Department of Hindi

About the Department

Dept. data last updated on :25/03/2025

                   In view of Academic ordinance January 1948, teaching of Hindi at PG Level was added to Sanskrit Department and the department was renamed as Sanskrit-Hindi Department. Dr.G.N.Shukla was appointed as Lecturer grade II on September 1948. The second appointment in Hindi as Lecturer grade II was of Dr.Shiv Shankar Sharma who joined the department on August 16, 1950. The first person appointed as Reader & Head was Dr. H.L.Sharma on January 7, 1953. First Batch of M.A. passed out in 1950. Under the stewardship of Prof. H.L. Sharma the department progressed and obtained an important place in India and abroad. In 1964, the department started functioning independently. The department is known for its achievements in the field of Medieval and Modern Hindi literature. For the last Eighteen years the department is running a post graduate diploma in Hindi Translation. The department of Hindi has also introduced M.A.Hindi Translation in 2012.

                 The department at present offers PhD Hindi, PhD Hindi Translation, M.A.Hindi, M.A.Hindi Translation, PGDT (post graduate Diploma in Hindi Translation), BA (Hons.) in Hindi, Subsidiary Hindi and Functional Hindi for UG students of other faculties and Certificate Proficiency course in Hindi Language.



                     Department of Hindi, AMU, Aligarh is committed to develop an academic environment oriented towards rational thinking, moral values and composite culture in terms of Hindi language and Literature. Our courses are designed to prepare young generation well-versed in Hindi language and literature in all its branches. 


                 Our mission is to carryout the Vision mentioned above .The department is engaged in high quality research in the field of medieval & modern literature. We want to grow an atmosphere where the traditions are blended with modern outlook as our nation requires today. For the purpose we shall carryout researches in medieval literature especially in Brajbhasha Sahitya , comparative literature , Translation studies . Keeping in view of the requirement of the modern times , we are concentrating on the vocational courses e.g. Hindi Translation , Functional & Communicative Hindi , Hindi Journalism & Professional writings alongwith the main objective to produce competent teachers to fulfill the vision defined above.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO’s) & Programme Outcomes (PO’s)


Under Graduate

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO’s):


General/Functional & Applied Hindi programme runs with main courses of Hindi literature for Graduate students offered by the University. The main objectives of the courses are to give the appropriate knowledge and develop the understanding of Hindi language as well as Hindi literature in total. Functional & Applied Hindi courses aim is to provide general understanding of Hindi language for the administrative requirements of official language policy of the Government of India. The main courses of Hindi literature aim is to prove the knowledge to understand the history of Hindi literature as well as special references of Hindi prose and poetry.


Programme Outcomes (PO’s) :


After completion of the above programme, students will be able to-Develop an understanding of Hindi language as functional Hindi. They will be enable to work and associate with government of India offices to get employment under official language policy.

The knowledge of Hindi language and literature both will help to develop communication skills, as well as writing skills of the students.


Post Graduate

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO’s) :


MA Hindi Literature programme offers broader and appropriate curriculum of classical and contemporary modern literature. The courses are designed to introduce the vast and intense study of ancient, medieval and modern literature as well as the History of Hindi literature. Courses aim is to enable the students to understand and to  be fully acquainted with literary studies of the subject at  PG level.


Programme Outcomes (PO’s) :


After completion of the said course a student will be able to express himself with the proper knowledge of Hindi literary and linguistic aspects. He will also be able to get employment opportunities as Hindi Assistants/ Associates, Translators, Hindi officers in the Government and Public sectors. Post Graduate students with the proper communication skill of language having the sound literary approach will be able to be associated with  any media house, both print and electronic.


Programme Educational Objectives  (PEO’s)

MA Hindi Translation & PG Diploma in Translation programmes offer broader and appropriate curriculum of translation studies theory and practical both. The courses are designed to introduce the wide and vast study of translation, English to Hindi and vice versa. Courses aim is to enable the students to understand and to be able and fully equipped with translation theory and practical translation works as per the need of the time.

Programme Outcomes  (PO’s)

After completion of the above programmes, students will be able to develop an understanding of Hindi Translation in both ways, theoretically and practically. They will be able to work and associate with a Government  of India offices to get employment  as Hindi Translators, Hindi Assistants and Hindi Officers under Official language Policy. After PG Hindi Translation a student can pursue further higher studies to get better opportunities in the area of Translation and Education. PG Diploma in Hindi Translation also helps to get better opportunities of employment in the field of Translation.



Programme Educational Objectives (PEO’s):


The Ph.D course is offered by the University with the approach of high level quality research in the specialized fields/areas of language, literature and translation. The syllabus of  course work/ curriculum  is designed to develop keen interest  in the specific area of study with the clear concept of understanding the Research methodology, as researchers may practically apply during their research works.

Ph.D. programme aim is to produce high quality standard research works as the highest academic thrust with interdisciplinary approach.


Programme Outcomes (PO’s) :


After the completion of Ph.D. Research Work the student will be able to develop high level critical literary approach to write independent research papers, as well as may proceed for further higher research work and independent research projects in the specific areas. The student will be able to explore individual, independent thinking and approach in logical method to critical literary thoughts.

The Ph. D. Scholar will be able to get employment opportunities in any higher institution both, in the country and abroad.