Law Society formed for the session 2024-25  
| | 29/10/2024 |
Special Discussion on Waqf Amendment Bill 2024Under the Legal Awareness Discussion Series a special programme titled
"Unveiling the Waqf Amendment Bill: Navigating Changes and Its Impacts was held on 7th September 2024at venue Aligarh Muslim University, Malappuram CentreThe inaugural session of the Legal Awareness Discussion Series was held on 7th September 2024 at the Aligarh Muslim University Malappuram Centre. The first session focused on the topic, "Unveiling the Waqf Amendment Bill: Navigating Changes and Its Impacts." The event marked the beginning of a series of discussions aimed at enhancing legal awareness among students and faculty.

The session commenced with a recitation of the Quran by Mohd Athar Khan, a second-year law student. This was followed by a warm welcome address by Mr. Shahnawaz Ahmad Malik, the event coordinator. He provided an introduction to the Waqf Amendment Bill, offering his insights into the topic .
The Director, Dr. Faisal K.P., delivered the inaugural address. His speech underscored the importance of understanding the legal framework surrounding Waqf properties and the implications of the proposed amendments.
The address delivered by Dr. Naseema P.K., Assistant Professor, Department of Law provided a comprehensive analysis of the benefits and pitfalls of Waqf Amendment Bill, in light of the constitution.
In addition to Dr. Naseema’s address, the event featured a special speech by Dr. Amir Yusuf Waghey provided additional context to the discussion and facilitated a deeper understanding of the subject. The session was the initiative of Ms. Rushil Rumaysah Fatima Chowdhury (Second year law), and her team members Ms. Ifrah Fatima (2nd year), Riza Khan (2nd year), and Taqui Hyder (1st year).A comprehensive Presentation was given by these students covering the basics of waqf, the criticisms and benefits of the amendment act and waqf in the light of Islam.
The session was brought to an end by a heartfelt vote of thanks by Dr. Imran Ahmed, member of the organizing committee. He expressed gratitude to all the participants, speakers, and organizers, acknowledging their efforts in making the event a resounding success.
The session was a significant step in fostering legal awareness within the university, providing a platform for critical discussions on pertinent legal issues.

| | 09/09/2024 |
One Day Workshop on Opportunities and Careers in Arbitration and Conciliation as a Profession | | 11/04/2023 |
IDMCC 2k24 Inaugurated Inaugural Report of Intra Departmental Moot Court Competition 2k24 organised dated 04.03.2024 to 06.03.2024 by the Moot Court Society, Departmental of Law, Aligarh Muslim University Centre Malappuram
| | 13/03/2024 |
Aligarh Muslim University Centre, Malappuram Hosts Career Counselling Session on "Careers in Law: Conversation with Experts. Aligarh Muslim University ,Malappuram Centre Hosts Career Counselling Session on "Careers in Law: Conversation with Experts.
| | 10/02/2024 |
List of Students who have done Internship during Academic Session 2022-23This is the List of Students who have done Internship during Academic Session 2022-23. | | 25/10/2023 |
Total number of placement of outgoing students during the Academic year 2022-23 (1st June, 2022 to 31st May, 2023)
Total number of placement of
outgoing students during the Academic year 2022-23 (1st June, 2022 to 31st May,
| | 23/10/2023 |
Number of recently graduated students who have progressed to higher education (previous graduating batch) during the Academic year 2022-23 (1st June, 2022 to 31st May, 2023)
Number of recently graduated students who have progressed to
higher education (previous graduating batch) during the Academic year 2022-23
(1st June, 2022 to 31st May, 2023)
| | 23/10/2023 |
| | 23/10/2023 |
Students List : Compulsory Supreme Court Internship for X Sem.Students List of Compulsory Supreme Court Internship for X sem. | | 23/10/2023 |
"NO to Drugs, YES to Humanity - A Workshop on the NDPS Act""NO to Drugs, YES to Humanity - A Workshop on the NDPS Act"
| | 10/02/2024 |
Legal Aid Cell, AMU Centre, Malappuram with DLSA Manjeri- A Mission of Spreading Legal Awareness to the Migrant workers (Programme I) | | 10/02/2024 |
Legal Aid Cell, AMU Centre, Malappuram with DLSA Manjeri- A Mission of Spreading Legal Awareness to the Migrant workers (Programme II) | | 10/02/2024 |
Report of Law Fest "Lex Justicia 2K23" organised by Law Society, Department of Law, AMU Centre, MalappuramReport of Law Fest "Lex Justicia 2K23" organised by Law Society, Department of Law, AMU Centre, Malappuram
| | 10/02/2024 |
Capacity Enhancement Program 2022 by Legal Aid Clinic | | 16/02/2023 |
International Online Conference on Constitutional Law and Human Rights December, 11 2022 | | 16/02/2023 |
Moot Court Workshop by Moot Court Society On 29th Oct 2022, the Moot Court Society, Dept of Law conducted Workshop on Mooting Skills. . Coordinator, Dr. Shahnawaz Ahmed Malik explained students about Memorial making. Dr. Amir Yusuf waghey also elaborated mooting skills required to participate in any Moot Court Competition.
