Department of Psychology


Dept. data last updated on :22/10/2024

Outreach Activities

Dept of Psychology, AMU reaches out to the less fortunate - A visit to Al Noor School, Aligarh

Any education becomes purposeful if it finds way into service to the society. Therefore, the students and scholars of the department made a visit to the Al-Noor school in Aligarh. The school is run by Mrs. Salma Ansari and provides education to 4000 students from less fortunate background. The school also houses 28 orphans in a hostel facility. The students of our department were enlightened to see how opportunities of holistic learning like sports, library, summer camp, etc with positive attitude of the educators towards the students, can transform the overall personalities of these children. The students along with the Chairperson of the dept, Prof. Roomana Siddiqui interacted with the school students and their educators in their classrooms and hostel. The enthusiasm and discipline of the Al Noor students not only left us impressed but also ignited the noor of hope and optimism in our students as well.

Our students intend to volunteer to teach and offer counseling services to the Al Noor students on a regular basis in near future.


Lets Be friends: a Programe to enhance pro social behavior and sensory motor skills among toddlers

The Psychological Society undertook a unique endeavour for short term collaboration with Angel Global School in Aligarh. The uniqueness of this collaboration was that voluntary BA and MA students of the psychology department of AMU demonstrated exercises to kindergarten level learners aimed at enhancing their sensory motor skills like kinesthetic skills, command following, and attention for tactile, visual and auditory stimuli. The collaboration also involved exercises wherein the toddlers assigned in different teams were supposed to execute fun filled activities of "cheer", "help", "thanks" and "praise" for their team mates. The collaboration with Angel Global School lasted for 3 consecutive Saturdays, with the support of its Director Dr. Sherin Shervani and her staff. Each session began with a warm up phase and ended with reinforcement to all the toddlers. This outreach was also an interesting learning experience for students of psychology department as they experienced how prominent principles of psychology like reinforcement, modeling, pro-social behavior, multiple intelligence, etc find place in education industry
