PMRF - Aligarh Muslim University
a) At the time of joining, each Fellow shall be given deliverables to be achieved each year. This will be decided by the assigned guide and the department which the fellow is joining.
b) The deliverables are to be designed keeping in view the topic selected by the fellow.
c) There shall be an annual review of PMRF fellows. The candidates would continue to avail the fellowship in the next year only if their performance is found satisfactory by the review committee. The review will be a rigorous process, and can be done in the form of a national convention (for each discipline). The nodal institute for the discipline may form multiple expert panels to evaluate the progress of the PMRF fellows. Each such panel can have 3-4 members, with at most 2 members from the host institution.
d) Each fellow is expected to teach once a week in a neighbourhood ITI/Polytechnic/ Engineering College, as per modalities approved by the Government.
e) If the deliverables are not achieved, the fellowship could be brought down to the institutional fellowship level or even discontinued.