Department of Mathematics

About the Department

Dept. data last updated on :01/10/2024

With the very establishment of the Mohammadian Anglo Oriental College on January 08, 1877, at Aligarh, Mathematics was recognized as an important discipline, and the necessity to appoint a Professor in the subject was strongly felt. 

By 1910-11, the college had unique distinction of having on its staff as many as three Professors of Mathematics, Mr. J.C. Chakravarti, Dr. Ziauddin Ahmad and Mr. M.A. Aziz. Mr. Abdul Majeed Kureishy was appointed as Assistant Professor in May 1910. 

One of the earliest mathematicians associated with the Department was Dr. Sir Ziauddin Ahmad who, along with Professor Chakravarti founded the first group of teachers and research workers whose main interests were in astronomy, History of Mathematics and Theory of Functions. They carried out many innovations in teaching and research. A society called M.A.O College Mathematics Society was formed with Dr. ZIauddin Ahmad as its President and Mr. A. M. Kureishy as its Secretary. The Society has been continuing its activities and is now known as Aligarh Mathematical Society. 

The Department of Mathematics came into existence on the elevation of M.A.O. College to the status of a residential University in 1920. Thus the Department of Mathematics is amongst the oldest Departments of the University.

The Seminar Library of the Department of Mathematics is our pride possession indeed, and our claim is that it is the most valuable mathematics library in any University of the country. During the years which span over a century, the Department has acquired more than 20,000 books of higher mathematics (this does not include books for undergraduate studies available in Maulana Azad Library ? the main library of AMU). The Seminar Library also contains 50 valuable collected works of eminent mathematicians. Apart from steadily acquiring recent books on advanced mathematics, it also receives more than 150 periodicals through subscription and mutual exchange.

 The Department has also been publishing a research journal known as The ALIGARH BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICS since 1971. This Bulletin publishes regularly research articles by mathematicians from India and abroad. Professor M.A. Kazim was its founding Chief Editor.

 In recognition of its inherent potential of becoming a centre of advance studies in mathematics, the department was recognized as the UGC Department of Special Assistance in September 1983 which continued up to March 2003, and the discipline of Algebra, Analysis and Differential Geometry were recognized as the thrust areas. The Department was further strengthened by the award of UGC-COSIST programme in March 1994. The National Board of Higher Mathematics has also provided financial support in the form of annual grant for acquiring books and journals for our department. The successful completion of DRS Phase-I (April 2007-March-2012) the Department lead to its extension as DRS Phase-II (April 2013-March 2018) for the upliftment of teaching and research under the thrust areas and subsequently the Department was also selected for DST-FIST programme during 2012-2017) for the development of infrastructure for research facilities.




Aspires to be one of the top most Mathematics Departments in the country and compete globally as a centre of Teaching and Research in Mathematics.


  • To impart world-class education in an environment of fundamental and applied research in Mathematics.

  • To conduct cutting–edge research to create new knowledge and to spread this knowledge through publications in reputed leading journals.

  • To prepare the professional groups in Mathematics to support the national development programs within the public and centres of higher learning.

  • To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that scholarly competent and very talented captains can emerge in various professions.