Volunteer students explained the mooting skills, researching techniques to the audience. Dr. Shally Victor, Dr. Absar Aftab were the teacher in charges.

| | 10/11/2022 |
Constitution Day 2022 Celebration | | 15/02/2023 |
Interdepartmental Competition 2022 | | 15/02/2023 |
One Day training on writing of Research papers
29th March 2023: Dr. Amir Yusuf Waghey and Dr. Imran Ahmad coordinated the one day training prog on writing Research paper under the supervision of Law Society led by Dr. Shally Victor. | | 29/03/2023 |
Workshop on Probation of offenders Act 
| | 02/12/2022 |
Report of Students Induction Programme (SIP) 2022 | | 02/12/2022 |
Legal Aid Cell Conducted workshop among migrant workers 

| | 10/11/2022 |
Speech Competition on Gandhi Jayanti 2022Law Society, Dept. of Law conducted a Speech Competition on father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi's teaching.
Mr. Ghalib Nashter was the teacher incharge. Dr. Shaista Nasreen and Dr. Absar Aftab acted as judges with Dr. Firoz Ahmad.

| | 10/11/2022 |
Quiz Competition by Law Society 
| | 10/11/2022 |
“How to Prepare & Tackle Competitive Examinations” 
The Training and Placement cell of the Department of Law, AMU Centre Malappuram organized a programme on “How to Prepare & Tackle Competitive Examinations” on 21 September 2022 at the Moot Court Hall. Dr Raghul V. Rajan, Faculty in
Charge of Training & Placement delivered the welcome address. Dr Sadaf Jafri, Assistant Professor,
Department of Education served as the resource person. Her presentation is on the
Seven Mantras for preparing competitive Examinations. After the lecture
students raised their personal issues on focused learning and anxieties also.
Dr Sadaf Jafri provided them practical tips for handling stress as well as
maintaining sustainable goals for cracking competitive exams during their
campus life.
Dr Shahnawaz Ahmed
Malik, Coordinator of the Department chaired the function and Ms. Fathima S,
BALLB third Year student proposed the vote of thanks. Fifty Seven students from
different semester participated in the event.
| | 26/09/2022 |
Soft Skill training Workshop Training and Placement Committee of Dept. of Law conducted workshop on Interview techniques for Law students on 2nd Sep 2022 in Moot Court Hall. Mr. Mohammad Yashik P. was the resource person who explained various techniques to the students for facing interviews. He conducted mock interview session also. The prog was chaired by Unit Coordinator Dr. Shahnawaz Ahmed Malik and conducted by the in-charge Dr. Raghul V Rajan. Students and staff attended the programme in large numbers. | | 03/09/2022 |
Webinar on Lawyer an Asset to The Society
 The Law Society, Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University Malappuram centre had organised a webinar titled “Lawyer an Asset to The Society “on 14th of June 2022 at 4 PM. The programme commenced with Quran recitation as a cognate to the culture of Aligarh Muslim University. The programme was furthered by the welcome address by Mr Ghalib Nashter, Co Ordinator and assistant professor of Department of Law, AMUMC where he welcomed Faisal KP, Director of AMUMC; Resource person Mr. Jayant Bhatt, Advocate Supreme Court; all the faculty members and the participants. Faisal KP Director of AMUMC gave the inaugural address after which Dr Shahnawaz Ahmed Malik Convenor - Law Society AMUMC gave the felicitation speech along with Dr Lubna Irfan - Teacher in Charge of law society AMUMC.
