Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
The Faculty system was introduced in January 1944 during the Vice Chancellorship of Dr. Zia-ud-din Ahmad (1941 to 1947). Four faculties namely, Theology, Arts, Science and Engineering were established. The Faculty of Science was established on 27th March 1944 and it comprised of Departments of Chemistry, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Botany, and Zoology. In May 1986, the Faculty of Life Sciences (including departments of Botany and Zoology) was created. Presently the Faculty of Science comprises of eight departments,
1. Department of Chemistry
2. Department of Computer Science
3. Department of Geography
4. Department of Geology
5. Department of Mathematics
6. Department of Physics
7. Department of Statistics and Operations Research
8. Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications
9. Department of Industrial Chemistry
Functions of the Office of the Dean
- It holds Faculty and CASR meetings.
- Convenes Selection Committee for Guest Faculty, Project Fellow, Project Assistant, Research Assistant, Instructors etc.
- Faculty conducts the Admission Test for Ph.D. students.
- Students of UG courses, PG courses and Ph.D. program are enrolled in the office of the Dean and faculty numbers are issued to them on their Admit Card.
- It maintains and displays the attendance record of the UG/PG students.
- Registration and continuation forms of all the courses, are submitted in Dean's office for record.
- Examination forms of all courses except Ph.D. programme are collected and are sent to the office of controller of Examinations.
- It also keeps the record of the results of the students of all courses.
- Leaves are sanctioned to the Ph.D. students.
- Special Casual leave are sanctioned to the faculty members by the office.
- All the papers from the offices of the Chairpersons, Departments of Studies are scrutinized by the Dean, and then forwarded to the office concerned.
- Elections of AMUSU and AMU Court Membership are conducted under the Supervision of Dean