Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery
Programmes Organized
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Photo Exhibition Mystery “Raaz” by Mohammad Yousefi from Iran, organised by Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, Aligarh Muslim University as part of the Three Day International Seminar on the 'Legacy of Persian Literature in 15th and early 16th Century AD' under the aegis of the Institute of Persian Research, Aligarh Muslim University.
Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery organized Gandhi impasto, Expo of Gandhi Cartoons & Caricatures to mark the 150th
birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and a National Cartoon Workshop “Hasyachitrasatakam” Malayalam Cartoon @ 100, by an eminent Malyalam Cartoonist, Mr. Sudheer Nath organized in association with Malyalam Sargavedi, Dept. of Modern Indian Languages, Aligarh Muslim University and Kerla Cartoon Academy.
The 100 Thousand Poets for Change, Aligarh, in association with Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, Aligarh Muslim University, organized a unique event on “Disability and Artistic Expression” on 06.10.2018. It was a historic programme on the under-represented subject of Disability and Arts in India. Unlike the usual art exhibitions by the disabled artists in India which generally do not have the theme of disability as a focus, this event had paintings of non-disabled students on the theme of disability in an empowering manner, poetry recitations including self-composed and selected poems of disabled poets and talks on Disability Art Movement and Disability Poetry.
The program began with the talk by Dr. Boopathi P, Assistant Professor, Department of English, AMU on the topic of Disability and Arts. Boopathi in his talk traced the construction of “Normal” and “Ability” and explained how Disability Art emerged in the mid of 1970s to counter such condescending constructions. Further, by analyzing the emergence of Disability Art Movement in the West, he discussed how it contributed to the larger Disability Rights Movement to counter the Charity and Medical model of disability which views disability as a personal tragedy. Boopathi concluded his talk by appealing that more such events should be organized to spread awareness about disability in various parts of India. He congratulated the organizers for having thought of a unique topic like this.
Dr. Jyothsna Phanija spoke extensively on understanding disability through poetry. She spoke of how a visually challenged person experiences nature and draws inspiration from it. She through her poems showed how she too can 'paint' a river but through her words. She gave deeply personal accounts of her everyday experiences with disability. She read out poems that gave insights to how differently a physically challenged person encounters things. She congratulated the Aligarh Muslim University fraternity to have taken up the issue of disability in all its seriousness.
The event was presided over by the Chief Guest for the afternoon, Dr.(Mrs) Hameeda Tariq. The event was jointly organised by Prof. Badar Jahan (Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery), Ms. Alisha Ibkar (Area Representative, 100 Thousand Poets for Change) and Lubna Irfan(Area Representative, 100 Thousand Poets for Change)
Dr. Hameeda Tariq Inaugurating the Regional Art Exhibition of Lalit Kale Academy on 23.04.2018.Exhibition organised at Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery by Department of Fine Arts, Aligarh Muslim University.
Prof. Shan Mohammad Inaugurating the Calligraphy Exhibition of Mr. Younus Mohammed Hafiz.
Art Thrive-An Art Exhibition - November 22 2017: The Moinuddin Art Gallery, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) hosted an art exhibition on the theme of Effects of positive and negative thoughts in day to day life, showcasing art works by Sheeba Mashkoor, Heena Saini and Sadia.
The paintings included a host of free-flowing forms in many colours displaying various emotions, behaviour, surroundings and relationships that can help set us on course for a happier life or make us sad at times. Prof Mohammad Zahid (Dean, Faculty of Arts) inaugurated the exhibition.
Prof Badar Jahan (Curator of the Exhibition) informed that the response of the visitors was overwhelming.
Artists Sheeba, Heena and Sadia said that since art is a fine way to communicate social, emotional and political thoughts, through these paintings an attempt has been made to convey sensitivity of intense thoughts.
We have tried to convey that with single positive thoughts, huge differences can be made, said the artists adding that the purpose of the exhibition is to show how a simple canvas can convey a message, which cannot be conveyed by a thousand words.
We are thankful to the AMU administration in General and Prof Badar Jahan in particular for giving us the opportunity of displaying our work, said Sheeba Mashkoor.
Public Relations Office
Aligarh Muslim University
October 28- November 02, 2017
A group show “Conceptual Banana a Contemporary Art Fusion” was hosted by Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery.