Advocate Jayant Bhatt legal practitioner at the Supreme Court, illuminated the students with his eloquent and comprehensive speech covering varied peripherals of the legal profession. He gave an insight to the students how they can ace in their career by explaining to them the challenges of the field and how to win over them one of that insight is “collaboration is the key to ace in the legal field, as you can not win everyone but can collaborate with everyone to win together as legal profession is the game of team work”. The program further proceeded with question-and-answer session by the participants, where he was asked various cardinal questions regarding the establishment of career, specialisation to choose, problems faced by the first-generation lawyer’s choice of internships and etc to which he replied with diligence and comprehended students with his answers.
At the end of the program Dr Shally Victor, Teacher incharge of Law Society gave vote of thanks to the resource person Advocate Jayant Bhatt, patrons Faisal KP, Director AMUMC; Dr Shahnawaz Ahmed Malik, Convenor law society; Mr Ghalib Nashter Co Ordinator AMUMC; student organizers VP - Syed Mohammad Tayyab, GS - Syed Mohammad Ibrahim Quli, Fathima S, Nabeel Masood, Azam Khan, Nayla Rais, Monira Izhar and other for their time and efforts in making the event successful. The program was further concluded by University Tarana and National anthem.
| | 17/11/2022 |
The Legal Aid Clinic,
Department of Law Aligarh , Kerala in collaboration with Legal Aid Clinic
Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh had organized a National
webinar “Religious Freedom Under The Constitution Of India” on 24th of March,
2022. As per AMU tradition, program started with Qirat from The Holy Quran.
Resource person Hon’ble Mr. Justice K.T. Thomas former judge of the Supreme
Court of India presented his views on various aspects of the Religious freedom.
he began his talk with the sentence, “our country is a society built on
freedom, while all our freedoms are spectacular out of which one is religious
freedom” in which he added about the beauty of India that all sorts of
religious practices have taken root and spread in our beloved country. Dr.
Faisal K.P. Director AMUMC gave the welcome speech for the program.
Prof. Md. Ashraf Dean
and Chairman of Faculty of Law, AMU did the inauguration of the program. Prof.
Iqbal Ali Khan Coordinator AMU Centre’s, Former Dean and Chairman Faculty of
Law, AMU gave presidential address to chief guest. Prof. Hashmat Ali Khan Chairperson
of LAC, Faculty of Law AMU, Deputy Proctor, and Provost of B.R. Ambedkar hall
gave the vote of thanks in which he thanked the Hon’ble Mr. Justice K.T. Thomas
chief guest of the program and coordinator for the Department of Law AMUMC Mr.
Ghalib Nashter, Chairperson Legal Aid Clinic AMUMC Dr. Naseema P.K., teachers
in charge Legal Aid Clinic AMUMC Dr. Shaista Nasreen, Dr. Absar Aftab Afsar for
successfully conducting the program.
Syed Mohammad Ibrahim
Quli, Nabeel Masood, Anushka, Md. Azeem, Zaib Jahan, Kamran Tauheed, Zaheer
Alam, and hundreds of participants actively participated in program. More than
950 participants across the nation registered for the event.
| | 17/11/2022 |
Online Awareness Program on Alternative Dispute Resolution 
As per tradition of AMU program started by the recitation of
The Holy Quran by Mohd Danish, student of BA LLB 1st year. Dr. Faisal KP, the Director, AMUMC, delivered welcome
speech. He enlightened as about ADR and mentioned that about the pendency of
cases in courts of law today in India stands at 4.5 crore. So there is an
urgent need for fast track resolution system today.
Prof. Mohd. Ashraf, Dean and Chairman of Dept. of Law, AMU,
felicitated the program by enlightening us that as per the 22nd Law Commission
report says that despite Art. 39A guarantees of getting Justice. But still
access to justice for poor masses has been hampered due to poverty, social and
political backwardness. He told that poor masses who can’t afford the court
fees as well as don’t have time for court proceedings believe the court system
is ineffective. Therefore, there arises a need for ADR to help poor masses.
Later, he told the pros and cons of ADR.
Justice Mary Joseph, Hon’ble Judge of The Kerala High Court,
gave inaugural address about ADR and the essentials of ADR, she was impressed
with our program and encouraged students to organize more of such programs in
the future. Then Sri. Muralee Krishna S’s, District Co-Ordinator/ Principal
District & Sessions Judge, District Mediation Centre, Manjeri, gave
presidential address about ADR and explained quite a few things about it. He
was also impressed with our program and encouraged to organize more of such
Resource person Adv. Bhuvanendran Nair V, Mediator Trainer,
Thiruvananthapuram presented his views on ADR.
