Engineering College Library
Standard of Operating Procedure (SOPs)
The users of the Library and Book Bank, ZHCET may enter in the reading room after making entries in the “Users Entry Register” available at the entrance counter. Each user should possess their identity cards as well as Library cards with them.
Book Bank membership:
Library of Zakir Husain College of Engineering & Technology provides Book Bank facility to the B.Tech (all branches & years), B.Arch. and B.E (Evening) (all branches and years) students. To avail the Book Bank facility students have to follow the following procedure:
First fill membership form that can be downloaded from the University website under the Engineering College Library web page from the ‘Download forms’ link. The concerned form is “Membership form of Book Bank for Undergraduate students of Z.H. College of Engineering & Technology” (
A fee of Rs.25/- is charged as a membership fee once in an academic year.
Filled form has to be submitted along with a passport size latest colored photograph to the concerned person in the library after duly attested by the Provost of the respective Halls during working hours from 8.00 AM to 4.00 P.M.
Books are provided at the charge of 15% of the cost of the book (non-refundable).
These books are issued for one academic session (1 year).
Guidelines for book bank can be downloaded from
Selection of Books
Selection of books for the Book Bank Section is based on the suggestions/recommendations of the concerned departments as per their course structure. A course list has been prepared on the basis of current academic year and send to the departments for updating for the next academic year. Again a course list has been prepared after receiving the recommendations from the departments for the upcoming academic year and check the list in the light of the rules (as decided in the Use’s Committee of the college) that:
1. A book cannot be replaced with new one before five years.
2. Only Two books may be recommended for each compulsory course.
3. Only one book will be recommended for the elective courses.
4. Books costing less than Rs.100=00 and more than Rs.1200=00 shall not be procured for Book Bank section of the library.
If any such matter has been identified, a letter has been sent to the concerned Chairman, informing them that the said book cannot be purchased and a consolidated list of books is then prepared and after performing duplication checks from library catalogue/OPAC. The list is finally approved by the Principal/Hony. Incharge and sent to the Central Library for acquisition as the acquisition of books is done centrally by Maulana Azad Library for the entire University.
Accessioning, Physical & Technical Processing
After receiving the accessioned books from Maulana Azad Library, the same is verified and entered in the ZHCET Library and Book Bank Accession Register as well as Book Bank Transfer Register. The accession number is then written on the book with proper library stamp. The book is then sent for physical & technical processing i.e. classification, cataloguing/OPAC, entry in Libsys7, labelling & pasting etc.
Book Bank Issuing/Returning Records
List of books issued to each student along with their details is maintained by Library & Book Bank in both soft as well as hard copies.
Procedure for issue & return of books
The Book Bank is using Book Bank Module of Libsys7 Library Management Software. Hence, the issue & return is also done through the Software System.
The books issued to the students should have been returned within 10 days of their final exams or as announced by the Hony. Incharge/ Principal. Thereafter a fine of Re.1/- per day per book will be charged till the book(s) is/are returned, which has to be deposited with S.O. (Accounts), Principal’s Office, ZHCET.
Procedure for Circulation Section:
Circulation Section of the College Library issued Books to the faculty members, Post Graduate students/Research Scholars and non-teaching staff of the faculty of Engineering. The Section also issues dues/no dues certificate of the employees retiring from the University service.
For becoming the member of the College Library, one has to follow the following procedure:
Faculty Member:
All the faculty members of the College, University Polytechnic (Boys) and University Polytechnic (Women) can get the membership of the Library after filling up a membership form duly attested by the Head of the Department/Office.
Form can be downloaded from the University website under the Engineering College Library web page from the ‘Download forms’ link. The concerned form is “Membership form for Employees of Faculty of Engineering & Technology (Faculty Members & Non-teaching Staff).
A permanent faculty member can borrow eight (08) books at a time, whereas temporary faculty member (Assistant Professor (Contractual) & Guest Faculty) can get three (03) books on loan for the current academic session.
Books issued to the faculty members should have been returned immediately after the end of the academic session. Thereafter a fine of Re.1/- per day per book will be charged till the book(s) is/are returned, which has to be deposited with S.O. (Accounts), Principal’s Office, ZHCET.
Post Graduate Students/Research Scholars:
Membership form for Post Graduate students and research scholars of the college can be downloaded from or ‘Download Forms’ link available at University website under Engineering College Library web page.
Filled form has to be submitted along with a passport size latest colored photograph to the concerned person in the library after duly attested by the Provost of the respective Halls along with a cash receipt of Rs.1000 (refundable) from the Principal’s Office, ZHCET during working hours from 8.00 AM to 4.00 P.M.
A PG/PhD student can borrow three (03) books at a time on loan for maximum period of 15 days.
The staff (Non-Teaching) Faculty of Engineering:
A permanent employee (Non-Teaching) of the ZHCET can get the membership of the library after filling up a membership form duly attested by the respective head of the department and allowed by Principal/Hony. Incharge.
Form can be downloaded from the ‘Download forms’ link available at University website under Engineering College Library web page or
A Non- teaching staff can borrow two (02) books at a time on loan for a maximum period of 15 days.
The ZHCET Library and Book Bank is using Libsys7 Library Management software for all library operations. Hence, the issue & return is also done through the software.