"Parwaaz-e-Zarrat" A Group Show inaugurated - (23-31 MAY-2017) Dr. Mrs. Hameeda Tariq, wife of Prof. Tariq Mansoor, the Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University, today inaugurated a group show "Parwaaz-e-Zarrat", an exhibition of art works of the artists of Fine Arts Department at Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, AMU. Creative paintings and digital art works of Areeba Fatima, Zeba Naaz, Annu Bala, Nishtha Agarwal, Swaleh Ansari, Jeff Foster, Saima Zaki, Tarannum Parveen and Shama Parveen have been displayed in the exhibition, which is scheduled to close on 27th May 2017. Appreciating the skill of artists in maintaining the flow of colours, while holding on to the thought behind each work, Dr Mrs Tariq interacted with them expressed her opinion regarding all the art pieces on exhibition. She praised the efforts of the organizers and urged them to felicitate the artists, especially the girls who were no less talented than their male counterparts in this field. While explaining the special features of all exhibits, Prof. Badar Jahan, Coordinator of the Gallery, said that the artist perceives things differently from common people and express their feelings more effectively through colours and brush on the canvas. She said that the uniqueness of the exhibition is that the artworks on display focus on sensitive issues and aspects of life besides reflecting their creative acumen. Prof. Azarmi Dukht Safavi, Director, Institute of Persian Research, Prof. Tariq Ahmad, Director, Sir Syed Academy, Prof. Naima Gulrez, Principal Women?s College, Prof. Rehana Khusro, Chairperson, Department of Fine Arts, Prof. Seema Javed, Major Mustafa, Principal, Saiyyid Hamid Senior Secondary School, faculty members of the Department of Fine Arts and dignitaries were present on the occasion.
News Desk
Public Relations Office
Aligarh Muslim University
Calligraphy Exhibition- (1-3 March, 2017) The exhibition of Dr Qamar Dagar from New Delhi and Mr Mohd Ahrar Hindi, Deputy Commissioner (Retd) from Jharkhand was inaugurated in the presence of Dr Gholam Ali Haddad Adil, Former Speaker Iranian Parliament, Director Sadi Foundation, Tehran; His Excellency, Mr Shaida Mohammad Abdali, Ambassador of Afghanistan, New Delhi; His Excellency, Mr Mirzosharif Jalolov, Ambassador of Tajikistan, New Delhi and AMU Vice Chancellor, Lt General Zameer Uddin Shah (Veteran). Mr Wajahat Habibullah, former Chairman, National Minority Commission, New Delhi; Dr Muhammad Raza Waiz Mahdavi, Chairman Planning Commission for Promotion of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Iran; Dr Ali Dehgahi, Cultural Counsellor, Iran Culture House, New Delhi; Brigadier Syed Ahmad Ali (Veteran), Pro-Vice Chancellor, AMU; Professor Azarmi Dukht Safavi, Director, Institute of Persian Research, AMU and Dr Badar Jahan Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, Aligarh Muslim University were also present on the occasion.The Exhibition was the part of the 2nd International Conference of Oriental and Iranian Studies and International Seminar on Bedil Dehlavi organized by Institute of Persian Research, Aligarh Muslim University.
Keeping Faith, Indian Religions in the United States-(28 February- 8th March 2017) An exhibition of Photographs was inaugurated by Begum Sabiha Simi Shah in the presence of Mr. Jonathan Kessler, Director, North India Office, U.S. Embassy, Lt. Gen. Zameer Uddin Shah, Vice Chancellor, Brig. Syed Ahmad Ali, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University on 28.02.2017 at Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery. This exhibition highlights how Indian faiths have grown in cities and states across the United States, as well as how individuals, communities, and organisations practice their diverse traditions. Indian Americans comprise one of the largest and most influential Diasporas in the United States. In keeping their faith, Indian Americans celebrate and contribute to the democracy and pluralism of the United States. Stand-up Comedian Award winner and Storyteller Mr. Aman Ali from USA, Prof. Tariq Ahmad, Director, Sir Syed Academy, Prof. F.S. Sherani, Coordinator CEC and Dr. Badar Jahan, Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, Chairman Dept. of Fine Arts, the faculty members, students and other distinguished guests were present on the occasion.