He started by asking, “How to make welfare state?”, he
answered that it is by giving people settlement to their prolonged pending
disputes in various courts in a speedy manner we would be able to achieve a
welfare state. So there is a need for ADR today. “Ubi Jus Ibi Remidium”, i.e.,
where there is a right there is a remedy, he invoked this legal maxim and told
that it is very important to make people aware of their legal rights today, and
this adds to the whole meaning of awareness program on ADR. He also stated some
the reasons for long pendency of cases in India. In India we have 17 thousands
judges in various courts. On an average there 18-19 judge for every 10 lakh
cases. Whereas in China, on an average there are 142 judges for every 10 lakh
He stated the relevance of Article 21, i.e., Right to Life
and Personal Liberty, to ADR as under article 21 Right to Speedy Justice is
also interpreted by The Supreme Court of India in various cases. And today ADR
is proving to be a mechanism for speedy justice to people. The session was
concluded by vote of thanks from Shri Naushad Ali, Co-ordinator and Sub-Judge,
District Mediation Centre, Manjeri. He thanked Mr. Ghalib Nashter,
co-ordinators – Department of Law, AMUMC, Dr. Naseema PK, Chairperson Legal Aid
Clinic Dr. Shaista Nasreen, Teacher in-charge, Legal Aid Clinic and Dr. Absar
Aftab Absar, Teacher in-charge, Legal Aid Clinic and student co-ordinators,
Syed Mohammad Ibrahim Quli, Tooba Khan and Yash Jain.
Syed Mohd Tayyab, Waasique
Saleem Khan, Ambar Hussain Khan, Zaib Jahan, Nabeel Masood, Md. Azeem, Afina SS
and about 145 of participants actively participated in program We have received
very positive form the participants.
| | 17/11/2022 |

As a part of 11th Annual Day Celebration, the Law Society, Aligarh Muslim University Malappuram Centre had organized a National Webinar on “women as an agent of change” on March 8, 2022 from 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. The programme began with Qirat as a cognate of the university’s culture. The program was further proceeded by welcome address of Dr. Shahnawaz Ahmad Malik, Convener of Law Society & Assistant Professor of Department of Law, AMUMC where he introduced the chief guest Prof. Nuzhat Parveen Khan, Dean of school of law, Bennett university, greater Noida; Dr. Zeba Alam, Assistant Professor of Nalanda Medical college hospital, Patna & director AY healthcare Patna and Ms. Zehra Naqvi, Author and Senior Journalist. After the welcome address Dr. Faisal K.P., Director of AMUMC gave an inaugural address which was commenced by the quote of an author GD Anderson that, “women are already strong there is only need to change the way world perceives them, even made a few illuminating points regarding the role of women in building a good society”. After the inaugural address Mr. Ghalib Nashter, Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Department of Law, AMUMC felicitated the revered guests. After the felicitation, Prof. Nuzhat Parveen Khan spoke where she mainly focused on the role of women in development of the society. She concluded her speech by saying that, “wherever women are, they leave an indelible mark with their capabilities”. After her speech Dr. Zeba Alam addressed the audience which was primarily focused on the role of women in history and how they have carved society in the modern era. After this Ms. Zehra Naqvi spoke and elucidated about the need to move ahead of the prevailing patriarchal dichotomy. She also explained about the inclusion of women in the family system with regards to monetary independence.
After the speech of the guest Dr. Lubna Irfan, Teacher In Charge of Law society & Assistant
Professor of Department of Law, AMUMC, recited self composed poem. Few lines of her
poem are, “one who holds the balance, I will be that lady, one who sits on a lion I will be
that deity”. In the end of the program Dr. Shally Victor, Teacher In Charge of Law Society
& Assistant Professor of Department of Law, AMUMC gave a vote of thanks to all the
respective guests for their valuable time and efforts. Syed Mohd Tayyab, VP and Syed Mohammad Ibrahim Quli, GS were the student organisers of this program, it was further concluded with National Anthem and University Tarana.
| | 17/11/2022 |
List of BA LLB final year students internship in Supreme Court/High Court, 2021-22 | | 19/11/2022 |
Career Guidance by Legal Aid Clinic | | 19/11/2022 |

The Law Society of Aligarh Muslim University Centre Malappuram organized a National Law Fest titled “Justice Mahmood National Law Fest from July 5th, 2022 to July 7th, 2022 through Hybrid Mode .