Issue Procedure:Teaching Faculty:
Teaching faculty both permanent/on probation can borrow eight (8) and the Assistant Professor (Contractual) and Guest Faculty can borrow three (3) books for current academic year between 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The Library provides the facility of OPAC in the reading hall of the library (for which two systems are allotted entirely to serve the purpose) or Web OPAC (In campus & off campus) from where users can search books and give the details of the selected books of their interest along with the library card to the Library staff. The Book then issued to the user through computerized system (Libsys7).
Post Graduate Students/Research Scholars:
Post graduate students/Research scholars can borrow three (03) books at a time for a period of fifteen (15) days between 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The Library provides the facility of OPAC in the reading hall of the library (for which two systems are allotted entirely to serve the purpose) or Web OPAC (In campus & off campus) from where users can search books and give the details of the selected books of their interest along with the library card to the Library staff. The Book then issued to the user through computerized system (Libsys7).
The staff (Non-Teaching) Faculty of Engineering:
Non-teaching staff can borrow two (02) books at a time for a period of fifteen (15) days between 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The Library provides the facility of OPAC in the reading hall of the library (for which two systems are allotted entirely to serve the purpose) or Web OPAC (In campus & off campus) from where users can search books and give the details of the selected books of their interest along with the library card to the Library staff. The Book then issued to the user through computerized system (Libsys7).
Return procedure:
All the documents issued from the library will be returned at the Circulation Counter of the Library from 8.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. In order to return the book, the user present the book to the Library Staff available at the Circulation Desk and the return is done through Libsys7 library management software system. A reminder is generally sent to those members who do not return the books on time. In case the books are not returned in time, a fine of ₹1/- per day per book shall be charged till the book(s) is/are returned. The fine/cost of books shall be deposited in cash with S.O.(Accounts), Principal’s Office. The maximum fine shall be the cost of the book.
Reading Halls:
Reading Rooms are open in all working days. Library Timings for Reading Rooms are decided by the Principal/Hony.Incharge. At present the Library timings are:
04.00PM – 10.00 PM
During examinations, College Library runs from 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight and also open on weekends from 09:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. (on demand of users) and in vacations, it remains open from 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.
The books are provided in lieu of their ID card from Library to read in the reading room of ZHCET Library only. The books of TSD section are not allowed to carry outside the reading rooms.
Procedure of Periodical Section:
Periodical section is open in all working days between 8.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. The users can issue periodicals to read within the periodical section between 8.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. The periodicals will not be issue for lending purposes; have to return by the user before leaving the periodical section.
Procedure of Periodical Section:
Electronic Periodicals/Journals/Resources
The ZHCET Library Provide Twelve systems to access online
resources between
8.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. Beside this, they can also access
online resources from their Laptops, laboratories, departmental libraries and
their hall of residence. The Links to access E-resources are given on web page
of the college library available on the University Website as
‘Open Access E-Resources’ &‘Videos’ Link’
With regard to Subscription of Journals, the
head of the departments of the faculty send their recommendation to the Central
Library (Maulana Azad Library) through the College Library,
ZHCET or directly. Based on the
recommendations received from different departments, the Maulana Azad Library
subscribed the recommended journals as per the availability of funds.
Process of Receiving Journals from Maulana Azad Library & Maintaining Stock Register:
An authorized library staff usually receives the issues of subscribed journals from the Periodical Division of Maulana Azad Library and the details (i.e. volume, issue no. & date) are entered in the stock register maintained at ZHCET Library & Book Bank as well as in Libsys7 Library Management software. The received Printed Journals are then sent to respective departments. A reminder is generally sent to the Central library for missing issues, if any. In case of subscribed Electronic Journals/ Books, Maulana Azad Central Library provides links to access online resources through the website. The same links are also provided through the web page of the college library.
of Books:
Acquisition of books for the ZHCET Library and Book Bank is done centrally by Maulana Azad Library. However, selection of books is based on the suggestions/recommendations received from the faculty members, research scholars and students of different specialties/departments of ZHCET. A consolidated list of books is then prepared as per the availability of budget and after performing duplication checks from library catalogue/OPAC. The list is finally approved by the Principal/Hony. Incharge and sent to the Central Library for acquisition.
Accessioning, Physical & Technical Processing:
The Library and Book Bank, ZHCET maintains its own Accession Register which is the basic record in the library about each document forming part of its collection. After receiving the accessioned books from Maulana Azad Library, the same is verified and entered in the ZHCET Library and Book Bank Accession Register. The accession number is then written on the book with proper library stamp. The book is then sent for physical & technical processing i.e. classification, cataloguing/OPAC, entry in Libsys7, labelling etc.
Transfer of books to the Seminar Library:
The books procured for the different departments of the College by the Central Library will also processed in the College Library. After receiving the accessioned books from Maulana Azad Library, the same is entered in the ZHCET Library and Book Bank Accession Register. The accession number is then written on the book with proper library stamp. The book is then sent for physical & technical processing i.e. classification, cataloguing/OPAC, entry in Libsys7, labelling & pasting etc. and then transferred to the concerned departments after entering the books in the transfer registers meant for the departments.