Indonesian Folks Modern Batik Exhibition- (25-28 February 2017) The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, New Delhi in collaboration with Aligarh Muslim University's Public Relations Office, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery and Department of Fine Arts today organized an exhibition of "Indonesian Folks Modern Batik". The event, which was inaugurated by AMU Pro Vice Chancellor, Brigadier S Ahmad Ali (Veteran) was held at the University's Moinuddin Art Gallery. On the occasion, Brigadier S Ahmad Ali appreciated the art work on display. He added that Batik Art is a revolutionary art technique for producing detailed design on fabric and this art form has elevated a basic craft to fine art status, while still using the traditional wax and dye method. The Pro Vice Chancellor also tried his hands on Batik Art to cheer the delegation and the rest of gathering at the event. Professor Iwan Pranoto, Education and Cultural Attache to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, New Delhi pointed out that a highlight of this event is to aspire and address wide issues crucial on the role of women in development of culture, society and emancipation of women through arts. Thanking the Aligarh Muslim University, he added that it is hoped that the University will continue the support to the Indonesian Embassy. "We hope that more collaborations with AMU will come in future", said Prof Pranoto. AMU Public Relations Officer, Mr Omar S Peerzada welcomed the 25-member delegation of Batik artists. The exhibition is an extension in regards to the previous visit to the Indonesian Embassy, New Delhi by AMU PRO Team to initiate cultural, educational and scientific exchange programmes of AMU with various countries. Dr Badar Jahan, Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery said that the Batik Art Workshop followed by the Exhibition has been quite beneficial for the students of Fine Arts. Prof Madhu Rani, Chaiperson, Department of Fine Arts and other faculty members were also present on the occasion. After the exhibition, the Indonesian Embassy delegation was taken on a sight-seeing of the AMU campus.
Round the Year Exhibition "Sir Syed Ahmad Khan-Glimpses of M.A.O. College and Aligarh Muslim University" - (16-OCT-2016) Aligarh, October 16: Lt Gen Zameer Uddin Shah, Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University inaugurated a Round the Year Exhibition "Sir Syed Ahmad Khan-Glimpses of M.A.O. College and Aligarh Muslim University" at Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery to mark the Sir Syed Bi-centenary Celebrations2016-17. This exhibition conveys the vision and mission of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, MAO College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh Movement and its glorious past which contains rare photographs of heritage buildings, important events and occasions as well as the portraits of Sir Syed and his associates who contributed in building this institution. Sir Syed Ahmad khan is widely acknowledged as one of the makers of Modern India due to his revolutionary endeavour to impart modern and scientific education among those who deserved the most, the Muslims of British India. His immense contribution in the development of modern and scientific education influenced Mahatma Gandhi to the extent that he acknowledged Sir Syed as the Prophet of Education. Sir Syed, a great visionary, contemplated the journey of his life as an indefinite struggle to the cause of the educational awakening of Indian Muslims. His great efforts culminated in the shape of a spectacular educational institution, the MAO College which he founded at Aligarh in 1877. The foundation of MAO College proved to be the landmark in the history of educational development in India as the College grew into an institution, the prestigious Aligarh Muslim University, presently the institution of national importance as the Constitution of India Says. Sir Syed's lifelong endeavour and the subsequent historical developments, popularly known as Aligarh Movement, carry a tremendous historical significance which is portrayed in the form of this heritage exhibition of classic photographs. On the occasion of the Inauguration the Vice-Chancellor congratulated Dr. Badar Jahan, Coordinator, MAAG and the convener of the exhibition for her splendid work and Brig S Ahmad Ali, Pro Vice-Chancellor complimented her for the impressive exhibition. On the occasion Prof. A.R. Kidwai, Chairman, Bi-centenary Celebration Committee, Prof. Tariq Ahmad, Director, Sir Syed Academy, Prof. Shan Muhammad, former Director, Sir Syed Academy, Prof. Shaik Mastan, Dean Faculty of Arts, Prof. Javed Akhtar, Registrar, Prof. S.M. Javed Akhtar, Finance Officer, Prof. Yusufuzzaman Khan, Controller, Aligarh Muslim University and among the dignitaries Alumni, and guests, Mr. Nadeem Akhtar Tarin, Mr. Ameer Ahmad, Prof. Kamal Hasan were present on the occasion.