As per AMU tradition the Felicitation Day of ‘Justice Mahmood National Law Fest’ began with the recitation of Quranic verses by Mr. Nabeel Masood.
The valedictory programme was held on 7th July 2022 through online mode. Director of AMU Malappuram Centre, Dr. Faisal KP inaugurated the programme. While expressing his views on the importance of legal skills through such competitions, he appreciated the law Faculty students for such a successful programme.
Dr. Ghalib Nashter, Coordinator of the Dept. of Law presented welcome address. He told that Law Dept. is growing leap and bound and we will be continuing organizing student oriented programmes.
Dr. Faisal Ahmed Khan, Assistant Professor of Department of Law, Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida, emphasized on the fact that physical training and internship is very important for the student of Law.
Mr. Shahnawaz Ahmad, Assistant Professor of Department of Law, Crescent School of Law, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), expressed his gratitude for the host institution and congratulated the winners.
Mr. Shivendra Raj Singhal, Advocate, Allahabad High Court said that teachers of AMUMC always encouraged them to participate in all kind of events. He suggested the students that 5 year is not only for academic studies, but also for participating in co-curricular activities which include debate, moot court legal quiz etc. so that lawyering skills may be developed. Mr. Kshitij Srivastava, COO of Legal Soch Foundation, sponsored the winners of the competition, free Certificate Course on Contract Drafting.
Dr. Shahnawaz Ahmed Malik, Assistant Professor of Department of Law, AMUMC and Faculty convener introduced the Law Society, Dept of Law and further explained the details of the event. He informed that students from top Law colleges participated in this successful fest.
Dr. Lubna Irfan, Assistant Professor of Department of Law, AMUMC and Teacher In-charge of Law Fest announced the result of various events.
Mr. Syed Mohd Tayyab, Vice President, Law Society, AMUMC gave the vote of thanks.
In Quiz Competition, Masood K. student of Government Law College won the first prize; the second prize won by Cramline Gupta, School of Law DAVV and the third prize won by Parajjawal Pathak, BVDU New Law College and Mohd. Shahran, Faculty of Law, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
In Case Commentary Competition first prize won by Akansha Trivedi and Ridhima Singhal, Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab; Second prize won by Vaishnavi Tripati, Indore Institute of Law, Indore and third prize won by Jasleen Bedi, School of Law and Legal Studies, GGSIPU.
In Judgement Writing Competition first prize won by Faraz Ali Khan, Department of Law, AMUMC; Second prize won by Farhat Sultan, Seth Shankarlal Lahoti Law College and third prize won by Sadhvi Singh, Department of Law, AMUMC. In Debate Competition first prize won by Sadhvi Singh, AMUMC and Afina SS, AMUMC; Second prize won by Khayti Solanki, Kalinga University; Third prize won by Fariya Sharaf, Amity University and Consultation prize was given to Priti Kumari, Jogesh Chandra University.
Judgment Writing Competition was judged by Dr. Nisha Dhanraj Dewani, Associate Professor of Department of Law, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies [GGSIPU] and Ahmad Akhlaq, Assistant Professor of Department of Law, AMU Murshidabad Centre.
Debate Competition was judged by Dr. Shaharyar Asaf Khan, Associate Professor of department of law, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad Haryana; and Dr. Faisal Ahmad Khan, Assistant Professor, department of Law, Lloyd Law College, Greater Noida.
Case Commentary Competition was judged by Mr. Shahnawaz Ahmad, Assistant Professor of Crescent School of Law, Chennai [Tamil Nadu] and Ms. Ramsha Tanwir, Assistant Professor of Department of Law, JMI, New Delhi. The fest was sponsored by Shivendra Raj Singhal, Advocate, Allahabad High Court and Legal Soch Foundation. The events were conducted under the guidance of Dr. Lubna Irfan and Dr. Shally Victor, Assistant Professor of Department of Law, AMUMC Student Conveners Syed Mohd. Tayyab, Vice President of Law Society and Syed Mohammad Ibrahim Quli, General Secretary of Law Society.
