Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
SOPs of the Deptt. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
Title: Index |
Effective date |
20-10-2019 |
Review due date |
20-10-2020 |
Sr. No. |
Description of document |
Page No. |
1. |
Introduction |
2 |
2. |
SOP’s for the management of Office work in the Department |
3 |
3. |
SOP’s for carrying out the teaching and learning activities of the undergraduate and postgraduate students |
4-5 |
4. |
6 |
5. |
SOP’s for the functioning of the Undergraduate (UG) Clinic |
7 |
6. |
SOP’s for the functioning of the Post graduate (PG) Clinic |
8 |
7. |
SOP’s for the functioning of the casting Lab and the Ceramic Lab. |
9-11 |
The department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics was established in the year 2000.The department stands for teaching & training of undergraduate (B.D.S) and post-graduate (M.D.S) students in the subject of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics. The department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics caters a huge patient load and renders treatment to various dental diseases like dental caries, pulpal and peri-radicular diseases, developmental malformations of teeth, discoloured teeth, traumatized teeth and management of dental pain. The department imparts meticulous training to the students at both undergraduate and post-graduate level. The department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics has produced several research papers in different national and international journals like, Journal of Endodontics (JOE), Australian Endodontic Journal (AEJ), Singapore Dental Journal (SDJ), Iranian Endodontic Journal, Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics (RDE), Journal of Conservative Dentistry etc. The department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics consists of most of the latest equipment in its respective field like, the Dental Operating Microscope, Lasers, All Ceramic laboratory, etc. The department has a well trained, hardworking faculty comprising of three professors, four assistant professors and one senior resident.
The various Treatment Facilities available in the Department are-
1.Restoration of Carious teeth.
2.Root Canal Treatment
3.Bleaching of Discolored teeth
4.Management of traumatized teeth
5.Esthetic Restorations
6. Endodontic Surgery.
SOPs for functioning of the office:
Official Working Hours 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Maintaining records of all the documents received and dispatched from the department
To put up all the received documents before the chairman
To carry out the duty in accordance with the comments of the chairman.
To make arrangements for the exams conducted in the department
Filing documents in their respective files (Office file/Personal file/Circular file/ Notice Board file/ PG file/NAAC/IQAC/File for Minutes of BOS).
To maintain all the details of purchases and expenditure made by the department.
The following record registers are maintained by the office
Official Work Records
Register for received documents
Register for dispatch documents
Register for departmental meetings
Register for BOS
Register of leave record of teaching & non-teaching
Register for attendance of teaching, non-teaching, post graduates, undergraduates, interns & hygienists
Register for duty of teaching & non-teaching during holidays
Clinical Work Records
Register for general patient registration in UG CLINIC
Register for student patient registration in UG CLINIC
Register for patient record in PG CLINIC
Register for daily work done record of Consultants, Postgraduates, Undergraduates, Interns, Hygienists
Register for equipment allocation to consultants & postgraduates
Financial Records
Register for purchase committee meetings
Register for immovable assets
Register for record of all the instruments in the department
Register for record of repair of various items
Register for day-to-day expenses
Register for consumables items
Register for Bank related work TA, DA.
Indent book register
SOPs for Teaching and Learning.
Aim: To ensure that the teaching and learning of the undergraduate and post graduate students is carried out in a conducive environment with adherence to high professional standards. To ensure that the learning environment of the dental education program is conducive for the overall professional development of dental students and faculty.
Undergraduate teaching:
Lectures: it’s the main mode is theoretical teaching for undergraduate students. The course work is divided among all the faculty members in the beginning of the session according to their respective thrust areas. The teaching schedule for the entire session is passed by the members of the BOS of the department.
Pre-clinical training on models, phantom head dental units for learning different treatment techniques before the students are exposed to clinical work.
Clinical demonstrations: undergraduate students must be exposed to different clinical procedures through appropriate demonstrations by faculty members.
Problem based learning: it mainly includes clinical teaching. Every faculty member on his/her OPD day must take at least 45 minutes of clinical teaching mainly based on a particular clinical problem and then outlining the etiology, pathogenesis and management of that particular problem.
Post-graduate teaching:
Seminars: one seminar presentation is to be done by one post-graduate student every week on his/her respective turn. The topics for the seminars are decided by the BOS every year at the beginning of the session for the entire session.
Journal Clubs: one article from reputed journals is discussed once a week
Group discussion: conducted once a week in which all the postgraduate students and faculty members participate
Case Discussions: postgraduate students present their clinical case work in front of the faculty members for discussion and critical appraisal.
Pre-clinical Training: postgraduate students are trained on models for mastering different endodontic and restorative procedures and techniques. The post graduate stuedents are required to spend ther first three months of their course in completeing the preclinical work before they enter the clinics. The preclinical work includes the following:
Wax carving pof all the permanent teeth
Root canal treatment on extracted natural teeeth
Typodont exercise
Wax pattern and casting exercises on typodont and extracted natural teeth
Sectioning of the extracted natural teeth for studying endodontic anatomy.