A six-day National Workshop on "Madhubani Art - Tradition and Fusion" (14-APR-2016) Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, Aligarh Muslim University organized a six-day National Workshop on "Madhubani Art - Tradition and Fusion", which was inaugurated by Mrs. Rizwana Ali, wife of AMU Pro-Vice Chancellor Brig. S. Ahmad Ali, who was also preset on the occasion. The Workshop cum Exhibition will be open for public viewing till 16th April 2016. In his presidential address, Brig. Syed Ahmad Ali, said that the art workshop will inculcate new ideas in the participants under the guidance of the invited artists from Mithila region. He wished the organizers a grand success and hoped that the Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery will continue to achieve its cherished objectives in the coming years. Chief Guest, Dr Maurice Ryder, who holds three honours from the Royal Drawing Society, London and has been associated as photographer with three Prime Ministers including Mrs. Indira Gandhi, unveiled his latest Madhubani painting in the workshop. He described the Madhubani art vividly and expressed happiness to attend the workshop as a resource person. Guest of honour, Mr. Santosh Kumar Das, a renowned Madhubani artist who has extensively delivered lectures in American universities, applauded the initiative of Dr. Badar Jahan and offered to guide students during his six day stay in the University. National and state award winner Mithila painter, Mrs. Bibha Das, along with Ms. Shalini Karn, is attending the workshop as resource persons. Madhubani Paintings, also known as Mithila Art, is practiced in Darbhanga region of Bihar and widely popular in India and abroad. In view of its popularity and significance, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery has taken the initiative to introduce AMU students to this form of art. A number of participants from different parts of the country, including Mumbai, Delhi, Agra, Bulandshahr and Noida are attending the workshop. Dr. Badar Jahan, Convener of the workshop, said that the workshop on Madhubani Art will benefit the artists and art learners at Aligarh Muslim University, adding to their creative acumen. Guest of honour Prof. Naima Khatoon, Principal, Women's College and Prof. Tariq Ahmed, Director Sir Syed Academy were also present on the occasion.
An Art Exhibition on the occasion of Sir Syed Day and Alumni Meet 2015- (12-21 October 2015) Mrs. Sabiha Simi Shah, wife of the AMU Vice Chancellor, Lt. Gen. Zameer Uddin Shah, today inaugurated an Art Exhibition at the Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, Aligarh Muslim University, which is a part of Sir Syed Day celebrations and marks the AMU Alumni Meet 2015. Lt. Gen. Shah took keen interest in the art works on display and interacted with the artists. He appreciated the efforts of Dr. Badar Jahan in developing the University Art Gallery as a center of excellence. The guest of honour, Brig. Syed Ahmad Ali, Pro-Vice Chancellor, appreciated the efforts of the artists and their involvement in the art activities organised at the gallery. The art exhibition has put on display about 150 art works of 82 senior and amateur artists which include painting, photography, digital art and installation, drawing and video. On this occasion, Mrs Rizwana Ahmad Ali, wife of Pro-Vice Chancellor, Brig. S. Ahmad Ali launched the website of Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, which is hosted by the AMU portal and provides information on all past and forthcoming events including the procedure for online booking of the gallery. Dr Badar Jahan, Coordinator of the gallery who has developed its webpage, said that the artists will be benefited through this facility as the website will help AMU artists to connect with global art community. Dr. Asfar Ali Khan, Registrar, Prof. Anees Ismail, DSW, Prof. Naima Gulrez, Principal, Women's College, Prof. Tariq Ahmad, Director, Sir Syed Academy, Dr. Suhail Sabir, Chairman, Alumni Affairs Committee, Prof. Nafees Ansari, Director, Distance Education, Prof. Zeba Hasan, Chairman, Department of Fine Arts, Dr. Rahat Abrar, PRO, Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Assistant Director, UGC HRD Center and other officials were present on the occasion.