The student in-charge of various events were Mohd. Azam Khan, Nabeel Masood, Muskan Khan, Abdul Haseeb, Shamim Akhtar, Nayela Raies whereas Sidra Fatima, Kanishka Gupta, Tooba Khan & Monira Izhar were the volunteers. The event was concluded by AMU Tarana followed by National Anthem.
| | 17/11/2022 |
List of the students who have completed Internship from various organization in the Academic Session 2021-2022 | | 15/11/2022 |
Events in the Department
* .17th March,2021 National Webinar on the topic, Mediation and Its Relevance in Legal Field.’in collaboration with Co-Operative School of Law, Thodupuzha through resource person Dr. Ashish Kumar, Assistant Professor, Faculty of law, Delhi University. *. 25th January,2021 International Panel Discussion on the topic, ‘Human Rights & Individual Freedom’ through Resource Persons Dr. Nigel Ashford( Senior Program Officer, Institute of Humane Studies, U.S.A ) and Dr. Barun Mitra (Free thinker & Formerly associated with Liberty Institute, New Delhi).
* 24th November , 2020 Organized a National Webinar on the topic, ‘ Access to Justice &Free Legal Aid’ through Resource Persons Prof.(Dr.) Manoj Kumar Sinha ( Director, ILI, New Delhi) and Prof. (Dr.) Shakeel Samdani( Dean, Faculty of Law)
* 17th November,2020 National Program on the topic,’ Adoption laws in India & Inter Country Adoption : An Introspection through the Resource Person Dr. Shivani Verma, Asst .Professor of Law, Faculty of Law, DU. * 9th November, 2020 National Webinar on the topic, ‘Legal Services under Legal Services Authorities Act 1987’ with DLSA Malappuram in collaboration with DLSA Malappuram. Mrs.Priya .K (Secretary & Sub Judge, Malappuram DLSA inaugurated the program through and Adv.Moideen .P.C (Adv. Manjeri Bar Association & Chairman, Junior Lawyers * 28th October ,2020, National Webinar on the topic, ‘Farmer’s Act -2020-Pros & Cons & Challenge on Google Meet Platform throughR Resource Person , Prof. Dr. V.L. MONY, LL. D( Professor &Dean, Hindustan Institute of Technology &S Science Chennai).
*.2nd October,2020 National Webinar on the Legacy of Gandhi.
* 6th -11th July,2020 Sir Syed National Law Festival 2020 Events include National Law Quiz Competition All India Sir Syed Essay Writing Competition,Debate Competition, ’Discourse 2k20’,National Case Commentary Competition *2nd July,2020 First virtual n.r. Madhava Menon Youth Parliament, 2020
* 7th April 2020 Organized awareness program on ADR in association with Kerala State Mediation & Conciliation Centre, High Court of Kerala through Adv. Noor Beena Rasheed.
*07/04/2020 Awareness program on ADR in association with Kerala state mediation & conciliation center, High court of Kerala. *26/10/2019 Celebration on Law Day. * 19/11/2019 to 26/11/2019 Law Society organized annual Law titled “Lex Fiesta”(Debate, Parliamentary Debate,Moot Court,Legal Quiz,Essay Writing).
*22/10/2019 Legal Aid programmme on the day of its inauguration for session 2019-20.
* 10/10/2019 Invited lecture delivered by Adv. Haris Beeran, the renowned lawyer of Supreme Court.*23/09/2019 to 20/08/2019 O ne week Student Induction Programme titled“Deeksharambh for freshers. *National Workshop on ‘Gender Sensitization’ 3 April,2019 * Legal Awareness Program on ‘Protection & Rightsof Women,5 December,2018. * Law Day Celebration 26 November,2018(S peech and Parliamentary Debate) *Literary Fest (Debate ,Quiz , Essay etc),Date 16-17 November,2018. *Intra-Mediation Competition 9-10 November,2018
*Orientation Program for First Year September 16,2018 *Various events under Swachhta Pakhwada Program 1-15 September,2018. *National Moot Court Completion,March ,2017
| | 19/11/2021 |
List of students opted for higher Education institutions after Law | | 15/11/2022 |
Notice Mentor Mentee ship during session 21-22 Attached file is for Mentor Mentee ship for the session 21-22 | | 15/11/2022 |
Report of Induction program of B.A.LLB first year-Department of Law,AMU Centre Malappuram | | 16/03/2021 |