Each section of the preclinical work is supervised by the respective teachers/faculty members as decided in the meeting of the board of studies(BOS) in the begininig of the session.
Postgraduate students shall be granted entry into the clinics only after the completion of the exercises in all the sections of the preclinical work and duly appreoved by the respective teachers/faculty members.
Clinical demonstrations: The consultants demonstrate different endodontic, restorative and surgical proceures on selected cases to the postgraduate students in the clinics on their alloted days..
To ensure full
coordination of services so that patients
get the required best possible care and
To respond to the need and expectation of the patients
and to enhance patient satisfaction
Covers all the patients (new and old) visiting
the department for diagnosis and varios treatment procedures both emergency
treatment and appointment based.
Standard procedure in OPD:
Every patient
visiting the OPD will undergo a comprehensive clinical evaluation to determine
if the patient needs restorative, endodontic or palliative treatment. Clinical
evaluation shall be performed by the consultant on duty and his team comprising
of senior resident and postgraduate students.
After comprehensive
clinical evaluation the consultant on duty will discuss the findings with
his/her team and then explain to the patient the treatment procedure needed.
The consultant will then allot the patient to undergraduate / postgraduate
student depending upon the treatment needed.
The consultants are
responsible for supervision of all the undergraduate and postgraduate students
on their respective OPD days and also for rendering treatment to patients on
their working/OT days.
SOP’s for the functioning of the Undergraduate (UG) Clinic
Activity |
Responsibility |
MTS Staff Clinical assistants/ MTS Staff Sweeper/MTS Clerical/daily wager staff Staff nurse/ Clinical Assistant/Lab Assistant Staff nurse/ Clinical Assistant/Lab Assistant Staff nurse/ Clinical Assistant Staff nurse/ Clinical Assistant MTS Staff |
SOP’s for the functioning of the Post graduate (PG) Clinic
Activity |
Responsibility |
MTS Staff Clinical assistants/ MTS Staff Sweeper/MTS staff Clerical/daily wager staff Staff nurse/ Clinical Assistant/Lab Assistant Staff nurse/ Clinical Assistant/Lab Assistant Staff nurse/ Clinical Assistant Staff nurse/ Clinical Assistant MTS Staff |
SOP’s for the functioning of the casting Lab and the
Ceramic Lab.
laboratory is a place where indirect restorations (temporary and permanent) are
Types of
restorations fabricated:
Cast metal restorations
Porcelain fused to metal (PFM) restorations
Castable Ceramic
Technician, Junior Lab. Technician.
wax patterns and bite registration are received from the clinics and then
further process of fabrication of restorations is started.
impressions, bite registrations or other items placed in the patient’s mouth
should be disinfected before sending them to the lab or utilizing the
Department’s lab.
After the
impression is made, rinse it in water to remove blood and saliva and shake
gently to remove excess water.
Spray the
impression with a disinfectant until it glistens and place into a zip-lock bag
or immerse in a disinfectant for 10 minutes, depending on the type of
impression material.
Be sure to
use fresh disinfectant for each impression.
Rinse the
impression thoroughly and pour up the model.
Rinse with water
Spray until glistens
Seal in plastic bag for 10 minutes
Rinse impressions and pour
Disinfectants: Sodium hypochlorite (Bleach) 1: 10 dilution (example: 1/4 cups
bleach to 2 1/2 cups water) Iodophor solution (1:213)
Rinse with water
Immerse for 10 min. in fresh disinfectant
Disinfectants: 2%.Glutaraldehyde
Iodophor solution (1:213)
Rinse with water
Immerse for 10 min. in fresh disinfectant.
Disinfectants: Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) 1: 10 dilution
Rinse with water
Immerse in disinfectant for recommended time.
Disinfectants: 2%.Glutaraldehyde (acidic)
Rinse with water
Spray with disinfectant
Seal in a plastic baggy for recommended time.
Disinfectants: Fast acting Chlorine dioxide
Phenol Glutaraldehyde
Hydrocolloid (agar)
Rinse with water
Immerse in disinfectant
Disinfectants: Iodophors (1:213)
Bleach (1:10)
Glutaraldehyde with phenol buffer (diluted1:16)
manufacturer for recommended disinfectant for impressions material if in doubt.
Use of
barriers must always be worn when working with a lathe. Never use a polishing
lathe, rag wheel , brushes or pumice in the laboratory without first
disinfecting the appliance. Rag wheels can be heat sterilized.
following is a suggested method on handling the pumice pan.
1. Line the
pumice pan with plastic wrap.
2. Use
fresh pumice per patient procedure.
3. Use
sterilized rag wheel.
4. Disinfect
the prosthesis as necessary.
5. Discard
plastic, pumice and change rag wheel.