Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Eminent Speakers
1. Mr. M. Salman Ali
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
West Midlands Hospital, Colman Hill
Halesowen, West Midlands B63 2AH, UK
2. Prof. Shah Alam Khan
Department of Orthopaedics
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029
Topic: Management of Lower Limb Deformities in Cerebral Palsy
Dated: 7.12.2012
3. Mr. Rehan A. Siddiqi
M.S.Orth., M.Ch.Orth. (Liverpool), FRCS Ed. (Tr. & Orth.)
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Borders General Hospital
Borders NHS Trust
Melrose, Roxburghshire TD6 9BS
Scotland, United Kingdom.
Anatomy and Clinical Examination of Shoulder + Portals for Arthroscopy
Shoulder Sports Injuries and their Management - Past and Present
Dated: 19.12.2012 & 20.12.2012
Surgical demonstration:
Shoulder Arthroscopy and Arthroscopic repair of Bankartâ??s lesion
4. Dr. Dawar Abbas
M.S.Orth., M.Sc. (Trauma) FRCS
(Associate Specialist, Milton Keynâ??s Hospital) UK
Topic: How to get Published?
Dated: 31.12.2012
5. Dr. Jaspal Singh Ranyal
Topic: Regenerative Orthopaedics
Dated: 9.3.2013
New Delhi