Department of Commerce

News and Publication

Dept. data last updated on :11/03/2025

List of NFPWD Research Scholar

S. No.

Name of Awardee




Mohammad Subhan


List of National Fellow Other Backward Class (NFOBC) Research Scholars:

S. No.         Name of Awardee(Scholars/Students)                                   UGC ID

1                 Amaanullah                                                                                  UP0205204831

2                 Rizwan Firdos                                                                              UP0205204538

List of Maulana Azad National Fellow (MANF) Research Scholars:

S. No.

Name of Awardee




Waseem Alam



Shamaela Tabassum



Mehfooz Zaki

2021-22 UP02003896

List of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Research Scholars:

S. No.

Name of Awardee




Verda Khan



Maryam Meraj



Huzaifa Kazmi






Zafar Alam



Mohd Aman



Rizwan Danish



Rashid Siddique






Mohd Zafeer



Md Shamim Gaddi



Sana Sadaf



Shama Matloob






Osama Gayyor



Faiza Imtiyaz



Adeeba Beg



Shibahathullah TK



Kiran Kumari



Prerna Verma



Md. Wahiduzzama



Megha Yadav



Sahar Naseem



Taha Khan



Mohd. Kaif Ali



Rushda Irfan



Zakia Siddiqui





List of Non-Net Fellow Research Scholars:

Sl. No.          Enrollment No.                                Name

1                    GD-9925                                           Mohd. Shuja

2                    GK-1991                                           Ishfaq Gulzar

3                    GG-9821                                           Shahzar Ali Khan

4                    GH-1649                                           Sadichha

5                    GG-1419                                           Farhin Anjum

6                    GI-9740                                             Mohd. Arwab

7                    GD-1026                                           Ammar Ali

8                    GG-4112                                           Ahmad Hasan

9                    GD-0752                                           Tarun Kumar Saini

10                  GL-2635                                           Vandana

11                  GD-0787                                           Mohd. Salim

12                  GK-7575                                           Mariya Ansari

13                  GL-3070                                           Arsheed Ahmad Dar

14                  FF-6113                                            Naseem Bano

15                 GF-2809                                            Suhail Mohammad Ansari

16                 GD-0989                                            Mohd Umar Farukh

17                 GE-7175                                            Pragati Singh

18                 GE-6901                                            Aaisha Khatoon

19                 GE-7373                                            Rukhsar

20                 GD-0981                                           Md. Tabrez Siddiqui

Foreign National Research Scholars:

1. Ramzi Ahmad Husain

2. Nasser Ali Mohammed Al-Masbahi

3. Zaid Mohammed Esmail

4. Abdul Fatah Abdullah

5. Abdel Rehman Lutfi Hassan

6. Dheya Abdulhak Aued Zaid

7. Abdel Rahman Talib Almajali

Celebrating on 25th January 2020 as a National Voters Day

The Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh has taken the pledge as Voters Pledge under the dynamic Chairmanship of Prof. Nawab Ali Khan. At the occasion of Pledge all the students and Faculty Members were present. Prof. Nawab Ali Khan has encouraged the students of Commerce Department for voting, and free, fair and peaceful election.

This programme is coordinated by Dr. Naghma Azhar, and Dr. Mohd. Nayyer Rahman


In the line of Ministry of Human Resource Development with reference to letter No. F.No.11018/10/2019-FEBSB  dated 8th January, 2020 as observance of “SWACHHTA PAKHWADA, 2020”.

The Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh participated in the noble endeavour Department have participated under the able guidance of Prof. Nawab Ali Khan, Chairman, Department of Commerce and with his teaching and non-teaching staff.

The important activities have conducted in the Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (i) Cleaning in the Department of Commerce (ii) Plantation of Saplings. This programme is coordinated by Dr. Naghma Azhar and Dr. Almas Sultana.

Matribasha Diwas (Mother Language Day) On 21.02.2020

In the line of Ministry of Human resource Development (MHRD) with reference to letter no. F.No.8-41/2019/LII dated 6th February, 2020 Observance of “Matribhasha Diwas” (Mother Language Day) on 21.02.2020.

            Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh observed the International Mother Language Day on 22.02.2020 under the dynamic Chairmanship of Prof. Nawab Ali Khan.

            This programme is Coordinated by Dr. Naghma Azhar, Assistant Professor and Dr. Suhalia Parveen, Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

            At this occasion of celebration of “International Mother Language Day” all the students, Scholars and Faculty Members were present.

            In this programme discussion were held relating to cultural and linguistic rights of the persons and the importance of linguistic diversity and cultural transaction, and it is not important only World Wide but constitution of India also including these rights. The students prepared the posters at this occasion.

Energy Day on 14th December, 2019

In the Line with Ministry of Power, Government of India. Promotion of energy conservation campaign and energy reduction and increased use of renewable energy source. The Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University organized as energy conservation programme to raise consciousness among the students and Faculty Members by the Prof. Nawab Ali Khan, Chairman, Department of Commerce.

