Department of West Asian Studies and North African Studies

Completed Research Projects

Dept. data last updated on :29/08/2024

Project Title :

Project Title :

India – West Asia Oil Trade & Its Implications for Indian economy during liberalization

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Dr. Tariq Masood

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Project Title :

Women Madarsa Graduates: Aspirations and Roadblock By Dr. Kausar Fatima (PDF)

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Prof. Mohammad Gulrez

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Dynamic of Return Migration: A Case Study of India-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)    Countries 

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :


Principal Investigator :

Prof. Rakhshanda F. Fazli

Co- Principal Investigator :

Dr. Rashid Aziz Faridi

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :

Workshop on Time Series Econometrics held on 14-20 January 2019

Funding Agency :


Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Prof. Ghulam Mursaleen and Prof. Syed Noman Ahmad

Co- Principal Investigator :

Dr. Tariq Masood and Md Zulquar Naim

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :


Mr. Mojahid Azam, PDF topic: "India, Iran and Central Asia Relation Since 2001" 

Funding Agency :

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Prof. Jawaid Iqbal

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :

Project Title :


Ms. Mutahira has successfully completed her PDF on the topic entitled " Indo-Iraq Economic and Cultural Relations: A Study of Post Saddam Hussein Era" 

Funding Agency :

Funding Amount :

Principal Investigator :

Prof. S. Shamir Hassan

Co- Principal Investigator :

Related Publication :

Awards :