Department of Bio-chemistry (Life Sciences)


Dept. data last updated on :05/10/2024



The rule mentioned in General Finance Rules 2017 (GFR-2017) followed in procuring goods, items, or equipment in the Department. Some important steps concerning procurement are mentioned below. Please note that GFR-2017 shall prevail over this SOP in all procurement-related matters of the Department. Amendments in the SOP, if any, will be incorporated as and when notified.

I. Steps for Non-Recurring items:

STEP 1: Issuing the Item

After receiving the installation report, the procuring officer issues the item to the desired lab or individual. After that, the issued item remains in the custody of the lab In-charge.

STEP 2: Labeling the Procured Item

Label procured items with reference numbers:

Department of Biochemistry/Purchase Year/Stock Register Number/Stock Register Page Number

STEP 3: Maintaining Log Book and Assets Loan Register

A logbook is maintained to record the usage of the equipment.

Asset loan register is maintained for its purpose whenever required.

II. Steps for Recurring items:

STEP 1: Issuing the Item

After successful procurement, the procuring officer issues the item in the desired laboratory, and after that, it remains in the custody of the lab In-charge.

STEP 2: Maintaining the Record

Record is maintained for usage.


I. Lab Equipment

STEP 1: Entry of Faulty Equipments

Enter the details of the faulty equipment in the assigned register or logbook.

STEP 2: Apply for Repair

Laboratory In-charge or the Departmental committee takes the estimate for the repair of equipment that needs to be repaired.

Laboratory In-charge or the Departmental committee submits repair budget to the Department.

As per requirement and availability of funds, the In-charge or Department committee takes permission to repair Instruments from University.

Once approved, place the order for repair as per GFR rules.

Handover the equipment for repair to the vendor and collect the receipt for the items given for repair.

STEP 3: Verification and Bill Processing

  1. Receive the repaired equipment, and get it checked by the lab In-charge.

  2. Strike through the repaired equipment from the register.

  3. If the lab In-charge is satisfied with the working of equipment, submit the bills to the accounts section to make the payment to the vendor.

II. Building Maintenance

STEP 1: Submitting Requirement to Building Department

  1. Department submits its maintenance requirements to the Building Department of the University for necessary action.


STEP 1: Seeking Permission

  1. Contact the Organization/Laboratory by writing a letter showing interest in visiting and seeking their permission for a visit.

  2. Mentioning a tentative schedule of the visit, the number of visitors, advantages of the visit to the students, and Industry.

STEP 2: Notification and Approval

  1. After receiving a positive reply from the Industry/Company/Organization/Laboratory, notice is put on the department noticeboard regarding the visit. Interested students are asked to submit a consent form (signed by parents) by the stipulated date.

  2. An Approval is taken from the University for availing the transportation facility and refreshment of students and faculty members who are going for the trip.

  3. Approval must also indicate the exact schedule of the visit.

STEP 3: Going for Visit

  1. The concerned transporter is informed by giving a letter/order for hiring his services to provide transport on the stipulated date, place, and time.

  2. The attendance of the students is collected before the start of travel.

  3. The concerned person or organizers are contacted, and necessary formalities are completed.

  4. After the visit, a detailed report and photos are submitted to the Chairperson’s office.


Standard cleanliness protocols are followed for the Cleaning of Class Rooms, Research Laboratories, BSc and MSc Laboratories, Corridors, Staircases, Offices, Meeting rooms, Entrance, and Gardens/Lawns.


The following procedure is for the students/Research staff/faculty members seeking contingency grants from their respective fellowships or individual projects.