Art Exhibition organized by Virasat- (28-April-4 May 2015) An NGO working for the conservation of Indian natural and cultural art heritage was inaugurated at Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery on 28th April 2015. The exhibition displayed works of famous artists including Mr Khursheed Alam and Mr Hari Shankar Balothia from Jaipur. The exhibition also contained works of Aligarh based artists, Mr Mohd Yaseen and Mr Afzal Ahmad. The later is a teacher of fine arts, known for art of calligraphy and is Virasat's General Secretary. Virasat had earlier organized its first National Calligraphy Exhibition inaugurated by Mr Nadeem Hussain, Chief Executive Officer of Marque Impex in Moradabad. The AMU Training and Placement Officer (General) Mr Saad Hameed introduced the guests in the inaugural program, which was attended by a large gathering of AMU students, AMU's ABK High School students and Blossoms School students. Dr Badar Jahan, Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, appreciated the efforts of Virasat for organizing the exhibition and expressed hope for more such activities. Virasat's initiative of Art Exhibition in AMU was also lauded by Dr Abbas Niazi, Principal, AMU, A B K High School. The organizers of the Exhibition honoured all the artists for their contributions in the Exhibition in particular and in the field of art in general. Ms Sheeba Mashkoor coordinated the programme and President of Virasat, Ms Bushra Nasim proposed the vote of thanks.
The Exhibition 'Images of India- a Fascinating Journey through Time.'- (28 February-27 March 2015) Aligarh Muslim University Vice Chancellor, Lt General Zameer Uddin Shah today inaugurated 'Images of India- a Fascinating Journey through Time.' The Art Exhibition was inaugurated at the Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, Aligarh Muslim University in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi (IGNCA). The Exhibition displays landscape, portraits, monuments and festivals of 19th and 20th Century India. The Exhibition, which opened on February 28, will last until March 7 and the visitors will be allowed in between 10 am to 5 pm except Sunday. The Vice Chancellor General Shah and Mrs Shah visited all the exhibited works, which were explained by Dr. Virendra Bangroo, the curator of the exhibition. The art works showed a fascinating journey through time showcasing the illustrated sketches, drawings, lithographs, etchings and wood-cut of 18th 19th century rare books from the IGNCA archives which throw ample light on the art, architecture and various aspects of Indian art, culture and architecture. "The exhibition gives glimpses of old landscapes of the important cities; architecture of temples, mosques, tombs and living quarters; social life during the period and details of musical instruments, costumes, transportation and other objects of interest," said Dr Badar Jahan, convener of the programme. Dr P R Goswami, Director (L&I) IGNCA, the Guest of Honour of the inaugural function, appreciated the efforts of Dr Badar Jahan for taking the initiative in the present collaborative event. He stressed that this collaboration should continue in the form of seminars, workshops and exhibitions and other exchange programmes and resource sharing to Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery. The Pro-Vice Chancellor Brigadier S Ahmad Ali lauded the exhibition and expressed that such programmes should continue for the benefits of the students and researchers of all streams of humanities and social sciences. Dr Badar Jahan also thanked the dignitaries and the guests of the inaugural function.
National Art Exhibition, "Creative Venture" inaugurated - (13-20 February 2015) Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery of Aligarh Muslim University organised a National Art Exhibition, "Creative Venture", which was inaugurated by Mrs Sabiha Simi Shah, wife of Lt Gen Zameer Uddin Shah, Vice Chancellor, AMU. The art work of forty artists were displayed including paintings, installations, video art, graphics, photographs, sculpture and sketches of established and emerging artists from across the country. The Vice Chancellor, along with Mrs Shah, released the catalogue of the exhibition and took a tour of the gallery. Appreciating the creative efforts of the participating artists, Gen. Shah expressed his thoughts on art works and interacted with the participants. Mrs Shah also lauded the efforts of artists put to create such wonderful pieces of art. She especially praised the installations. Dr. Badar Jahan, Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery and curator of the National Exhibition, introduced the artists to the Vice Chancellor and his wife and highlighted the achievements of AMU Fine Art students whose works were displayed in the exhibition with special reference to the installation and video art which were selected in Kochi Biennale. The Vice Chancellor congratulated Dr. Badar Jahan for organising an exhibition of such a wide variety and forms of Art. The exhibition is open to all till 20th of February 2015 from 10 am to 5 pm.
Photobaazi- A Photograph Exhibition & Workshop - (15-27 February 2014) An Exhibition of Photographs by Mr. Adil Jamal, an artist from New Delhi was inaugurated by Syeda Saiyidain Hameed, Member, Planning Commission, Govt. of India and was visited by Gen Zameer Uddin Shah, the Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University. A free workshop on the technique of good photography was also given by the artist to the students on the occasion of Alumni Meet 2014.
