Electrical Engineering Section

E.E.S. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Dept. data last updated on :12/09/2024

Electrical Engineering Section (EES) is running Diploma in Engineering Courses in the following Four Branches:

1. Electrical

2. Electrical & Instrumentation

3. Electronics

4. Computer

The Faculty members are well qualified and Laboratories are Equipped with all modern facilities.


Enter to Learn and Depart to Serve

MISSION: To provide knowledge of various electrical, electrical instrumentation, electronics

                       and computers engineering aspects and skills based practices:-

1.      Technical Skills

         To train our students in skills of problem-solving, decision-making, time         

         Management and testing and maintenance on electrical and electronics systems,     

         basics to advance computer programming.

2.      Soft Skills

                  To train our students for better interpersonal relationship, communication skills,

                  adaptability, Universal human values.



Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Successfully practice or apply the principles of Electrical, Electrical instrumentation, Electronics and Computer Engineering in a variety of employment areas.

PEO2: Pursue continued life-long learning through professional practice, further higher education or other training programs in engineering science or other professional fields.

PEO3: Achieve professional success and satisfaction with an understanding and appreciation of ethical behavior, social responsibility, and diversity, both as individuals and in team environments. Thus helping in building, “Aatm Nirbhar Bharat”.

Program Outcomes (POs)

The students of Diploma in Electrical, Electrical & Instrumentation, Electronics and Computer Engineering will demonstrate the following:

PO1: Ability to apply technical education with good blend of liberal education.

PO2: Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret data.

PO3: Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as       economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

PO4: Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

PO5:  Ability for handling projects, like Strategic Planning, Risk management, Leadership & 


PO6: Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.

PO7: Ability to communicate effectively.

PO9: Ability to engage in lifelong learning.

PO10: Entrepreneurship