Department of Physiology

News and Publication

Dept. data last updated on :17/02/2025



In pursuant to the vision of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan of PM Narendra Modi, the Department of Physiology observed the SWACHHTA PAKHWADA from 1st September 2021 to 15th September 2021. Various activities were organised to promote the theme “SWACHHTA (CLEANLINESS)”. The Pakhwada got flagged off on 1st September by taking the Swachhta pledge. All the members of the Department including teaching staff, non-teaching staff and the resident doctors took pledge of SWACHHTA under the guidance of the Chairperson, Department of Physiology Prof. Meenakshi Gupta. Members were also encouraged to take the e-pledge by visiting the government website dedicated to sawachhta pakhwada. The chairperson talked about the importance of general cleanliness and hygiene and requested the members of the Department to keep the department and it’s surrounding clean.

To propagate the idea of Swachhta, Department of Physiology organised various activities like essay writing competition, poem competition and e -poster competition. Dr. Shah Mohammed Abbas Waseem, the event organiser motivated the students to participate in the said event with full zest and enthusiasm. The events were a success and witnessed massive participation of undergraduate students of MBBS and BDS. Prize & appreciation certificates were awarded to the best entries of the events.

The Swachhata activities for the we are planned keeping in mind all the instructions and guidelines issued by the M/o Home Affairs and M/o Health and Family Welfare considering the current situation ofCovid-19 pandemic.



  • Manual of Practical Physiology for MBBS

  • Manual of Practical Physiology for BDS
  • Physical and mental fitness in sportsperson-role of yoga prescribed in ancient books.Chapter in recent trends in Yoga and Physical Education.Page number 422 -424. 2011 by Prof P N Singh.
  • Sports Medicine by Prof Rajiv Gulati & Ali Irani (Gopal Publishing house.) ISBN: 9788181913395


The Global Journal of Applied Physiology and Allied Siences :

Published under the auspices of Physiology and Allied Science Society, Department of Physiology, J.N.M.C., A.M.U., Aligarh - 202002 , the journal achieved the honour of being the first journal to be released from the J.N Medical College.It published peer reviewed original research works of scientists from different streams of medical field.


1. R. Gulati, D.K. Agrawal, MM Hossain, R. Ali : Effect of Endogenous Opioid Peptide Met-Enkephalin on Glucose Homeostasis, Health Renaissance 2005; Vol 3.

2. R. Gulati, D.K. Agrawal, MM Hossain, R. Ali, & U. Srivastava: A study of lipid profile changes in metencephalin treated rats. Journal of College of medical Sciences 2006, V(3), 1, 81-84.

3. Y. Gupta, M. Gupta, SAR Rizvi, Mohit Gupta, M.M Hussain (2006). Use of digital mediametry for the evaluation of Endophthalamitis. Asian J. Ophthalamol; 8: 245-9.

4. Malla U, Limbu N, Das A, Paudel BH, Mathur NN, P.N. Singh 2012. Effects of electromagnetic waves emitted from mobile phone on auditory evoked potential in school children. Curr Ped Res; 16 (1). ): 37-41.

5. P. Sharma , B.H. Paudel, P.N Singh, P Limbu. 2009 Heart rate variability: response to graded head up tilt in healthy men. Kathmandu University Medical Journal.; 7:03.

6. Sangeeta Singhal, Sanjay Vashisth, P.N. Singh, R.K.Gaur.2008, Serotonergic influence on the levels of prolactin in depressed females, Biomedical research, 19 (1) 45-48.

7. Sangeeta Singhal, P.N. Singh, U Srivastava, Y V S Gahlaut. 2001, Partial charectorisation of thyroproteins in multinodular goiter, Biomedical Research. 12: (2) 139-142.

8. P. N. Singh, Rashid Ali. 1995. An Improved method for micro-estimation of iodine in human urine; Medical Science Research. 23: 97-98.

9. P. N. Singh, B. Hasan, J. Ahmad, O. Chandra, S. Kulshrestha, V. Kumar. 1988 Goiter survey in a north Indian village. The Thyroid, S. Nagataki, K.Torizuka (eds.)Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division) Amsterdum. 297- 300

10. Siddiqui AH, Tauheed N, Ahmad A, Mohsin Z. 2014 Assessment of pulmonary functions in advanced uncomplicated singleton and twin pregnancy. The Brazilian Journal of Pulmonology 40 (03), 244-249.

11. N Tauheed, H Usmani, AH Siddiqui. 2014.A comparison of the analgesic efficacy of transforaminal methylprednisolone alone and with low doses of clonidine in lumbo-sacral radiculopathy.Saudi journal of anaesthesia 8 (1), 51.


1.National -A cross sectional study in atertiary care centre, Diabetes &Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews - 2016

2.International Yoga, Oxidative Stress And Acute Myocardial Infarction: An In-Depth Review. International Journal of

Physical Education, Yoga and Health Sciences (IJPEYHS) - 2016

3.National Motor nerve conduction velocity in postmenopausal women with peripheral neuropathy.Journal of clinical

diagnostic research - 2016

4.International Anti-arthitogenic and cardioprotective action of hesperidin and daidzein in collagen-induced rheumatoid arthritis Mol cell biochem, - 2016

5.International Comparison of NCV ofRight and Left Limb in Right handed Male Subjects. Annals of International

Medical and Dental Research. 2016

6.International Pure trapezio-metacarpal dislocation- a rare injury. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.2016

7.International Closed multiple intramedullary K-wire fixation for humeral shaft fratures in adolescents. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016

8.International Comparison of NCV of Right and Left Limb in Right handed Male Subjects. Annals of International

Medical and Dental Research 2016

9.National A Comparative Study of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Cases of Smoked Nicotine and Chewed Nicotine Users Indian Medical Gazette 2015

10.National Serum levels of TGF-β 1 in patients of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and its correlation with Nerve Conduction Velocity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome, Clinical research & reviews 2015

11.National In vivo induction ofantioxidant response and oxidative stress associated with genotoxicity and histopathological alteration in two commercial fish species due to heavy metal exposure in northern India(kali) river. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C:Toxicology and Pharmacology - 2015

12. International A comprehensive biological insight of chemotherapeutic anti cancer drug entity toxicity studies. Metallomics:The Journal Royal society of Chemistry - 2015

13. International Study of Hormonal Parameters in Depressive Women Global Journal for Research Analysis - 2015

14. Using item analysis in essay types questions given in summative examination of medical college students: Facility value, Discrimination Index. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2015

15. International Correlation of waist-to- hip ratio (WHR) and oxidative stress in patients of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Journal of clinical and diagnostic research 2014

16. National Assessment of Genotoxic Induction and deterioration of fish quality in commercial species due to Heavy-metal Exposure in urban reservoir. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology - 2014

17. International Heavy metal in Aquatic Ecosystem Emphasizing its effect on tissue Bioaccumulation and Histopathology Journal of Environmental scienceand Technology 2014

18. International Comparative Analysis of 12-Lead Resting Electrocardiographic changes in Adult Indian Athletes and non-AthletesJournal of Medical Erudite 2014

19. International A comparative study of Pulmonary ventilator functions in Smokers and Non- smokers Global Journal for Research Analysis 2014

20. National Pre-eclamptic pregnancy employing time domain analysis in heart rate variability study. National Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences 2014

21.National Autonomic nervous system assessment- Wide role of heart rate variability analysis- A Review Indian journal of Applied research - 2014