Department of Museology

Eminent Speakers

Dept. data last updated on :06/03/2025


Eminent Speakers of the Department

List of Eminent Speakers( in Seminars and Conferences) and Visiting Faculty.

Mr Shahid Mehdi Ex V.C Jamia Millia Islamia, Deputy Chairma ICCR

K.K. Chakarbarty Secretary Sayitya Academy

Prof. Irfan Habib Emminent Historian

Prof Musherul Hassan Ex. V.C. Jamia Millia Islamia, Ex Director, National Archieves

Prof Hadeo Arai Eminent Conservationist, Japan

Dr S. M Nair, Ex Director NMNH New Delhi

Dr R Kannan , Secretary Culture IAS Tamil Nadu

Prof. M.V Nair Conservation Professor & DeanNMI Delhi

Prof. Sunjay Jain M.S. University Baroda

Prof I.K. Bhatnagar Ex Professor NMI New Delhi

Mr S. K. Saraswat EX- Director NMNH New Delhi

Dr. B. Venugopal Director NMNH , New delhi

Prof. Ghazanfar Zaidi Dean Faculty of Fine Arts, JMI New Delhi

Dr. N.R. Shah Department of Museology M.S. University Baroda

Dr . S.P. Singh Ex Director , Conservation Lab National Museum.

Prof. S.P. Verma Department of History AMU

Dr. K. K. Mohammad Director, ASI, Delhi (

Ms. Rashmi Sharma Curator, National Children Museum New

Dr. A. Qadri Director, General State Museum,Jammu&Kashmir

Mr. Arvind Kumar Director, INTACH, A-3 Balwan Nagar, Gandhi Road, Gwalior

Mrs. Kedeswari Keeper, Salarjung Museum Hyderabad .

Dr. Usha Rani Asstt. Professor, BHU, Varanashi

Dr. K.K. Sharma Conservator, National Museum Delhi (4 lecture/Semester)

Mr. Nandan Shashtri Curator, Baroda Museum Gujarat (4 lecture/Semester

Mr. Satynder K. Gupta, Exhibition Officer NGMA New Delhi

Mrs. Pratima Gupata, Field Officer, CCRT New Delhi

Mr. V. G. Gogate Scientist NMNH New Delhi.

Mr. Shashad Hussain Eminent Artist.

Mr. Gulshan Kharbanda, Museologist, Fabricator.