Department of Shia Theology
Alumni Relations
Dept. data last updated on :10/06/2024
Alumni Relations Committee
With the reference of the letter LD No. ( C ) / 5704 dated 26.05.2017 of Registrar. An " Alumni Relations Committee " is constituted of the following. Which will constitute of following members :
1 .. Prof. Syed Ali Mohd. Naqvi
2 Dr. Syed Mohd. Asghar (Nodal Officer)
3. Dr. Syed Tayyab Raza Naqvi
(Nodal Officer)
4. Mr.Asghar Ajaz
5. Mr. Hadi Raza
Following is the duty of the committee With the help of Office, Prepare a report at the end of each year about the Student Leaving.

Chairman and Associate Professor