
Engineering College Library

Mobile Apps (for Engineers)

Must have Engineering Apps

AutoCAD 360

Platforms: iOS & Android

This app allows you to view and edit DWG files on your mobile device or tablet. This great drafting program can work well for various professions: project management, electrical engineering, architecture, and so on.

Snip by MathPix


Platforms: iOS and Android

Mathpix's Snip  is the first app that allows you to take a snapshot of a math problem where the app will then solve it visually.

It reads handwriting or printed text to input complex problems where it will then output the answer directly into the blank space on the page. You can download it for free from the App Store or Google Play.

Mechanical Engineering One

engineering apps mechanical engineering one

Platforms: Android

Mechanical Engineering One is a handy little app for engineers. Designed by engineers, for engineers, this app aims to provide mechanical engineers with a means to solve day to day problems. 

The interface is intuitive and straightforward, and it includes many handy reference tables, calculators, and converters. 

It also has a huge unit converter library too and can handle both metric and Imperial (US) units. 


finger CAD

Platforms: iOS

FingerCAD may seem gimmicky at first, but this application can be a useful tool for quickly designing floor plans and getting an idea of how space will be laid out. It allows you to design in 3D so you end up with quick and easy visuals while you are still on site.

It is a great little engineering app for engineers on the construction site, for architects, surveyors, designers, students, etc.

The finished file can also be converted into several other formats allowing a user to open it in different programs. The developer put lots of effort into it, including new features over time.

Wolfram Alpha

great engineering apps Wolfram Alpha

Platform: Android and iOS

Dubbed the "Wikipedia of engineering", this app offers an enormous knowledge bank of many aspects of engineering disciplines.

Just like Wikipedia, the app will query its database and return all relevant entries for your query. It is a pay to use the app, but at $5 it is definitely worth the investment over the long term. 

This app also covers other subjects too, but you are probably only really interested in its engineering info. 

Graphing Calculator X84

graphing calculator

Platforms: iOS and Android

This handy app will perform all of the functions you need. Whether you are working on homework or a practicing engineer in the field, this handy graphing calculator will prove to be a valuable tool.

Once you access the app, all you have to do is pick an equation, set values and they will be shown in a graph.

Droid Tesla Pro

engineering apps droid tesla

engineering apps droid tesla

Platforms: Android

Designed specifically for electrical engineers, Droid Tesla is a Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit (SPICE) app. It is a simple, yet powerful, app that is easy to use and intuitive to understand.

This app is ideal for students who are new to the field of electronics and circuit design but will also come in handy for the hobbyist and general tinkerer. Droid Tesla is also great for helping you understand basic resistive circuits using Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL).

Like others on this list, the app comes highly recommended but, as always, check reviews before buying any premium versions.

iCircuit Electronic Circuit Simulator

iCircuit engineering app

Platforms: iOS and Apple

iCircuit is probably the best way to sketch out circuits and components on the go. The app will not only allow you to draw circuits but also test functions, check voltages and help troubleshoot.

This app is great for experimenting with different circuit designs virtually before building them for real. It can handle both analog and digital circuits and features a real-time analysis of your design. 


iEngineer engineering app

Platforms: iOS

If you need to find the perfect screw or bolt to fit your project, iEngineer is the most comprehensive database of information about hardware sizes. It has both US and Metric screw sizes as well as tap information, clearance sizes, shear force capacities, unit conversions, and many more intricate features and data.

Its reference database has over 93 different screws types from #0 to 4”. This app is only available on the iPhone and iPad, however, This simple app is also compatible with iOS 11.

SoloLearn: Learn to code for free

sololearn engineering app

iOS and Android

SoloLearn is specifically designed for newbies (beginners) in the world of software engineering; it has an amazing range of introductory courses in various programming languages from C to Ruby on Rails. 

You can also learn the basics of concepts like Data Science and Machine Learning The courses are designed in such a way as to take you through step by step through the learning process.

Truss Me!

Truss Me!

iOS & Android

This app is for the engineer that needs something to do on his break. Whether you are a civil engineer or not, Truss Me! is a fun game that allows you to design and test structures before you actually build them.

It offers up challenges to create stronger structures while also teaching you about the engineering process behind everything. Based on it, you can see if your building is gonna stand or fall.

Build a Bridge!

best apps for engineers build a bridge

Android and iOS

On the subject of engineering games, another fun, yet educational one is "Build a Bridge!" As the name of the app suggests, the main aim of this game is to build a bridge over a variety of interesting terrains. 

Bridges are designed in 2D, but you can switch to 3D to see your hard work in all its glory. When you do have free time (yes we know), this game is an awesome way to unwind while still honing your engineering skills.

Engineering Codes and Standards

engineering apps codes and standards

Platform: Android

Engineering Codes and Standards is a very useful app for engineers to download. Designed as a quick reference guide for the latest engineering design codes and standards, as the name suggests, it will save you a ton of time in the long run.

Users are rewarded with a brief description of a particular code, as well as, related codes and standards. The app covers mechanical, civil, piping, and electrical engineering. One of the advantages of the app over others is the response time of the developer if you run into any trouble.

Civil Engineering Books, Notes

Platform: Android

In this Civil Engineering App you will get All Civil engineering related Books, Notes, MCQ for Exams, Codes, IES Exams Solved Papers, GATE Exams Solved Papers, RRB Exams Solved Papers and many more.
The Books & Notes added in this Civil engg App has covered many Subjects like-
Basic Civil Engineering, Surveying, Building Construction Materials, Concrete Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Reinforced Concrete Design, Steel Structure Design, Structural Analysis, Railway Engineering, Irrigation engg, Water Resource Engg, Environmental Engg, Hydrology, Earthquake Engineering, Construction Business Management, SSC JE preparation Books, IS Codes, National Building Codes, CPWD Rate Analysis, all Civil subjects MCQ and many more books.