I. Without Advance

STEP 1: Permission from Chairperson

  1. Take permission from the Chairperson for the purchase of the item (s).

STEP 2: Permission for Payment

  1. Procure the approved items as per General Finance Rules (2017) guidelines, Govt. of India.

  2. Mention/attach the item(s) procured.

  3. Mention the amount spent and the vendor’s details (account).

  4. Process the bill as per University guidelines.

STEP 3: Payment to Vendor

  1. Payment to the vendor is made by the appropriate section/authority of the University.

II. With Advance

STEP 1: Permission for Advance

  1. The Chairperson’s permission to purchase the item (s) is taken, and the required advance amount is mentioned.

  2. The permission is submitted in the accounts section.

STEP 2: Procure item (s)

  1. Procure the item (s) for which the advance was taken.

  2. Take the valid/genuine bill from the vendor(s).

STEP 3: Settling the Bills

  1. After completing STEP 2, fill the contingency form.

  2. Submit all the bills to the account section along with the contingency form.

  3. Mention spent money and unspent balance (if any) in the contingency form.


Academic activities which take place are made accessible to differently-abled people.

The Department facilitates admission of differently-abled persons to the courses offered by the Department by providing guidance and creating awareness about the special needs of differently-abled persons among the students, and teaching as well as non-teaching staff of the Department. To increase the participation of the differently able people, the Department provides a special quota to physically handicapped people as per the university guidelines. Department has the ramp facilities to address accessibility-related issues of differently-abled students. 


The Department has a Training & Placement Office (TPO) cell, which is associated with the Training & Placement Office (General) of the University. The TPO cell invites speakers from the industry/organization for the Guidance & Motivation of the students. For further detail:


Dr. Riaz Mahmood (Professor)

Dr. Saleem Javed (Professor)

Dr. Farah Khan (Associate Professor)

Dr. Aabgeena Naeem (Associate Professor)


STEP 1: Preparation

Preparation for the seminars/workshops/conferences involves several activities as listed below:

  1. Constitute organizing committee with the approval of the Chairperson or Board of Studies.

  2. Organizing committee prepares the event schedule and determines the budget available to host the event and raise funds from various sources.

  3. Organizing committee decides theme or topic to be discussed at the event, identifies the target group and the number of participants required, and decides the venue.

  4. Contact relevant target groups to inform them of the event (time, date, venue, duration, break information). Send email(s) to target groups for participation.

  5. Follow up to ensure the information was received. Finalize list of persons attending the event.

  6. Finalize event program–(breaks, resources needed).

  7. Source and prepare all necessary resources needed by organizer and presenter – (books, manuals, projectors, name tags, etc.).

  8. Secure caterer to provide meals if not included in venue package.

  9. Contact the accountant and request a local purchase order.

STEP 2: Implementation


Funding is an integral part of any event, and the amount of funding available for the hosting of the event will determine the number of factors in planning the event, such as:

  1. Venue

  2. Duration

  3. Number of participants

  4. Equipment–(Presentation Media)

  5. Informational packets/Materials/certificates

  6. Availability of refreshments

Points to consider

  1. Expertise/strong research background

  2. Ability to convey knowledge to a large audience

  3. Unbiased and non-partisan

  4. Honorarium

  5. Travel expenses

  6. Identify alternative speaker as a precaution

Sponsorship is generated for the event, and the rest of the expenses are catered by the Department.

Finalize Details

Determine the length of the seminar, the model(s) of deliverance, equipment needs of the Presenter, handouts and other learning material for participants, breaks, and refreshments, and deadlines for replying. Secure a caterer to provide refreshments if not included in the venue package.

Contact Relevant Departments/Participants

  1. Initial contact of those Departments or persons identified to attend the seminar, with the full details of the seminar included. Includes:

  2. Deadline for response

  3. Seminar overview/outline

  4. Requirements for eligibility

  5. Number of participants required


  1. Invitations from Chairperson are sent to the invited speaker(s) or resource person(s), Guest of Honor, Chief Guest, etc.

  2. The event is advertised on noticeboards, websites, poster distributions in other institutions, social networking websites, etc., for broader publicity.

  3. Registration for the event.

  4. A list of registered persons is prepared and intimated about the event schedule.

  5. On-the-spot registration (if available) and Attendance.

  6. Event starts as per schedule on the proposed date.

STEP 3: Evaluation

  1. Feedback from the registered persons

  2. Certificate Distribution

Manual for Procurement of Goods 2017