An exhibition of Rare Photographs on the life of Rasheed Jahan - (19- 30 May, 2014) An exhibition of rare photographs on the life of Rashid Jahan, eminent writer and dramatist and daughter of legendary papa Mian Sheikh Abdullah, was inaugurated at the Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery of Aligarh Muslim University by the Vice Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Zameer Uddin Shah. The exhibition has been organized jointly by the Sir Syed Academy, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery of AMU and Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi. This exhibition, which is a moving exhibition in nature, was curated by Dr. Rakhshanda Jalil for IGNCA. It would move to Dehradun from AMU after ten-days. The Vice Chancellor appreciated the combined efforts of Prof. Tariq Ahmad, Director, Sir Syed Academy, Dr. Badar Jahan, Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery and IGNCA. Pro-Vice Chancellor, Brigadier (Retd.) S. Ahmad Ali was also present on the occasion and lauded the organizers' efforts. Ms. Sarah Niazi, a representative of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi, expressed happiness on the organization of the exhibition in prestigious Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery and showed willingness for future collaborative programmes. On this occasion, AMU Registrar, Group Captain (Retd.) Shahrukh Shamshad, Proctor, Prof. Jamshed Siddiqui, Prof. Tariq Ahmad, Dr. Badar Jahan and a large number of faculty members and students were present. A talk on Rashid Jahan by Dr. Rakhshanda Jalil was also organized at the Arts Faculty lounge which was presided over by the Vice Chancellor, Gen. Shah. Pro-Vice Chancellor, Brig. Ali graced the programme as guest of honour. Delivering the talk, Dr. Rakhshanda Jalil highlighted the salient aspects of literary achievements of Rashid Jahan and underlined the need for revisiting her works in the light of changing social perspectives. In his presidential address, the Vice Chancellor made special references to the path breaking ideas of Rashid Jahan and said that she was ahead of her time. He emphasized that the AMU is highly responsive towards women's freedom and safeguarding of their rights. Earlier, Prof. Tariq Ahmed welcomed the guests and introduced the speaker, Dr. Rakhshanda Jalil. Dr. Syed Hussain Haider of Sir Syed Academy conducted the programme.
Exhibition of Digital Art work and Photographs - (1-5 May 2014) The Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Zameer Uddin Shah today inaugurated an exhibition of digital art and photography by Mr. Mohd. Danish. Mr. Danish is a guest faculty in the department of Fine Arts at AMU. He has exhibited more than one hundred digital art pieces. He paints both digitally and in traditional brush painting. The exhibition, which commenced today, will remain open till May 5, 2014. On this occasion, Mrs. Sabiha Simi Shah, wife of the Vice Chancellor, Proctor, Prof. Jamshed Siddiqui and all faculty members of the Fine Arts department were present.
Aligarh Artist Show-a painting exhibition - (20 March - 3 April, 2014) A grand painting exhibition "Aligarh Artist Show" was inaugurated at Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery of Aligarh Muslim University by the Vice Chancellor, Lt Gen (Retd) Zameer Uddin Shah. The work of more than sixty artists were displayed which included the paintings of established and emerging artists. The Vice Chancellor, along with his wife, Mrs Sabiha Simi Shah took a tour of the gallery and saw the paintings. Appreciating the works of artists, Vice Chancellor said that the Art Gallery with its ornate architecture, spacious capacity and beautiful ambiance will inspire young and upcoming artists to showcase their work here. The Pro-Vice Chancellor along with his wife Mrs Rizwana Ali also visited the gallery. Brig. Ali said that after a gap of more than 80 years, the original form of the gallery has been restored. Dr. Badar Jahan, Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, highlighted the vision and developmental work in the gallery. She said that emergence of an art gallery at AMU is a boon to the artist community in general and the art students of AMU in particular. Apart from developing a permanent collection, Dr Badar Jahan hoped to organise programmes of national and international levels such as Group and Solo Shows, artist workshops, residencies, lecture and demonstration of invited artists and various interactive programme in collaboration. She said that the purpose of this show is to promote artists, particularly the talented students of AMU. The Aligarh Artist show will be held from 20th March to 3rd April, 2014. Dr Badar Jahan also expressed her gratitude for the decision by the Vice Chancellor Lt Gen (Retd) Zameer Uddin Shah to renovate the prestigious Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery and the execution of the project by the Pro Vice Chancellor Brig. (Retd) S. Ahmad Ali. She said that it was a noble move which will be remembered in the history of AMU and will always be acknowledged by the artist community of Aligarh. The Aligarh Artist show was organised in association with Indira Educational & Social Welfare Society. The Secretary of the Society, Dr. Indira Agrawal, a well-known artist, was also present on this occasion. The participating artists explained about their art works to the visitors.
