- Civil Engg
- Architecture
- Geography
- Geology
PMRF - Aligarh Muslim University
Disciplines of PMRF at AMU
- Mechanical Engg.
- Electrical Engg.
- Electronics Engg
- Computer Engg
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics
- Statistics
- Biomedical & Human Factor Engg
- Biotechnology
- Anatomy (JNMC)
- Biochemistry (Life Sc & JNMC)
- Botany
- Clinical Psychology (JNMC)
- Endocrinology (JNMC)
- Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (JNMC)
- Microbiology (JNMC)
- Museology
- Neuroscience (JNMC)
- Paediatrics (JNMC)
- Pharmacology (JNMC)
- Physiology (JNMC)
- Plastic Surgery (JNMC)
- Psychiatry (JNMC)
- Tuberculosis (JNMC)
- Wildlife Science
- Zoology
- Agri. Economics & Business Management
- Agriculture Microbiology
- Entomology
- Home Science
- Plant Pathology
- Post-Harvest Engg. & Tech.
- Chemical Engg.
- Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Engineering
- Applied Physics
- Physics
- Applied Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Nanotechnology
- Operations Research
- Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

Coordinator and Professor