Department of Mass Communication
Mass Communication
The Department of Mass Communication is among the premier institutions offering education and training in journalism and mass communication in India. It has consistently maintained its position among the top five institutions in the country. The department's diversified curriculum covering Digital Journalism, TV News & Current Affairs Production, Film & Cultural Studies, Science & Health Communication, and Media and environment offers an edge to its students. Through its PhD program, the department has been conducting media and communication research of societal significance since 2009.
The Department of Mass Communication is endowed with state-of-the-art television and video production and screening facilities. Its studio has a three-camera set-up, a high-tech console, and outdoor recording equipment. The multimedia editing lab is equipped with iMac editing suites for video and multimedia editing. Its auditorium-cum-preview theatre is among the best in architectural design and is equipped with the latest film screening facilities. Smart classrooms with LCD projectors and other latest teaching aids constitute the core of the department's teaching-learning facilities.
The departmental seminar library has in its stock a rich collection of over 2195 core texts and reference books besides an active subscription to 07 national and international research journals of academic significance. The faculty of the department nurtures a broad range of academic and research pursuits to offer a spectrum of course choices to the students.
The department arranges an innovative system of documentary and video production training to develop production skills among its students. Several of the short films and documentaries made by the students have bagged national and international awards, bringing laurels to the department. Most of its alumni are doing exceptionally well in national and international media houses and have created a niche for themselves in professional, academic and research arenas.
The department also publishes a bi-annual research journal titled, Indian Journal of Communication Review (ISSN No. 2454-9339) to promote quality research, which can be accessed at the IJCR Website.
- To emerge as a leading center of learning in journalism and media studies by harnessing the core journalistic skills with the latest media technologies.
- To train future journalists for evolving challenges of the swiftly changing media industry.
To groom future media and communication professionals imbibed with humanistic values of righteousness, empathy, integrity, and leadership to uphold the Indian values for a just and equitable pluralistic society.
To establish a state-of-the-art Media Center for educational multimedia content production
To introduce job-oriented Post-Graduate Diploma programme in Digital Journalism
To promote the department as a leading center of new media studies and research
To transform the department into a full-fledged Faculty of Communication and Media Studies comprising the departments of:
1. Print Journalism, 2. Electronic Media Production, 3. Development Communication, 4. New Media and Digital Journalism , 5. Advertising and Public Relations, 6. Science and Health Communication, 7. Film and Cultural Studies, 8. Media and Communication Research