Department of Museology
SOPs for Management of Departmental Resources
Preservation and Conservation of Natural History specimens/ cultural objects.
Department of Museology helps in the identification, preservation and conservation of natural history specimens. The material/specimens are received across the country. The natural history specimens are either dry preserved or wet preserved and make them for display purpose. Conservation of Cultural heritage objects such as paintings, archival materials, coins, Geological collections etc take place in the Department.
Procurement of consumables/Items/Equipment
General Financial Rules-2017 will be referred for the Procurement of consumables/Items/
Equipment and GFR 2017 shall prevail over this SOP in all matters of procurement/ repair etc. by the Department.
Museum/Heritage site visit
1: Permission
1. Contact to the Director/curator of Museum/Heritage site by writing a letter showing interest in visiting and seek their permission for the visit.
2. Mentioning a tentative schedule of visit, number of students and advantages of the visit to the students.
2: Notification and Approval
A notice is put on the department noticeboard after receiving a positive reply from the Director/curator of Museum/Heritage site regarding visit.
Interested students are asked to submit consent form (signed by parents) by stipulated date.
An Approval is taken from the University for availing the transportation facility and refreshment of students and faculty members who are going for the trip.
Approval must also indicate the exact schedule of the visit.
3: Going for Visit
The concerned transporter is informed by giving letter/order for hiring his services to provide transport on the stipulated date, place and time.
The attendance of the students is collected prior to start of travel.
The concerned person or organizers are contacted and necessary formalities are completed.
After the visit, a detailed report about the visit along with photos is submitted to the Chairperson’s office.
Purchase of Seminar Library Books and their Filing in Shelves
1: Approval for book Purchase
1. Submission of books recommended by different faculty members and students to the seminar library.
2. Approval is taken for the recommended books by Departmental purchase Committee.
2: Order Placement of Books
The recommended list of books is sent to the Maulana Azad library, A.M.U. for placing order.
3. Physical Verification of Purchased Books:
Physical verification of Books was done annually by the internal staff of the department. In every 3 years, a committee of the central library does through physical verification.
4: Processing Bill
1. Accessioning of books in the accession register of Seminar Library.
2. Finally, the bill is processed and submitted to accounts section.
5: Technical Processing
1. Technical processing of the books including classification, cataloguing and indexing is done.
2. Physical processing of the books including pasting of authority slips, placing the tags and stamping is carried out.
3. Then the books are placed in shelves according to their call number by the library staff.
Stock Verification of Library Books
1: Noting the Accession Number
1. Staff notes down the accession numbers of books on the library shelves.
2. Separate sheets of paper are prepared for each library shelf. Each member of the physical verification committee are given one set of sheets and is asked to note down the accession numbers of books in the library shelves that is specifically assigned to him.
3. While noting the accession numbers, book is physically checked and is taken out of shelf, if the book is damaged/beyond repair.
2: Re-verifying the missing Books
1. List of books again checked with collection.
2. The final list of missing books is reported to the Chairperson for necessary action.
Book Issue and Return Policy of Seminar Library
For Students:
Max. Book Issued
PG diploma and PG: 01 (Overnight)
Ph.D.: 03 (1 months)
For Reading Room: No Limit
For Faculty:
Max. Book Issued
Regular/Adhoc: 5 (2 months)
In case of loss/damage, the concerned has to bear the cost of the book OR has
to submit the latest edition of the book
Departmental Cleanliness
Standard cleanliness protocols are followed for the Cleaning of Class Room, Laboratory Cleaning, Corridor and Staircase Cleaning, Office (Chairperson’s and Staffs’) Cleaning, Staff-room Cleaning, Entrance and Lobby Cleaning and Garden/Lawn Cleaning
Extra-Curricular Activities
1: Notification of Extra-Curricular Activity
Notices related to Extra-Curricular Activities are put up on the departmental notice boards/website and for inviting the students to participate/register under Extra-Curricular Activity
2: Registration
Interested students can register themselves in office of the Department.
Placement and Career Counselling
The department has Training & Placement Office (TPO) cell which is associated with Training & Placement Office (General) of the University.
The TPO cell invites speakers from the Museums/organization for the Guidance & Motivation of the students.
Training and Placement Officers, Department of Museology (2021-22)
Prof. Abduraheem K (Convener)
Mr. Danish Mahmood
Dr. Ameeza Zarrin
Career Counseling Committee, Department of Museology (2021-22)
Prof. Abduraheem K (Convener)
Mr. Danish Mahmood
Dr. Ameeza Zarrin
Dr. Suboohi Nasrin