Portraits and Painting Exhibition - (15 -17 March 2014) The three days Solo Exhibition of paintings by Dr Asma Kazmi, Department of Fine Arts, concluded on Monday at Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Dr Asma Kazmi exhibited portraiture, landscape, miniature and still life, etc, mainly focused on Islamic themes, natural themes, architecture, Islamic calligraphy and wildlife scene. This was the second solo exhibition by Dr Kazmi. Previously, she organized eight joint exhibitions. Commenting on the exhibition, Vice Chancellor Lt Gen (Retd) Zameer uddin Shah said that the work displayed was exquisite and he urged her to pass on the same to the University students. AMU PVC Brig (Retd) S Ahmad Ali said that the work performed was wonderful and motivated her to keep it up. Professor Shabahat Hussain, Dean, Faculty of Social Science commented that it was an exhibition of life-like portraits by Dr Kazmi and she deserves all the appreciation for that. Professor Ali Mohammad, former Dean, Faculty of Theology, said that it was one of the best painting exhibitions in the University and it is a matter of proud that an artist of AMU performed this work. He wished her a great future and success. Dr Badar Jahan, coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery and Dr Latif S Shah Kazmi, Department of Philosophy, organized the program.
Artist in Residency in collaboration with Lalit Kala Akademi - (12-16 February 2014) The Department of Fine Arts at the Aligarh Muslim University today organized a five-day Workshop "Artist in Residency" with Professor M. Shashidharan Nair of M. S. University, Baroda to provide opportunity to the artist community to interact with other artists, to learn, develop, share and improve their art. Prof. Shashidharan Nair earned name in glass art, metal and paintings equally. He will spend five days at the Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery and demonstrate his art of painting. Delivering the presidential remarks, AMU Vice Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Zameer Uddin Shah said that creativity and artistic talents to nurtured. He said that he is a lover of fine arts and Marshal arts. Gen. Shah said that Mr. Shamshad Husain, son of noted artist, M. F. Husain, visited this University recently to encourage arts of all varieties. He hoped that AMU will produce more people like M. F. Husain. Brig. (Retd.) S. Ahmad Ali, Pro-Vice Chancellor said that the University has restored Moinuddin Art Gallery to provide better space to the faculty members and students to showcase their talents. Earlier, welcoming the guests, Dr. Badar Jahan, Coordinator, Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery said that this Residency has been organized by Lalit Kala Academy. She said that art is a powerful means of expression and message communication has direct impact. Art can bring change, turn the course of society and politics. She said that the Department of Fine Arts will hold more national and international level programmes to promote the vision and mission of the founder of this gallery, Moinuddin Ahmad. Professor Seema Javed, Chairperson, Department of Fine Arts thanked the Vice Chancellor and Pro-Vice Chancellor for their constant support, encouragement and keen interest in the development of this department. She said that renovation of Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery is a step which will provide a strong platform to the students of Fine Arts to put their talents on display. On this occasion, AMU Vice Chancellor unveiled the portrait of Moinuddin Ahmad, which was prepared by Dr. Asma Kazmi.
Inauguration of Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery at Aligarh Muslim University - (17 October 2013) On the eve of the Sir Syed day on 17th October 2013, the prestigious Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery of Aligarh Muslim University was inaugurated by Hon'ble Governor of Uttrakhand, Dr. Aziz Qureshi, in the presence of Lt Gen (Retd) Zameer Uddin Shah, the Vice Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University. . This was a momentous event as the Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery had lost its purpose for quite a long time and only by the exemplary efforts of the Vice Chancellor of AMU, Lt Gen Zameer Uddin Shah and the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Brig S Ahmad Ali, it regained its original position.On the occasion a Painting exhibition of the students of Department of Fine Arts was also organized.
