutional Email Account

    • CC-30
      ⇒  Proforma for CPPP User Account Creation

Useful ICT Service Request Forms (For Students)

  • CC - 2    Password Reset Request Proforma for Students

  • CC - 3    Continuation of IT services offered by Computer Centre

    • CC - 4    Institutional Email Request Proforma for Students

  • CC - 5    Proforma for Contact Info. (Email/Mobile) change for Students

  • CC - 6    Proforma for Temporary Extension of Wi-Fi Account Validity for Students

  • CC - 27    Intranet Portal Profile Update Request Application Form for Student

Useful ICT Service Request Forms (For Guest/Visitor)

  • CC-15 Performa for Temporary Internet Access request for University Guest/Visitor