Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Ranking
Ranking Process:
Step 1: Announcement of Ranking
Step 2: Registration for participation
Step 3: A meeting of the Ranking Committee for completing it.
Step 4: Collection of data from various Deptt/Offices/Sections of the University
Step 5: Compiling and analyzing the data and then discussion takes place on final data with the committee
Step 6: After getting approval of the committee then submit it on the portal before the last date
Step 7: Then wait for the result.
General and Financial Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Office working hours 9:00AM to 5:00PM (Monday to Saturday) except for Friday where the working hours is 8:00AM to 12:30PM, opens 30 minutes prior to the official timings.
- Sweepers are responsible for cleaning and up keep of the IQAC office.
- All non-teaching staff members put sign on the attendance register daily in the morning.
- Before closing the office all the electrical switches and water taps to be checked.
- All the papers notices/circulars are received in the office of the IQAC. Details of paper are entered in the receipt register.
- Papers are put before the Director for comments.
- According to the instructions/comments of the Director, action taken by the office.
- Papers which need to be to other places/offices of the University are properly entered into the dispatch register with a number and then sent accordingly.
Receive & Dispatch:
- All the paper received in the office by Mr. Salman Khurshid, Details of paper are entered in the receipt register.
- Papers are shown to the Director/Assistant Director for his/her comment.
- Director returns the paper with his comment within three days.
- The paper is their placed in the respective file folders (Office file/Personal file/Circular file/ Notice Board file/NAAC/IQAC/File for Minutes of BOS).
- Papers are then circulated/put on the Notice Board or given to concerned staff.
- All papers, which are to be dispatched from the office. The details are first entered in the dispatch register.
- Purchase of all necessary items of the IQAC through GeM.
- All purchase/repair of the amount ranging between 1- 25,000 are done through Director.
- Purchases ranging between 25,000-2.5 lakhs are to be done through the purchase committee.
- Purchase more than 2.5 lakhs are done through Finance office of the University.
- Funds are utilized by prescribed University rules/General Finance rule (GFR 2017).
- Various registers are maintained by the office related to finance.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for AISHE Portal
All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE):
Steps to upload data on AISHE Portal (
Step 1: Login at AISHE Portal
Step 2: Download prescribed DCF and TIF format for university. A zipped file will be downloaded containing DCF and TIF both for respective University. TIF stands for Teacher Information Format to be used for the purpose of collection of Teachers’ Data. DCF stands for Data Capture Format to be used for collecting all data of the University.