Faculty of Law
Introductory Profile of Faculty
The Department of Law, Aligarh Muslim University is one of the oldest Department in India. The teaching of Law in AMU was introduced in the year 1883. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the Founder was greatly impressed by the Programme of Legal Education in British Universities. So he was very keen to have legal education on that pattern in AMU also.
In 1960, the Department of Law came into being into a full-fledged Faculty. Credit goes to Late Prof. Hafizul Rehman (who was also the first Dean) to develop a modern curriculum and research programme. Infact he was the architect of the present Faculty of Law.
Our Faculty of Law, popularly known as the mother Faculty has produced innumerable legal icons who have rendered their services to many reputed Law Faculties in India. Their services have keen acknowledged both at the Bench and the Bar. Some of its illustrious products who rose to senior and eminent positions in judiciary include the Supreme Court Judges such as Mr. Justice Baharul Islam, Mr. Justice Murtaza Fazle Ali, Mr. Justice R. P. Sethi. Other prominent foreign Justices & Chief Justices include Justice Baseer Ahmad Khan (Chief Justice, Tanzania), Justice Augustine Saedi (Chief Justice of Uganda), Justice of Pakistan. Moreover, foreign Advocates/Attorney Generals include Mr. Ali Ahmad Fuzail (Attorney General of Pakistan & Advocate General of United Provinces), Mr. Faiyyaz Husain (Advocate General of Pakistan & Advocate General of United Province), Mr. Qazi Khan Bux (Advocate General, Sindh), Mr. S. Nasiruddin (Advocate General of West Pakistan) etc. A few other eminent personalities of this noble Faculty who have served/are serving in different prestigious capacities include:
01. Prof. Hafizul Rehman, Former Dean and founding father of the Faculty of Law, AMU, Aligarh.
02. Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon, Former Vice-Chancellor, NLS, Bangalore, Former Vice-Chancellor, LJ, Kharagpur and Member, Sarkaria Commission on Centre-State relations, Member of Law Commission, Former Vice-Chancellor, National Judicial Academy, Bhopal etc.
03 .Prof. Tahir Mahmood, former Dean, Faculty of Law, Delhi University, Former Chairman, National Minorities Commission, Member of Law Commission, New Delhi.
04. Prof. V.S.Rekhi, Former Dean & Chairman, AMU and Former, Vice-Chancellor, NLU, Bhopal.
05. Prof. S.K. Agrawal, Former Vice-Chancellor, Agra University, Agra.
06. Prof. Faizan Mustafa, Former Dean, Faculty of Law, AMU, Aligarh, Formerly Vice-Chancellor, NLU, Bhubneshwar, Orissa and presently Vice-Chancellor, NALSAR, Hyderabad.
07. Prof. Misbahul Hasan, Former Dean & Chairman, Faculty of Law, AMU.
08. Prof. Rehman Ali Khan, Former Dean, Chairman, Faculty of Law, AMU
09. Prof. M. Rashiduzzafar, Former Dean & Chairman, Faculty of Law, AMU
10. Prof. Kr. G.A. Khan, Former Dean & Chairman, Faculty of Law, AMU.
11. Prof. Riaz Punjabi, Vice-Chancellor, Kashmir University, Kashmir.
12. Prof. Leela Krishnan, Former Head, Department of Law, Cochin University, Cochin.
13. Prof. M. Zakaria Sidiqui, Former Dean & Chairman, Faculty of Law, AMU.
Our Faculty is the pioneer Faculty to bring about radical change in the legal education in India to make it modern, socially relevant, economically viable, professionally job oriented and humanistic. Because of the great efforts of our Faculty teachers and students we are able to prove that Faculty of Law is a great seat of excellence in terms of academics and higher researchers. Though, we have been amongst the top ten premier Law Faculties for the last many years, this year, the Faculty has reached to the pinnacles of rankings i.e. stood 6th in India despite being a part of University where there is always shortage of infrastructure and paucity of funds.