Coordinating  the programme, Dr. Naghma Azhar  and Dr. Almas Sultana.

Prof. Nawab Ali Khan have suggested certain measures how to save energy in our Offices and Homes.

 Faculty Members and the students have pledged under his able guidance for the efficient use of energy and help the Nation through carbon emission.

Week National Workshop on "Skill Trends and Skill Needs in Tourism Sector in India" during 23rd - 28th September, 2019

Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh is Organizing Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, Sponsored One Week National Workshop on "Skill Trends and Skill Needs in Tourism Sector in India" during 23rd - 28th September, 2019.


Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh organized one day Awareners Program on Water Conservation under the dynamic Chairperson of the Department, Prof. Nawab Ali Khan.

The special emphasis on Rainwater Harvesting, Watershed Management and Water Conservation.

This program was Coordinated by Dr. Naghma Azhar, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and with the help of Dr. Almas Sultana, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce.

On this opening ceremony of this program, imparted the valuable knowledge regarding water crisis around the globe and as well as in India.

At the beginning of the program Dr. Naghma brief the students about the activities of the awareness  campaign, students took pledge for using water efficiently.

In this programme discussion were held regarding the importance of water and how safe water could be provided to the people living nearby the University Campus.

Department of Commerce saving the water through the R.O. System by utilizing the waste water for plantation and cleaning purpose. We can use Drain Water for the agriculture purpose through different techniques of water conservation.

Interactive Session of students of class B.Com. (Hons.) VI Semester and MFC II Semester, Session 2017-2018 with Mr. Athar Ali, Branch Manager, DCB Bank, Aligarh on 15.02.2018

The Department of Commerce has arranged an Interactive Session of students of class B.Com. (Hons.) VI Semester and MFC II Semester, Session 2017-2018 with Mr. Athar Ali, Branch Manager, DCB Bank, Aligarh on 15.02.2018 at 12:30 p.m. in the Conference Hall, Department of Commerce. The Interactive Session is attended by a large number of students of B.Com. (Hons.) VI – Semester and MFC II – Semester students and have interaction with Bank Manager.

            The students have interaction with Bank Manager and made various queries regarding their jobs avenues in the Banking System and job satisfaction in the bank. He has also discussed about the practical realities of the Banking System, Mr. Athar Ali replied all the queries with the entire satisfaction of the students.

Interactive session with the students of B.Com. (V Semester) with Mr. Javed Alam, Chief Finance Officer, M.S. Education Academy, Hyderabad on 09.10.2018

Career Counseling Committee of the Department of Commerce Organized an interactive session with the students of B.Com. (V Semester) with Mr. Javed Alam, Chief Finance Officer, M.S. Education Academy, Hyderabad.

            The interactive session have conducted in Room No. 01 at 12:00 noon on 09.10.2018 and followed by interview Mr. Javed Alam and his team on 10.10.2018. And selected some students for the post of Accounts Executive.

Interactive Session of students of class B.Com. (Hons.) V-Semester, Session 2017-2018 with Mr. Saad Hameed, General Placement Officer, A.M.U., Aligarh on 30.10.2017

The Department of Commerce has arranged an interactive session of students of class B.Com. (Hons.) V-Semester, Session 2017-2018 with Mr. Saad Hameed, General Placement Officer, A.M.U., Aligarh on 30.10.2017 at 1:30 p.m. in the Lecture Theater No. 01,
Department of Commerce. The interactive session is attended by a large number of students of B.Com. (Hons.) V-Semester and have interaction with GPO.

          The students have interaction with the GPO and made various queries regarding their placements and better opportunities in industries and corporate world after the final examinations of B.Com. (Hons.). The General Placement Officer has replied all queries of students satisfactorily, they have made with him.

Gender Champion Scheme

*          Advertisement for Gender Champions

*          Selection of two Gender Champions through the Selection Committee by the Dean, Faculty of Commerce, core committee member Prof. Sheeba Hamid and Nodal Teacher, Dr. Naghma Azhar

            (i)       Mr. Shezer (MTA Final)

            (ii)      Mr. Anas Rehman (B.Com. Final Year)

*          They have attended the workshop also, that was in the Women’s Studies, A.M.N.U., Aligarh

*          We have arranged various programmes in the faculty as well as outside the faculty also, like,

*          Group discussion in different classes of Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels relating to issues about Gender Justice etc.

*          Panel discussion in Postgraduate level relating to reservation of women and children under the Constitution of India.

*          Awareness programme in the Faculty of Commerce relating to fundamental rights special emphasis on Articles, 14, 15 & 16.

*          Time to time discussion on legal remedies to  young students in the Faculty of Commerce

*          Attended all the meetings in the Womens Studies, A.M.U., Aligarh relating to Gender Champion Programme.


