M.Phil, Ph.D., UGC NET
Creative Painting and Contemporary Indian Art Practices
Lane B, Hamza Colony,New Sir Syed Nagar,Aligarh-202002
Professor Badar Jahan has an academic career of 27 years at Aligarh Muslim University. As an artist she has held shows in London, New York and Chicago. Lalit Kala Akademi has honoured her with State Award, recognised her as Contemporary Artists of Utter Pradesh, has also invited her for Artist Camps and State Exchange Exhibitions at Jaipur, Mumbai and Allahabad. She was felicitated by the Governor of Goa, Minister of Art and Culture, Director & Secretary, Art and Culture, Govt. of Goa in an Artist Camp organized by the Directorate of Art and Culture, Govt. of Goa, NCZC & SCZCC.
She held Solo and duo shows, participated in Regional, State and other exhibitions throughout the country specially in Mumbai, Orissa, Jaipur, Allahabad, Lucknow and Aligarh. Her shows received coverage in print media - such as Hindustan Times, Times of India, The Hindu, Pioneer, Indian Express and also in electronic media.
As the Coordinator of the prestigious Moinuddin Ahmad Art Gallery of Aligarh Muslim University her contribution in reviving and developing this art gallery has been widely acknowledged. Many National and International exhibitions, residencies, workshops and lectures for the benefits of the students, faculties of Dept. of Fine Art as well as for the artists out side the University has been organised under her Coordinatorship since the inauguration of the Art Gallery on 17th October 2013.
As an academician she has authored the book 'Abstraction in Indian Painting: post-independence era'. This book has been selected as collection by Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK and 38 Libraries Worldwide. The book was reviewed in The Hindu, a National News Paper and has citations.
Prof. Jahan has completed a Major Research Project sanctioned by University Grants Commission (MRP-UGC), Government of India. Her research papers on Contemporary Indian Art practices are presented in National and International Seminars and Conferences and published in National and International Art Journals. She has been invited as Resource Person and to delivered lectures at refresher courses and other academic programmes.
She was the Course Coordinator and the e-Content script writer for Vyas Channel (UGC), SWAYAM (MHRD). She has also worked as Article Editor and Reviewer for SAGE Open - a peer-reviewed open-access publication from SAGE Publication.
- Symbols and Scripts in Contemporary Indian Art Download PDF
“Symbols and Scripts in Contemporary Indian Art”. Kala Dirgha,
Vol.6, No.11 October 2005.
- Abstraction in Indian Contemporary Art - A Perspective Download PDF
“Abstraction in Indian Contemporary Art - A Perspective”. Kala Dirgha, Vol.5, No.10 April 2005.
- Communication through Installation and Public Art Download PDF
“Communication through Installation and Public Art”. Kala Dirgha
Vol.6, No.12 April-2006. - Solution Exchange Education Programme for Handicraft Artisans of Western Uttar Pradesh Download PDF
“Solution Exchange Education Programme for Handicraft Artisans of Western Uttar Pradesh”, Journal of Distance Education and Management Research, ISSN 2278-9251, Vol. III, 2015
- Handicraft Artisans: The struggle for survival Download PDF
“Handicraft Artisans: The struggle for survival”, International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, ISSN 2321-7065, Volume II, Issue IX, 2015, Impact Factor: 2.1317.
- BOOK: Abstraction in Indian Painting- Post Independence Era Download PDF
BOOK:“Abstraction in Indian Painting- Post Independence Era”, published by Kaveri Books, New Delhi. 2008, ISBN: 8174790810, 9788174790811.
1.THE HINDU on 27. 02. 2009.
2.Colour, Art and Empire: Visual Culture and the Nomadism of Representation By Natasha Eaton, Published in 2013 by I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd 6 Salem Road, London W 2 4BU, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10010, ISBN 9781780768.P 395.
3.The Asia Art Archive“The Asian ModernJohn Clark, 2008-2013, K.C.S. Panikar (1911-1977)”
4.“Modern History: The Indian Independence Movement” Dr. Anand Kumar. The Expression: An International Multi-Disciplinary e- Journal-Vol. 2 Issue 1 (Feb.2016) ISSN:2395-4132.
5.“Analysing Specific Praxes of Visual Art Up to Post Modern Society”- by Dr. Shekhar Chandra Joshi, Indian Scholar-An International Multi-Disciplinary Research e- Journal-Vol. 3 Issue IV, June 2017, ISSN 2350-109X
6.Chapter-1 Introduction, page 6-7 reference 12 Abstraction in Modern Indian Art: a study in the Post-Independence Indian Painting 1955 2005
The Book ‘Abstraction in Indian Painting- Post Independence Era’ authored by
Prof. Badar Jahan has been selected as collection by Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK and 38 Libraries Worldwide: -
1.Victoria and Albert Museum, National Art Library, London, United Kingdom
2.University of Oxford Libraries, London, United Kingdom
3.University of Sydney, Australia
4.University of Cambridge ,United Kingdom
5.Harvard University- Fine Arts Library, United Kingdom
6.The British Library, St. Pancras -London, United Kingdom
7.British Museum Library and Archieve, United Kingdom
8.University of Cambridge Libraries, United Kingdom
9.SOAS Library, University of London, United Kingdom
10.Metropolitan Museum of Art -Thomas J. Watson Library New York, United States
11.National Library of Scotland-Edinburgh
12.Smith College, Five Colleges Library, Western Massachusetts, USA
13.University of California, Berkeley, United States
14.Peabody Essex Museum Salem, United States
15.Colgate University -Everett Needham Case Library Hamilton, New York, United States
16.University of Washington Libraries -Seattle, United States
17.Suzzallo and Allen Libraries -United States
18.University of Chicago Library -Chicago, United States
19.Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, United States
20.George Mason University, United States
21.University of Pennsylvania Library , Franklin,United States
22.Stanford University Libraries Stanford, United States
23.Loyola Marymount University -William H. Hannon Library Los Angeles, United States
24.Library of Congress -Washington, United States
25.Metropolitan Museum of Art and Library, Thomas J. Watson Library, New York, United States
26.Dresden University Library -of Technology, Germany
27.McGill University Library Montreal, Canada
28.Concordia University Clues Library Catalogue, Montreal, Canada
29.University of British Columbia Library -Vancouver, Canada
30.Australian National University, Australia
31.National Gallery of Australia Research Library & Archives, Australia
32.Université Michel de Montaigne– France
33.Bibliothèque nationale de France Paris-France
34.Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin- Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin State Library, Berlin, Germany
35.Leiden University Library Leiden, Netherlands
36.The University of Warsaw Library, NUKAT Union Catalog of Polish Research Libraries, Poland
37.University of Hong Kong HKU Libraries
38.University of Toronto Libraries Catalog, Robarts-Stacks-N7304.5.A38 J34 2008