Department of Law - Malappuram
SOP of the Department
Law Society
The Law Society is a body of students from faculty of law AMU Malappuram Centre. The body has produced lawyers, judges and academicians. It is an educational and representative body. It is involved in training and preparing students for various competitive activities like Moot Court, Legal debate, legal Quiz, Youth Parliament, Client Counseling, Judgment writing etc. of the Faculty.
It was established in 2013at AMUMC. It has long traditional character which always uplifts the students' participation and performance in relation to legal affairs in different arena.
Executive Body:
The Coordinator of the Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Malappuram is the President while VP and General Secretary is selected from among the students of final year batch of BA.LL.B (Hons). The complete student’s body is selected on the basis of written test and interview. It has various forums/Clubs for organizing Moot Court, Legal Quiz, Debates, Judgment writing, Youth Parliament etc.The Law society functions through Faculty members who work as Faculty convener.
From 2014 onwards it has organized 6 Law Fests which included Moot Court, Legal debate, legal Quiz, Youth Parliament, Client Counseling, Judgment writing activities. Prof. Madhav Menon National Youth Parliament was organized in 2020. The students are trained in a manner which helps them to compete in various national competitions.
Legal Aid Clinic
AMU Malappuram Centre Legal Aid & Services Clinic is the body, which inducts students to use their knowledge of law to provide free legal aid to those who are most in need of it through various media. The Legal Aid functions that it performs are preventive, remedial, activist and reformative. Our aim is to spread legal awareness among students and people at large. We endeavor to achieve the target by organizing legal literacy camps, seminars, legal counseling, public speaking, poster making, street plays, liasoning with Legal Services Authorities, jail visits and through various activities.
The importance of legal aid and awareness campaigns as a mechanism for social progress is something that has been repeatedly stressed upon by the Government of India. In the backdrop of Poverty and Inequality, legal Aid is an effective way towards attainment of the ideals of 'social, economic and political justice’ enshrined in the preamble of our Constitution and under the Directive Principles of State Policy. Imparting legal awareness is the first step towards ensuring prompt and effective access to justice. Keeping this in mind, the Bar Council of India mandated all law colleges and universities in India to establish and run legal aid centers or clinics. The objective was to fulfill certain standards of legal education, but more importantly, it also aimed at engaging the students in serving their community by promoting legal awareness through these legal aid clinics and program. The necessary institutional establishments for the legal aid system are created through the Constitution of India, 1950, the Legal services authority of India Act, 1987, and various authorities like NALSA, SLSA, DLSA etc.
The entire purpose of setting nationwide collegiate clinics is to acclimatize several thousands of law students of the nation to the problems faced by the masses ignorant about their rights and remedies under the law. The aim is indeed a noble one but there are difficulties that still need to be addressed.
There is no denying the fact that growth and development of human society is the ultimate objective of all scientific disciplines by every human agency. Legal education institution's, profession and practice are responsible and accountable to the social causes. That tells us to do extra efforts to realize the societal goals. Answering this call, AMUMC through its academics, students, stakeholders and beneficiaries have invoked many of social services initiatives.
AMUMC Law Reporter
The ‘AMU Law Reporter is annual Reporter from Law Society, AMU MC which publishes legal opinions, articles, essays and reports of various events.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Faculty, staff and students
The Grievances Redressal Cell (GRC) is responsible to settle any type of grievances raised by the students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the college. The committee is also authorized to initiate suo moto proceedings. It sometimes functions in tandem with the Discipline Committee and the Internal Complaints Cell, depending on the nature of the complaint, and membership of these three might overlap.
• The Grievance Redressal Committee shall consider only individual grievances of specific nature of staff and students of the Institute raised individually by the concerned aggrieved employee/ student of the Institute.
• The Grievance Redressal Committee shall not consider any grievance of general applicability or of collective nature of raised collectively by more than one employee/student.
• After receiving any application the Committee will decide on the merit of case regarding scope of further discussion.
Procedure, periodicity and attendance at meetings-
• The Grievance Committee will meet as and when required. However, if necessary, it may meet more frequently at the instance of the Convenor or at the request of the other members to discuss the various issues received.
• At least three members of the Grievance Committee shall be present in a meeting.
• If a member of the Grievance Committee is connected with the grievance of the aggrieved individual, the concerned member of the Grievance Committee shall not participate in the deliberations regarding that individual’s case.
• If the aggrieved person happens to be a member of the Grievance Committee, then he/she shall not participate in the deliberations as a member of the Committee when his/her representation is being considered.
• The Grievance Redressal Committee shall consider all grievances submitted in writing by an individual member of the Institute regarding employment/ association, working conditions and any other alleged injustice done to an employee/ student while discharging his/her duties at the Institute.
Procedure of submitting grievance
• The aggrieved member shall submit his/her petition to the Convenor, Grievance Redressal Committee in a sealed envelope marked “confidential”, along with supporting documents.
• The same can be submitted online through the Grievance Redressal link given on the Institute’s website.
Mechanism of Redressal
• The Grievance Redressal Committee shall study the petition/ application and after looking into the relevant documents discuss with persons/ departments concerned.
• The Grievance Redressal Committee may mediate between the complainant and defendant against whom the complaint has been made, if required, and the aggrieved person may take back the complaint.
• The Committee shall submit its recommendations and report to the Director as expeditiously as possible, but in no case is to take more than three months of the date of petition/application.
• In case of any difficulties, the Grievance Committee shall have discussion with the Director before a decision is taken.
• The Director, as far as possible, shall be guided by the advice of the Grievance Redressal Committee unless the recommendations of Committee violate basic rules and norms of the Institute.
• After the recommendations are submitted to the Director, the final settlement of any grievance shall be made within a reasonable period (normally not exceeding two weeks).
• The decision of the Director shall be final and binding to all involved. Any dead-lock shall be resolved by the Director.
• In case of false and frivolous complaint (if proved), the Grievance Redressal Committee will recommend Competent Authority to take appropriate action against the complainant.
• In case of any difficulties, the Grievance Committee shall have discussion with the Director before a decision is taken.
• The Director, as far as possible, shall be guided by the advice of the Grievance Redressal Committee unless the recommendations of Committee violate basic rules and norms of the Institute.
• After the recommendations are submitted to the Director, the final settlement of any grievance shall be made within a reasonable period (normally not exceeding two weeks).
• The decision of the Director shall be final and binding to all involved. Any dead-lock shall be resolved by the Director.
• In case of false and frivolous complaint (if proved), the Grievance Redressal Committee will recommend Competent Authority to take appropriate action against the complainant.