On 11th November, 2018 the Birth Anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, great freedom fighter, eminent educationalist and first Union Minister of Education was celebrated at Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh as 7th National Education Day. Several educational and interactive programs were organized for students such as, seminar symposia, essay writing, elocution competition, workshop and rallies with banners, cards and slogans on the importance of education and nation’s commitment to all aspects of education.

Essay writing competition was organized where the students wrote essays on topic of their choice related to education. Best essays were awarded.

Rally was organized in morning in the university campus where students walked with banners. Students also made cards and gave slogans.

Seminar, symposia, elocution competition lead to the discussion and enlightened the participants about the importance of education and nations commitment to achieve the goal of a literate India.

This endeavour aimed at creating awareness among the students on the importance of literacy and education for the well being of the society. The students participated with great enthusiasm and zeal in the activities. In all it was a great learning experience for the students.

Samvidhan Divas

Constitution Day also known as Samvidhan Divas Celebrated on 26th November

In 2015, the Government declared 26th November as Constitution Day by Gazette Notification on 19th November. The draft of the constitution prepared by the drafting committee under the aegis of BR Ambedkar was approved and accepted on this day.

Constitution is the core legal document containing the basic rules which should guide the society, men, women. There is a need to continuously commemorate the day in order to stay connected with it, especially in the context of the present time.

The day is celebrated across the nation to value presence the rich heritage of composite culture of nation and to develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of integrity and reform.

Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh celebrated constitution day with great enthusiasm and fervor. There was good participation on the part of the faculty and students.

Lectures were held explaining in detail about the constitution, the preamble (emphasizing on the importance of sovereign, socialist, secular, republic nation) fundamental duties, etc. Posters were pasted on the notice board consisting of preamble, fundamental duties, etc.

Hopefully, the constitution day celebration will help revive its basic philosophy of building on agalitarism society without fear or bias.



University Extension Lecture was organized in the Department of Commerce on 31.10.2015 at 10:30 am in the Conference Hall. The lecture was delivered by Mr. Qamar Zafeer, AMU Alumnus, Executive Director, Le Passage to India Tours and Travels, Delhi. He spoke to the MFC/MTA students on ??Career Options and Job Prospects in Tourism Industry??. He also advised the students on Personality Development and Communication Skills. The students had a lively interactive session with him. The lecture was organized by Professor Sheeba Hamid, TPO (MTA).

University Extension Lecture

A university extension lecture was organised in Department of Commerce, A. M. U., Aligarh. Mr. Mohd. Rafi, DGM (Franchises) Cox and Kings India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, was invited to deliver lecture on the topic "Selection opportunities for MFC & MTA Students" on 28.09.2014 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. It was coordinated by Dr. Sheeba Hamid, Training and Placement Officer,(MTA), Department of Commerce, A.M.U., Aligarh.

Amadeus" (ETWOA) Ticketing Software Training

"Enter the World of Amadeus" (ETWOA) Ticketing Software Training was organized for students of Master of Tourism Administration (MTA) final year students from 19.03.2014 to 23.03.2014 in the Computer Lab of the Department of Commerce. This training was organized for the second consecutive year by Training and Placement Officer (MTA), Dr. Sheeba Hamid in association with Bird Academy, Delhi. This is a world renewed academy dealing in automation of travel industry. The academy sent Mr. Subhobroto Chatterjee for the purpose of conducting forty hours of on-campus training for MTA students.

MR. MOHAMMAD SALMAN - Awarded University Medal Securiting highest % of CGPA in PG Courses F/o Commerce Examination 2015.

MR. MOHAMMAD SALMAN - Awarded University Medal for Standing First at the Master of Commerce Examination 2015.

MS. AMBREEN SALEEM - Award "The President of Inida, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma Gold Model" for her best performance, including character and conduct, excellence in academic pursuits, extracurricular activities and social services at the University for the year 2017

MS. AMBREEN SALEEM - Awarded University Medal Securiting highest % of CGPA in PG Courses F/o Commerce Examination 2017.

MS. AMBREEN SALEEM - Awarded University Medal for Standing First at the Master of Commerce Examination 2017

MR. AMJED MOHAMMAD IBRAHIM ALFITYANI for the award of Best Paper of International Conference on "Managerial Strategies for Technological Transformations in 21st Century" held in MIMT College, Greater Noida, in association with KAAV Global Conference, Delhi, 09 February 2019, Paper entitled "CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND ITS EFFECT ON MARKETING PERFORMANCE IN THE JORDANIAN BANKING SECTOR"

Amadeus" (ETWOA) Ticketing Software Training

"Enter the World of Amadeus" (ETWOA) Ticketing Software Training was organized for students of Master of Tourism & Travel Management (MTTM) final year students from 25.03.2019 to 29.03.2019 in the Computer Lab of the Department of Commerce. This training was organized by Department of Commerce in association with Bird Academy, Delhi. This is a world renowned academy dealing in automation of travel industry. The academy sent Mr. Pritej Bhalla for the purpose of conducting forty hours of on-campus training for MTTM students, Session 2018-2019.