Department of Museology

Post Graduate

Dept. data last updated on :06/03/2025


M. Sc. (Museology)






Bachlor's Degree with 55% Marks




To impart knowledge on conservation of cultural and natural heritage and equip the students for curatorial work, research and impart training in museums and education institutions.


After completion of the course the students shall be able to understand:

 Definitions of Museums

 Differences between Museology and Museography

 Definitions and museum classification based on ICOM

 Major Museums of India and World

 History of Museum development, Museum collections worldwide and Professional ethics etc.

 Causes of deterioration of museum collection.

 The skills in the preservation techniques of natural history specimens.

 Preventive and curative conservation methods of deterioration.

 Fabrication Techniques of Natural History Specimens.

 Brief History of civilization.

 The significance of archaeology and history in the field of museology.

 Various concepts and history of archaeology and history.

 Remote Sensing and GIS in Exploration.

 Role of Museums in Anthropological & Ethnographical Studies.

 The functional requirements of Museums and planning museum building.

 Site selection process for Museum establishment.

 Requirement for conservation and preservation laboratories.

 Lay out of display area for establishment of new museum.

 Architecture of some Museum buildings in India and abroad.

 The preservation and conservation of artifacts with reference to natural history specimens using various techniques.

 Cleaning and conservation of Geological collection.

 Cleaning, Preservation and mounting of osteological collection.

 Taxidermy & Preparation of study skin and their mounting.

 Fabrication techniques for Natural History Specimens.

 Practical skill to handle Audio-Visual equipments used in Museums.

 Basic of photography, outdoor and indoor photography.

 Recordings of Audio commentaries and Gallery Talk.

 Audio recording in museums.

 Power point presentation etc.

 Planning and layout of museum display

 Different techniques used in preparation of various types of exhibitions and Dioramas.

 Museum lighting

 Colour scheme in Museums.

 Technology in Audience Research.

 The basic knowledge of habit and habitat of organism.

 Basics of Taxonomy and classification of organism.

 Identify/classify the biological specimens.

 History of Art.

 Fundamentals of Archaeology and Excavation.

 Dating Techniques of excavated materials.

 Research methodology and method of publications in Museums

 Field research, research policy, and ethics.

 Manuscripts, research papers, monograph, e-publication etc.

 Various factors affecting publications.

 Plagiarism and ethics of Publication

 Concept & Definition of heritage.

 Natural and cultural heritage.

 Tangible and Intangible heritage.

 Heritage tourism and role of museums in promoting heritage tourism etc.

 World heritage Conventions.

 Types of education.

 Various communicative and interpretive techniques and role of museums in Formal education.

 Various types of learning theories used in museums and outreach/extension activities.

 Mobile, Travelling Exhibition and associated activities.

 Various techniques of Conservation and Preservation of Cultural Properties.

 Metal cleaning.

 Conservation of paper, wood, skin, parchment, leather, bone, ivory etc.

 Ethics of Conservation

 Special technique for the conservation of mixed materials.

 Various tools, Techniques and considerations in management of different types of museums.

 Principles of museum management.

 Management of different functions of the museum.

 Methods and Management of Revenue generation.

 Security management.

 Management by objective (MBO) and SWOT Analysis.

 Definition, types & Scope of Intangible Heritage.

 UNESCO & ICOM initiative for safeguarding intangible heritage.

 Method & Tools for Documentation & Safe guarding of Intangible Natural and Cultural Heritage.

 Expressive Culture & Performing Arts (Music, Theatre, Dance & Festivals).

 Indigenous Traditional methods for safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage.

 The concept of marketing in museums.

 Principles and fundamentals of marketing.

 Factors that affect mix marketing (4 P’s)

 Financial management for non- profitable institution

 Significance of visitor studies in museum marketing.

 Various techniques and methods of collection.

 Documentation techniques used in museums such as manual documentation system, computer application in documentation.

 Collection policies and ethics,

 Safety and security of museum collection etc.

 International Treaties and Conventions (CITES, UNESCO etc.)




Post M. Sc. Diploma in Museology







Same as above + NGO Dealing with nature environment cultural heritage



